So Where Are We Now?

“Stay happy and and be well. All is within the Cosmic design. It’s ours to manifest the Divine intention and so bring real “order” out of their corrupt, engineered chaos.” – Z Gardner

HumanityNWOIt only gets weirder by the day. As the engineered ebola scare rolls out and ISIS supposedly closes in, the US and NATO are slipping into Syria as if no one is looking. Meanwhile, insane Israel is openly planning another Gaza massacre while the Ukrainian genocide continues.  If that’s not enough, the economy is on the verge of collapsing, our food, air and water continue to be poisoned, our oceans and atmosphere are dying, communities are being fracked, and Fukushima continues to erupt while the massive Yellowstone caldera threatens to.

Talk about engineered overload!

Most people’s heads are spinning wildly and they’re trying to not think about this assault on their minds, hearts and senses. This is just the environment the manipulators want – an overloaded, stunned and compliant populace, ready to be swayed like limp seaweed in the tide of their polluted propaganda.

This is a very important time to be aware consciously and not engage this news and information without remaining as aware and emotionally detached as possible. Keep an eye on things but do not partake of the poison between the lines. It is usually easily identifiable for the awakened but when there’s an avalanche of wave after wave of sensational events and news we can lose perspective and unwittingly fall prey to their toxic designs and intentions.

Ebola Conditioning and the Knee-jerk Effect

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The Duality Of The Polarity Of Prejudice

“Racism is the deceit of the senses of lazy mind, and shows its ignorance in a scientifically verifiable way, for only the human eye sees colors as humans do.” – E I Smith

BlackWhiteBabiesAccording to the Hopi, there are red, yellow, purple and white people. Synonymous with the colors of corn, each color is related to an element. Red people are the guardians of earth, yellow people are the guardians of air, purple people are the guardians of water and white people are the guardians of fire.

People of any color can potentially lose their way and become two-hearted. The term two-hearted comes from the Hopi concept that people originally have one heart and are good natured. People who lose their way – who succumb to greed and ego, who lose the conscious connection that can only exist in the moment – acquire a whole other heart to feed.

The Duality of the Polarity

When it comes to the question of race, the only real differences are shades and hues. People are more similar than different. We are fundamentally the same, but appear in this reality in slightly different forms. And while our cultures and traditions may differ, they are all human traditions after all.

Yet, although we are all human and we are all one, we humans have subdivided, grouped and categorized each other into numerous more races than four. However, for the basic descriptive purposes of this article, four is enough of a distinction to draw. Continue reading

How Can We Survive?

“I always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper.” – Chautauqua



Well, here it is 3:00 AMagain with me still wide awake; four nights in a row, unable to sleep, or to command my mind to stop thrashing about seeking some clarity amid the chaos of mankind’s dark night of the soul.

I light up another cigarette with bemused disgust, knowing it’s bad for my health, knowing it probably makes no difference, considering.

When this Ebola outbreak began I tried to tell myself that it was just more of the same old fear pandering we are so accustomed to, tried to pass it off as just that; despite knowing better.

For most of my life I’ve been prone to psychic flashes, even full-on visions every so often. The strongest visions have always happened during dream states, but occasionally when I think I’m drifting off for a nap it will blossom into a kind of mini-vision, or lucid daydream. It is something like what my friend Soren Dreier calls going into the morph. While he has mastered the technique, I have mostly been content to just take what comes. Continue reading

Building An Ark: How To Protect Public Revenues From The Next Meltdown

“As we peer into the jaws of another economic meltdown, moving our public funds into our own banks is an investment we can hardly afford not to make.” – E Brown

EllenBrown2Concerns are growing that we are heading for another banking crisis, one that could be far worse than in 2008.  But this time, there will be no government bailouts. Instead, per the Dodd-Frank Act, bankrupt banks will be confiscating (or “bailing in”) their customers’ deposits.

That includes local government deposits. The fact that public funds are secured with collateral may not protect them, as explained earlier here. Derivative claims now get paid first in a bank bankruptcy; and derivative losses could be huge, wiping out the collateral for other claims.

In a September 24th article titled “5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives, Michael Snyder warns:

Trading in derivatives is basically just a form of legalized gambling, and the “too big to fail” banks have transformed Wall Street into the largest casino in the history of the planet. When this derivatives bubble bursts (and as surely as I am writing this it will), the pain that it will cause the global economy will be greater than words can describe.

The too-big-to-fail banks have collectively grown 37% larger since 2008. Five banks now account for 42% of all US loans, and six banks control 67% of all banking assets.

Besides their reckless derivatives gambling, these monster-sized banks have earned our distrust by being caught in a litany of frauds. In an article in Forbes titled “Big Banks and Derivatives: Why Another Financial Crisis Is Inevitable,” Steve Denning lists rigging municipal bond interest rates, LIBOR price-fixing, foreclosure abuses, money laundering, tax evasion, and misleading clients with worthless securities.

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