Dying Honeybees: It Was the Insecticides All Along

Jeanne Roberts (Celsias) | Reader Supported News | January 28 2012

BayerWith news that the U.S. honeybee population has been so devastated that some beekeepers will qualify for disaster relief dollars, comes a report from Purdue University that one of the causes of honeybee deaths is – as long suspected – neonicotinoids.

I say one of the causes, because the article does. In fact, the levels of neonicotinoid contamination of the powder used to spread seeds – up to 700,000 times the lethal dose – suggest that this pesticide may be the major, or precipitating, cause, with Varroa mites and other problems simply the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

And this, a myriad of causes, none of them dominant, is what agencies like the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture would have us believe, either because (as some suggest) they are understaffed to adequately investigate Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), or because some of their former (or present) members are in bed with major chemical and genetically modified (GM) seed manufacturers.

The study, by Christian Krupke (professor of entomology) and Greg Hunt (professor of genetics and honeybee specialist), explains that the contaminated powder is residue from the seed treatment. What happens is, corn and soybean seeds are treated with neonicotinoids in a talc base to keep them moving through today’s high-tech vacuum seed spreaders when it comes time to plant.

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TSA ~ Greatest Liars On Earth

Infowars | January 27 2012

A group that makes Pinocchio look honest. TSA officials are seemingly unable to the tell the truth. The lies against Rand Paul following his most recent encounter with TSA goons only serves as yet another example of blatant lies and rampant corruption from the Homeland Security-branch agency dedicated to disavowing the Bill of Rights and dismantling the economy and spirit of America– all under the pretext of fighting a foreign enemy.

From lies about the harmful radiation of the body scanners, to the dishonesty about groping children and the elderly, to lies about the false flags that dictate future policy, to the disregard for employee and passenger safety and much more, TSA has used deception at every turn to undermine travel, tourism and the American way.

Not A Peep About President’s Praise for War

Laura Flanders (The Nation) | Reader Supported News | January 27 2012

OPINION | The grades for the president’s State of the Union are in and the critics have been kind. In fact, it’s chilling to see just how few hits the president takes for couching his entire address in unqualified celebration of the US military.

Speaking of the troops, President Obama began: “At a time when too many of our institutions have let us down, they exceed all expectations.”

Post-show pundits on cable news praised the president’s comfort with his commander-in-chief role but none saw fit to mention recent news – of marines urinating on Afghan corpses, say, or Staff Sgt Wuterich walking free after participating in the killing of 24 unarmed men, women and children in Haditha, Iraq. Accompanying Obama’s next phrase, “Imagine what we could accomplish if we followed their example,” no one thus far has played vile viral video. The critics have been kind.

The president chose to celebrate the US military; the press chose not to raise a peep about the spread of US militarism. Yet US targets proliferate – abroad – with unmanned drones assassinating unconvicted suspects in innumerable undeclared wars. And militarism spreads at home. The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act makes indefinite military detention without charge or trial a permanent feature of the American legal system.  It’s kind of the critics not to mention that – or the president’s four-year-old pledge to close Guantanamo, and to restore the “rule of law.”

“They’re not consumed with personal ambition… They work together,” continued the president (again, speaking of the troops.) There are surely plenty of troops who would disagree. The tally is long of commanders and pigeon hawk commanders-of-commanders who’ve dodged responsibility, fingered underlings and permitted rank-and-file “bad-apples” to take the heat for US war crimes.

“Those of us who’ve been sent here to serve can learn a thing or two from the service of our troops,” the president concluded.

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You are a Conscious Manifesting Machine

“If you can realize who you are, it means you know where you are coming from and where you are going.” ~St. Theresa of Avila

Life Jafree Ozwald – In every moment of your life you are creating something. Whether you are materializing what you want or what you don’t want, all depends on how conscious you are in this very moment. This consciousness inside you now is ultimately determined by how relaxed you are and what you choose to fill your mind with. What types of thoughts do you invite into your mind in each given moment. When you choose to focus on thoughts that bring you into a deeper state of peace, trust and a feeling of “oneness” with life around you, you’ll instantly feel your consciousness expand. And when consciousness expands, you realize what a powerful manifestor you truly are and start engaging in the world like one.

What many people won’t tell you is that your experience of this moment of your life is the MOST important thing for you to put your attention upon. This moment may not seem like much, yet its an accumulation of the sum total of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you’ve had throughout your life and lifetimes. It’s all happening now. All the things your father, mother, siblings, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc have said to you throughout your life, are occurring inside your deeper mind, like data stored on a computer chip. What you do with this information determines the level of energy you vibrate at and the experiences you will manifest in the future.

“By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior.” ~Doc Childre and Howard Martin

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