Your True Nature

OwenKWatersInfinite Being is the awareness behind all things.

Infinite Being IS all things.

WE are Infinite Being.

In your true nature, you are an aspect of Infinite Being and, like all things in Creation, totally unique. There is no one exactly like you in all of Creation. Your mission is to experience life from your own unique viewpoint.

The question is, deep down, do you know who you really are?

We grow up in a world that assigns roles, rules, and beliefs that typically force us into boxes that are of other people’s design. Inside that veneer of who you were trained to be on the outside is who you really are on the inside. That true and authentic inner you is your soul consciousness. Continue reading

We Are All Related

“The greatest gift we will ever receive in our life is the wisdom that everyone whom is a part of it reveals insights to the mystery of who we are. ” – I Saums

The Perfect Illusion

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailOne of the greatest lies ever invented in our society is that we are separate and alone.  Though we live in a world with billions of people, we tend to accept this belief.  In doing so, we engender and even enable a reality of separatism and loneliness.  We may believe that this is what gives us our strength, our purpose and will lead to our destiny.  We allow ourselves to become devoted to this belief, even with our spouses, our children and our family.

Such is the paradigm of the “reality” in which we have been programmed and conditioned to live our lives.  It is the realism of life that has become more of an oppression and less of a liberty.  We have become dependent upon the very lifestyle many of us condemn.  Sure, we may wake up once in a while make some noise in our frustrations of how things are and how we don’t seem to have any control over them.  Yet, after the anger and upset subsides and the daily distractions kick in, we search for the artificial security blanket that our authoritarian society is more than eager to provide.

We hand over our personal power because we simply do not know what to do with it or how to be it.  We are terrified at the notion of experiencing it, let alone living it.  We entrust it to people, organizations and things that we believe (hope and pray) will protect and provide for us.  All the while running a racket of self-distraction with our denial, egotism and our self-imposed victimization.  These are the delusions of our daily experience.  The most effective illusions are the ones we accept and adopt as our way of life which inevitably becomes our reality.

Soul Schism

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The Wrap Up Phase, Ego Death and the Birth of True Self

“. . . I get that if we truly understood the bigness of the times we live in and of the process for which we have volunteered to embody, we would be astounded. And if we truly understood who we are and what we have come here to do, we would have great respect for ourselves for participating in such a big journey.” – K Gallanti

stormyWeatherBig energy changes going on right now – if you are fatigued, depressed , having strange health issues, weird dreams and you feel your life is ending – know that this is all part of a big gigantic clearing that is going on right now. One stage of life is ending, new stages to begin soon. I get September is going to be a new beginnings month for many. Because of this, but also because of where we are at in the planetary cycle as a whole, August is a major month of wrapping up loose ends. Many whose contracts do not have the next phase on the agenda are also leaving the planet right now. Others may feel like they are leaving the planet, but are not. They are either clearing at the physical level or wrapping up a life stage, getting ready for the next chapter. A new chapter that is not just a personal new chapter, but a planetary one. We are entering into a new stage of Earth life and, as we do so, all of us are preparing or adapting to our new selves and new roles. Which sometimes requires letting go of old roles, so we can be who we need to be and where we need to be, at the right time.

For some time we have been talking of people going into higher consciousness streams in waves. Know that each wave is getting there in stages. If you feel like you are in a wrap up-ending-dying stage right now, allow the parts of your personality than need to die now, to do so, so that the new you can emerge. We are all wrapped in silk now, ready to bust out of the cocoon. But to do so, we first need to let go of all in us that is still a caterpillar. And that, is not always the most painless of processes. Especially when we fight it.

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10 Mysterious Photos That Cannot Be Explained [Video]

Mystery is always something that people enjoy. Everyone and anyone feels like they could come up with their own assumptions or theories of how, what or when something happened, and it could not be proven whether it is wrong or right. The following 10 photos and videos have experts completely baffled, leaving no definitive explanation in their wake. Find out the stories and conspiracies behind them.

  1. Does The Babushka Lady Have Evidence To JFK’s Assassination?

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