Love Up Your Negative Thoughts and Emotions

Hello agency co-creators. I’m the juicy living tour in common ground’ Kawaii today with

Lilou: Hello Aloha. It’s good to be here with you.

Susana: Thank you. Very good to be with you, too. I don’t remember how we got in contact but it was definitely out of my interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton, amazing cell biologist.

Lilou: He’s endorsed your work. I mean, you’re really going to bring some practical tools and aspects here to his own conversation. If you haven’t seen the interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton I will link them or you can find it on YouTube by typing Bruce Lipton

Susana: This is more the practical aspect.

Lilou: Right.

Susana: Well the reason that I love his work is because he explains so beautifully why what I do works and why it’s possible and how it’s possible. He’s got a real scientific background and I brought through some transformational tools that work really well.

Much more on the interview …

SF Source Reality Crafting Institute | November 2 2011

Activate Your Dreams

Enlightening Life | February 27 2012

BeliefThis is the Archangel Uriel channeled message : Are you ready to make your dreams a reality? You know that it is all an illusion, in fact all of life is an illusion that is nothing more than an energetic manifestation at a specific vibration. There is nothing in the third dimension that is real, except your perception of it. There is nothing in the third dimension that is permanent, unless you hold an energetic space for the continued manifestation of that reality. Hope for a better future is the starting point that must be followed by activation of this as a new paradigm for the next moment. Dream a new dream for your world and activate it with your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Activation is more than physical movement, although from your human perspective you see activity as something you do with your physical body. Activation, without appropriate energetic adjustments, merely moves energy in the same direction. It is easy to want to take action to activate your dreams but to move into them with grace and ease, the other levels of activation should be implemented and this will dramatically and very quickly shift your reality. These are times of instant manifestation but to activate that energy in the desired direction, allow activation to flow from your inner self to your outer reality.

There are many levels of activation, beginning with acknowledgement, then moving into acceptance, alignment and action. Acknowledge the truth of your current reality, own its creation, take responsibility for your use of power. This allows you to accept, without judgment, the energetic space you are in at this moment. See where you are aligned, what truths you have allowed yourself to hold, what energies you have been creating with, through your beliefs and thoughts, that created this reality. Then with conscious and deliberate intention, activate your new paradigm to create the energetic space for its reality and take action in the direction you are guided to follow.

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One’s Energetic Magic

The Morning Blessing | Feb 27 2012

“There are two great days in a person’s life-the day we are born and the day we discover why.” – William Barclay

The softness of February love is [finally] accentuated this week with a profound sense of peace pooling just beneath the experiences of our daily lives. As many are accomplishing clearing out the illusions of drama, chaos, and unbalance from our realities we have set the space for something more profound to enter our experience. The flow of Magic and Miracles is set to descend upon this plane of existence and its presence is whispering to all who have ears to hear. It sits just beyond the veil of the astral field and waits for us to notice. Don’t wait for the journey of sleep to take you into this realm of Newness, ask in the waking hours to connect with this energy of expanded Love.

It is still too easy to wake and enter our day without giving attention to this higher consciousness. That is why so many still feel a little lost and directionless, and perhaps even depressed and confused right now. Our expression until now has been mind oriented and the New can only be perceived through the heart. The mind needs constant direction and movement, the heart seeks peace and stillness. When the mind can surrender its control over your being and allow the Heart to now be the command center through which we regulate all of our experiences then you will move into the organic space of Pure Being and understand the deep and significant changes in planetary energies.

Our most valuable valentine has been delivered; slow down long enough to sense its presence. It is soft, loving and gentle. You will know when you have found it for you will feel the comfort of Peace and Gentleness. It is the vibration of the new dimensional home we have moved into. It feels safe and you will automatically trust that you are protected and supported. The doubt that prayers may not be answered leaves and you simply trust that your abilities to champion all obstacles and challenges are supreme. That is because you are moving into the Higher self and elevated consciousness. You are aligned with the Higher Aspects of your spiritual being.

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Your Divine Spark

Sacred School of Om Na | February 27 2012

Celestial White Beings | With tremendous honour we step forward to exist in the energy of the Earth, we are the Celestial White Beings. Our energy always flows with the greatest of respect to those that we connect with. We see the divine spark of the Creator within each person on the Earth and we ask that this is something that you remind yourself of regularly. Now is the time to allow your divine spark to be creative, expressive and expansive.

The divine energy within your being can be given so many labels, such as your soul, inner truth or higher self. In this communication we wish for you to truly rejoice in the magic within you as if you are our magic students and we for the first time are explaining that you have magical abilities which just need to be realised. The magic within you we will name your divine spark because a spark has the potential of manifesting into something profoundly magnificent and large. Your divine spark within you is the energy of the Creator.

It doesn’t matter about your beliefs of the Creator, which name you offer the Creator or the qualities and actions you believe the Creator holds. The simple understanding needed to begin to realise your divine spark, is that the spark is an aspect of the Creator. The divine spark is whatever you believe the Creator to be and this belief may change over your lifetime and so your divine spark will alter as well. This doesn’t mean that your divine spark exists as your current beliefs or that your divine spark evolves as your understanding expands, but the truth is that your realisation is changing.

Returning to the reference to magic students, we believe that for more people they would be far more likely to believe that they are capable of magical skills than believing that the Creator exists within their being. Others may feel that the possibility of achieving magic and the possibility of the Creator existing within them both feel so distant in terms of experience and so belief is very small. The truth is that you are the Creator and you also hold magical skills, it’s just that you have chosen so far not to recognise both possibilities fully. If you were our magic students we would first start by explain to you where the magical energy within you is situated. We would then share with you how to use the magical energy starting with achieving small miracles and then progressing to greater skills, so let us achieve this now for you.

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