Angel Messages For August 18 – 24 2014 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

What do you need to let go of? What’s the first thing that comes to mind?

This week is about Letting Go. You’ll know this week that you ARE ready and have what it takes to move forward. It’s a time of self-appreciation from the heart, not the ego. A time of honoring your beauty, inside and out, for who you are right now.

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It’s also a week of letting go of pent-up energy through the process of Creativity. You are guided to engage in creative pursuits, such as arts, crafts, music, writing, etc.

As you Let Go, you’ll find an increased sense of personal power and happiness.

SF Source Doreen Virtue


“Many, many timelines are now merging and coming together in a way that is presently inconceivable to us.  As they merge, we will start to experience the meaning of Oneness.” V Anderson

The Awakening Website  ~ During World War I, a Vietnamese named Ngo Van Chieu was an administrator for the French in Indo-China. After the war, he founded a philosophy in Tay Ninh province, in Vietnam. This philosophy is called Cao Daism – the belief in the principles of love and justice, the ongoing connection of each religion to its source, and the belief in one God. It is the assertion of Cao Daism that any believer who follows the esoteric practice of their religion will ultimately reach that same God.

30 metre Statue of the Buddha, in Nha Trang, Vietnam
30 metre Statue of the Buddha, in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Decades later, during the Vietnam war, a leading teacher of Buddhism, named Jack Kornfield, was focusing on bringing the great Eastern spiritual teachings to the West.  In the introduction to a book, titled Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings, he wrote a short story of an experience he had during the late 1960s in war-torn Vietnam. Continue reading

Destiny And Free Will

“When you step back and see destiny and free will from a wider perspective, you realize that nothing has to be absolute. If every event in your life were pre-ordained, there would be no such thing as free will or self-determination. As we do have free will, destiny cannot be fixed.” – O K Waters

OwenKWatersIn the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites – hot or cold, black or white, good or bad, this way or that way. In the expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of the one coin.

In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of hot and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Good and bad become different shades of human nature and these can be viewed without the judgment and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.

In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists, then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free will does exist, then there can be no destiny. Continue reading

The 3 Hurdles To Enlightenment

BeautyJafree Ozwald ~ The magnificent divine being that you are can easily be discovered in the next few months of your life. You simply need to be committed to dropping every idea your mind continues to create about who you are, and who you are not. By consistently letting go of the storehouse of thoughts, beliefs and concepts you hold tightly about yourself and welcoming an unlimited potential energy, you will soon make room inside your being for an awesome spiritual awakening experience to occur.

Enlightenment begins with the process of unraveling yourself. You first must understand the difference between who you are, and who you believe yourself to be before you can “unlearn” it all and experience total liberation. Get to know yourself. Discover what makes you tick and what makes you ticked off. Acknowledge that the thoughts you’ve formed around your body, reputation, bank account, and overall identity represent only a fracture of the sacred contents of your spiritual essence. The moment you recognize and know the truth of who you really are, the ideas you associate yourself with will seem silly, and simply drop away on their own accord. It’s very enlightening to experience the deep sloughing off of all these mini-identities until there is nothing left but your pure essential nature.

The more intimately you know yourself, the easier it is to find and free all the limiting ideas you have about you. It’s not that you should try to fix, change, or resist having ideas about yourself. This would simply create more suffering. The secret to enlightenment is simply not identifying with or resisting any ideas at all because you know you are pure consciousness. This sweet awareness and soul who you is so infinitely vast that there truly is no thought which can describe your real brilliance. Continue reading

JoeTouchstone ~ DIY Rainwater Catchment System

“Did you know that 30,000 to 60,000 people in Hawaii depend on rainwater for survival?” J Touchstone

RainwaterHarvestingDid you know that if you have 1,000 square feet of roof and it rains an inch or two one day, that one rainfall  has provided you with 600-1,200 gallons of water falling from your roof?

Here’s how to make use of all that water!

What You’ll Get Below

– Videos on how to build a rainwater catchment system

– Important things to avoid when building your system

– Methods of storing, testing, and purifying that water

Here we go!

In a SHTF scenario, having a rainwater catchment system will benefit you and your family in several obvious, and not-so-obvious ways.

Obvious and Not-So-Obvious Benefits 

We need water to drink, cook, bathe, clean, and grow crops, edible plants, and livestock. Obvious ways.

But if the grid goes down and stays down, how valuable will that rainwater catchment system, and all the potable water it provides, be?

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