Accessing Your Higher Guidance With Crystals

My Spirit Team: “So you want to go on mission to Planet Earth during the Shift of the Ages?”

Me (with stars in my eyes): “Yes, I really think I can make a difference and help people.”

My Spirit Team: “Now you realize you will be going in blind, with total amnesia about who you really are and what you came there to do, right? And everyone else down there will also being dealing with a veil of forgetfulness. As children, you will all naturally soak up the social, cultural, political, and religious programs from the collective consciousness, some of which you must find a way to dismantle if you want even a slight glimpse of higher truth and light. And when you start to go against the grain of mainstream thought, you might hit some significant turbulence. It will not be easy. You understand this, right?”

Me (in full confidence): “Yes, I know I can do it!”

My Spirit Team: “You also realize that Earth is a free will planet. The full spectrum of experience is absolutely allowed there. Some people choose to create from a space of love and goodwill, while others create from a space of fear and control. Those in the latter category have amassed power and created large-scale systems that are not for the highest good of all. And many people have bought into it all. Are you prepared to live in this matrix? Do you think you will be able to rediscover your connection with Source, stay in balance, function in the reality, and still share your highest spiritual gifts in a way that positively impacts people and the planet?” Continue reading

Trusting The Divine Through Uncertain Times

“I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that we each have our own. Fear will only take us down a blind alley. Are your choices based on fear or are they based on heart felt guidance of the soul?” T Bourne

TrustWaterEyeHow much do you really trust?

Do you trust that if you do exactly what your soul is guiding you to do, you’ll be in exactly the right place at the right time and get exactly what you need to be who you truly are? Do you trust enough to do what you are ‘meant’ to do?

The world is in pretty uncertain times. If we look throughout history, we’ve undergone huge transition periods through different eras. Unthinkable things have caught unsuspecting people off guard, heart-wrenching their lives. Throughout the ages, royalty has been overthrown, good men, women and children have been enslaved, currency rendered useless, war, disease and famine have wreaked havoc. This list is endless.

What makes us so different now?

Opening our eyes

Personally, I don’t think that any of us are immune to this type of thing! The world at large has had the wool pulled over its eyes for so long, that the majority don’t even see what is really going on. Most have long since forgotten what it really means to follow the path of the soul and see through the eyes of authenticity.

I feel Heaven in my heart. It is indescribably divine, providing the deepest inspiration during my journey through life. I see it reflected externally too, but in no way do I reside in a utopic ‘La la Land’ where I negate what is going on in the world. I see the beauty in things, yet I sincerely acknowledge that there is pain and suffering in this world too. I see the path to liberation for all sentient beings. True freedom IS when we follow the path of the soul in every moment. Continue reading

Set Yourself Free

“Sooner or later, all obsolete vows need to be released in order to set yourself free from the invisible chains of self-imposed limitation. Any vows taken in past lives with no expiration date are typically inappropriate in the way they affect later lives.” O K Waters

OwenKWatersBack in the Middle Ages in Europe, the popular path towards spirituality was to become a monk or a nun. Monasteries and convents were well funded as their local populations were compelled by law to, not only attend church on Sundays, but also to donate 10 percent of their incomes to the church.

Monks and nuns took vows which relieved them of the distractions of having to make a living. They took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Freed from the distractions of laboring for pay or supporting a family, they were able to spend many hours per day in worship and contemplation. The obedience part of the vow was thrown in for good measure because it suited those in charge.

The problem is that, once a vow is taken, it becomes stored in your subconscious mind which, unlike your physical brain, lives on after death and reincarnates with your spirit into each new life.

If you are struggling today with money issues, close relationships, or you feel a lack of the initiative that could solve your problems, you probably took a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience in a past life. Such vows seemed like a good idea at the time but, because reincarnation was banned from the teachings of the Bible, no one realized what trouble this would cause in future lives. Continue reading

Let Go Of The Chase For Success

“The teachings of the Tao and other spiritual masters tell us that everything is perfect. Let’s enjoy the moment, life and everything we encounter. Look for the serenity, beauty  and diversity in everything we do, see and experience.” A D Martin

“The unaware life is not worth living.” – Socrates

ButterflyOnFlowerAre you really aware of what is going on? Do you go about life in a robotic fashion? Have you ever seriously considered why you react to certain things in a particular way? Have you ever really thought about what makes you happy? I am not talking about a short burst of excitement or joy from a special moment, or a cheap thrill that you might find at an amusement park. I am talking about sustained on-going happiness. Before you do anything else, take the time to sit down and relax for an hour or so and think about what truly gives you sustained inner happiness.

Other People’s Expectations Of Us

As a society we have become concerned with having the latest fashions, how we look and impressing others. What for? Who cares? We are trying to fulfil other people’s expectations of us. That doesn’t really make any sense. It just drives us to distraction, always trying to prove ourselves to others. Even when we succeed at creating the right look, social status, image or whatever it is we are trying to achieve, most people don’t notice. So why bother? We are wasting precious time and energy. Would it not make more sense to focus our attention toward a worthy cause as opposed to superficial tendencies? Continue reading

Truth: There Is No ‘Anti-Christ,’ And Why That Matters

“The spirit of antichrist, lawlessness and perdition are all around us, yet we do not see or understand it because we think we are waiting on a mythical ‘Anti-Christ.’ And this is why things are so bad: because the Church is not doing what Christ told it to do.” J Bakanovic

SunOnHorizonMany of my Christian readers will probably have a difficult time with this post. Most Christians — and many non-believers, as well — have been taught that Bible prophecy foretells the coming of a single world leader known as the ‘Anti-Christ.’ This is not true! In fact, the opposite is true: Scripture specifically tells us not to look for such a figure. How this myth came to be is not important at the moment, but the result of the Church having embraced this lie is. Because the Church — the body of Christ — has accepted this myth, it has missed the spirit that Scripture does tell us will multiply and grow in strength as time comes to an end.

If you think about it, how could such a single world leader ever rise to power? So long as Christ’s followers remain on earth, they would recognize and oppose him. But he has already come! In fact, many have come, many times — and the majority of the Church has failed to recognize and understand. Even today, as this spirit multiplies and grows in power within our society, our government and the majority of our social institutions — even within the Church — God’s people do not see and understand. Now I ask you: if the Church no longer recognizes the spirit of Anti-Christ, what hope does the rest of this world have? Well, personally, I think it is high time that God’s people go back to His word, read what it actually says and what it means for us today.

First, grab your concordance and look up the word ‘antichrist.’ If you do not have a concordance or a study Bible, you can go to and search for the word. You will find it occurs only four times in the entire Bible, and all four times are in the writings of the Apostle, John — whom Jesus loved. Let’s look at all four passages:

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