The Rot Within, Part II: Inflation Is Not “Growth”

The idea that you can change one input in an interconnected system of systems and only affect the one output you want is not just naive and simplistic: it requires a level of blindness and incompetence that is off the charts.” C H Smith

CharlesHughSmithJust as the Federal Reserve cannot directly force you to stick the needle of monetary heroin (debt) into your arm, it also can’t force employers to pay employees more.

The official policy of the Central Bank (Federal Reserve)/government is: inflation is necessary for “growth,” i.e. economic expansion. The unstated reason for this official support of inflation is that it’s easier for borrowers to service their debts as their income inflates.

To take an extreme example: let’s say a homeowner has a mortgage of $100,000, an annual wage of $40,000 and annual mortgage payments of $10,000. At 100% annual inflation in both prices and wages, the home mortgage remains fixed at $100,000, the payment remains fixed at $10,000 but his earnings double to $80,000.

Where the mortgage payment initially took 25% of his earnings, now it only takes 12.5%. Yippee Skippy, the homeowner has an “extra” 12.5% of his earnings to support more consumption and debt: thanks to inflation, the homeowner can now buy a car on credit and use the “extra” 12.5% of earnings to pay the auto loan. Continue reading

Multiple Universes, Parallel Realities & Time Hopping

“Whether you believe in multiple universes, realities, realms, or dimensional options … in every equation you will discover one constant red [blood-coding] thread and that is YOU. And it is the discovery of YOU which can make use of this information to further your own accelerated change towards super-intelligence . . .” D Madsen

MultipleEarthsLiving in this day and age where there are so many obvious changes and shifts on the planet through the weather upheavals, occupy movements, continual wars throughout the globe, coupled with the emotional instability of many in the nation, it is also true that many of us are waking up to something greater within ourselves. Perhaps you, too, have had unexplained experiences with the paranormal, time travel, out of body experiences, and the like and wish there was a place to get some answers. Following is a brief story and explanation of what is called a “parallel” reality. It is my hope that this article and others on my site help you understand the strange and mysterious.

West Side Story’s Many Sides

When I was around 12 years old, the movie premiere of the critically acclaimed theatrical production of “West Side Story” with Natalie WoodRichard BeymerRuss Tamblyn, and Rita Moreno, was set to air on one of the local TV stations for the very first time. (This must have been in the mid 60′s as the true USA premiere was in 1961 in New York City.) My parents wanted the whole family to sit and watch the premiere together. They were so excited, telling the five of us how much we will love this movie, how wonderful it is, and ‘we are in for a treat.’ We were planning one of our movie nights, sitting together on the dense wool carpeted floor of our living room with our snacks of chips and cookies. My parents and the household overall kept the momentum throughout the day in preparation for this major event with one exception. Me. Continue reading

Each Small Candle Lights A Corner Of The Dark

“There is nothing within us, nothing we have thought or done, that we cannot repent for, accept as true, and begin to change into wisdom and the path to wholeness. ” I Lawrence


Between painful discomfort with self and self-love is love of truth. Some may say… let go, let go, let go of the discomfort… but you know, I’m kind of an owl person: I like to go into the ‘dark’… maybe if we really can see how things come apart, we can understand how to restore ourselves on a higher level: higher because there is new information digested.

I want to look at what ‘let go’ means, as attempting to let go of what you haven’t understood and dealt with truthfully is pretty much self deceit… it remains as is, unlit and still in control.

Of course if someone cuts you off in traffic and your typical response is anger, let go of that… the world will often contradict your opinion. And the worrying and compulsive thinking, let go when you see it, and return to the present moment. Still, I’m thinking ‘let go’ must be more than that.

The collective subconscious made up of how many billions of minds… kind of hard to reflect on what’s in there at this moment. More pain than any of us could imagine, I’d venture. The feeling impact of those billions is heavily upon us now.

Within the collective there are the different fields of energy… the peoples, nations, religions and so on, each with a persona, made up of the minds within those groupings, those minds also divided. Everything is divided, and while we bravely say, “We are all one,” we, ourselves, can be divided: both within our own Selves and in our relationships with others who speak of oneness across the Internet. It’s contradictory, and from contradiction comes discomfort.

How do we actualize oneness with others? I have always believed that being considerate of another person’s or another people’s experience, and hearing their legitimate and heartfelt prayer, is fundamental to ‘one love’. But… in a tyrannical, needy, deceitful, fear-based world, such a position can be seen as weakness, and an invitation to a trampling. Continue reading

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Brain

“Next time you catch yourself falling into one of these patterns, remind yourself that you don’t have to believe everything you think. Recognize a thought as a cognitive distortion and challenge it instead.” D Alban

DontBelieveEverythingYouThinkI recently saw a bumper sticker that said “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” and it got me thinking… about thinking.

The average person has around 50,000 thoughts per day and in most people they are predominantly negative. (1)

How Thoughts Create Your Brain

Your thoughts are more than fleeting moments created by your brain. In many ways, your thoughts are your brain.

Every thought creates a neural connection. Think a thought often enough and the neural connection will get strong, particularly if there is an emotional attachment to it. Conversely, if a memory has no use or is rarely stimulated, eventually those neural connections will wither away from disuse.

Thoughts also change your brain by stimulating the production of brain chemicals which can change the structure and function of your brain.

A good example is what happens to your brain under stress. When a situation you perceive as stressful occurs, it increases your level of the stress hormone cortisol. Prolonged exposure to cortisol literally excites your brain cells to death, particularly in the hippocampus, the seat of memory. Continue reading


“If a U.S. citizen is placed on the no fly list while abroad and is turned away from a flight bound for the U.S., the guidelines say they should be referred to the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, which is prohibited from informing them why they were blocked from flying. According to the rules, these individuals can be granted a “One-Time Waiver” to fly, though they will not be told that they are traveling on a waiver. Back in the United States, they will be unable to board another flight.” J Scahill & R Devereaux


The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist

The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.

The “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance,” a 166-page document issued last year by the National Counterterrorism Center, spells out the government’s secret rules for putting individuals on its main terrorist database, as well as the no fly list and the selectee list, which triggers enhanced screening at airports and border crossings. The new guidelines allow individuals to be designated as representatives of terror organizations without any evidence they are actually connected to such organizations, and it gives a single White House official the unilateral authority to place “entire categories” of people the government is tracking onto the no fly and selectee lists. It broadens the authority of government officials to “nominate” people to the watchlists based on what is vaguely described as “fragmentary information.” It also allows for dead people to be watchlisted.

Over the years, the Obama and Bush Administrations have fiercely resisted disclosing the criteria for placing names on the databases—though the guidelines are officially labeled as unclassified. In May, Attorney General Eric Holder even invoked the state secrets privilege to prevent watchlisting guidelines from being disclosed in litigation launched by an American who was on the no fly list. In an affidavit, Holder called them a “clear roadmap” to the government’s terrorist-tracking apparatus, adding: “The Watchlisting Guidance, although unclassified, contains national security information that, if disclosed … could cause significant harm to national security.” Continue reading