X22 Report ~ Episode 453 – August 28 2014 [Audio]


  • The recovery illusion in the US is continuing. Q2 GDP has been revised hire to 4.2%.
  • Pending home sales decreased YoY.
  • The housing bubble mimics the housing bubble of 2008.
  • US and Ukraine are losing the war against the people of Ukraine.
  • Ukraine and the US are using the Russian invasion propaganda once again.
  • Ukraine had purchased the same T-72 tanks from Hungary on Aug 2 that are now being reported in the Ukraine.
  • President Obama wants to strike into Syria but needs a major event.
  • The central bankers are prepared to carry out a false flag event on the people of the U

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

SF Source X22Report

RT News ~ World News Links (August 28 2014)

Sub-glacial eruption of Iceland’s volcano forms row of ‘cauldrons’

A warning sign blocks the road to Bardarbunga volcano, some 20 kilometres (12.5 miles) away, in the north-west region of the Vatnajokull glacier August 19, 2014. (Reuters / Sigtryggur Johannsson)
A warning sign blocks the road to Bardarbunga volcano, some 20 kilometres (12.5 miles) away, in the north-west region of the Vatnajokull glacier August 19, 2014. (Reuters / Sigtryggur Johannsson)

Icelandic volcano activity increased on Wednesday, with scientists detecting 10-15 meters deep cauldrons of melted ice at the Vatnajökull glacier, prompting fears of an imminent eruption.

Icelandic scientists have detected a series of 10-15m deep cauldrons at Bardarbunga volcano glacier. They apparently are a result of melting following a sub-glacial eruption, the Icelandic Civil Protection Scientific Advisory Board reported. A surveillance flight over the surface of Vatnajokull has shown the cauldrons to be 1 km wide, located in a straight line some 4-6 kilometers south of the Bardarbunga caldera. Continue here . . .

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SF Source RTNews

Yale Study Finds This Daily Habit Is Hurting Your Brain

“Finally, de-cluttering might be as simple as getting rid of anything that doesn’t really add value to your life. If it isn’t beautiful, functional, or have its own dedicated space in your home, it might be time to let it go.” – C Sarich

You don’t have to be a complete hoarder to be affected by the clutter in your life. Reducing your ‘stuff’ can make you more productive, less stressed, and boost creativity. The old saying ‘less is more’ has never been more true.

In fact, researchers at Yale University recently identified two areas in the brain associated with pain, the anterior cingulate cortex and insula, which light up in response to letting go of items you own and feel a connection to. This is a secret that retailers don’t want you to know, and why stores like Apple have their products out for you to touch and feel.

One study showed that consumers who picked up and held a simple coffee mug were willing to pay 60% more for the item if they held it for a longer period of time. We literally get ‘attached’ to things, and the more we’ve spent on them or touched them and held them, the harder it is to let go. It literally hurts the brain the same way you get a physical pain – like a paper cut of a rough elbow to the chest – to let go of something you are attached to.

The more you’ve committed emotionally or financially to an item, the more you want to keep it around, but this isn’t good for you – not your physical health, your mental vitality, or even your emotional well being. Continue reading

Drinking 3 Litres Of Water Per Day Made This Woman Look Ten Years Younger

WaterPurifiesSkinBodyAfter years of suffering headaches and poor digestion, Sarah Smith spoke to a neurologist about regular headaches as well as a nutritionist about poor digestion. Both told her she should be drinking up to three litres of liquid a day for her body to function at its best. This is what happened after 4 weeks of drinking 3 litres of water daily.

Sarah asked herself what would happen if she drank the recommended amount of water every day for a month?

The “before” photograph was taken the first day she started her trial and demonstrates perfectly – and rather frighteningly – what a lack of hydration does to a face. On the left, Sarah’s lips appear shrivelled and blotches around the eyes are all classic evidence of poor hydration. After just four weeks, the “after” results are dramatic.

Every system and function in our body depends on water. It flushes toxins from the vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, and eliminates waste. Not drinking enough means all these functions become impaired. Failing to drink enough water can even make your grey matter shrink, making it harder to think, experts have warned.

3 Litres of Water a Day Made Sarah Look Ten Years Younger

Sarah consumed 3 litres of water every day for 28 days. The results were astonishing…

Week One
  • Weight: 121 lbs
  • Waist: 28 inches

Three litres of water is just over five pints, which sounds like an awful lot. Sarah’s doctor was very encouraging… “I suggest you have a big jug of water in the morning, then another in the afternoon and another in the evening’, he says. ‘Your kidneys, which filter waste products from the blood before turning it to urine, will quickly feel the benefit, as they will be getting a good flush through”. Continue reading