Nine Of The Biggest Myths People Believe About The System

Simon Black – Years ago, an elderly, frail Japanese martial arts master once boasted a 200-0 record against his opponents.

He claimed to have a unique power that allowed him to inflict serious injury on people without actually laying a finger on them.

Was it Chi? Magic? None of the above. It was a total scam. But that didn’t matter.

You see, the legend of the master’s powers turned out to be far more powerful than reality.

His core following of students believed in the master so much that they would fling themselves across the dojo whenever he raised his pinky finger.

And anyone who saw the display would become transfixed by the perception of the mater’s extraordinary abilities. It was an incredible case of mass delusion.

Everyone believed it, including the master himself. He was so confident in his skills that he put up a $5,000 challenge that he could beat any fighter in the world.

A mixed martial arts champion accepted the wager, and the result wasn’t pretty.

As you can see in the video, the master is quickly knocked to the ground with a broken nose and a pool of blood. Observers scramble to find a doctor to come to his aid. Continue reading

New Study: Monsanto’s #1 Herbicide Directly Linked to Chronic Disease Spike

RoundUpA new correlation study published in the Journal of Organic Systems has linked glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup, to an enormous increase in chronic diseases across the United States.

Supporting countless studies before it, this new report is a detailed analysis proving an undeniable link between glyphosate-based herbicides and the rates of chronic disease all over the country.

Dr. Nancy Swanson and the President of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Andre Leu, led the research team which proved – once again – that glyphosate and Roundup are lethal, even in small amounts.

The chemical is prevalently used on crops across the nation and world. Friends of the Earth Europe, says that more than 650,000 tonnes of glyphosate products were used over five years ago, with the amount being used increasing each year.

This increase in use is contributing to the development of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism disorder, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, autism, and cancer. The report details how there is a direct correlation between the incidence of these diseases and glyphosate use.

It isn’t as if the toxicity levels of glyphosate are not already known by its makers. Monsanto was refusing to release to the public lab tests conducted in St. Louis, Missouri, which gave them authority to use glyphosate in China.

This is the company that is responsible for making PCBs, DD.T and Agent Orange as well, all of which caused irreparable health damage ignored by regulators for decades.

Glyphosate-based herbicides have been identified as the next widely used chemical on a list of chemicals consumers should be aware of. Continue reading

Buddhist Monks Bless Tea With Good Intention – Here’s What Happened

“Consciousness is powerful, and a big threat to the ones who want to control us, and force us into a system that doesn’t resonate. If you control the consciousness of the people, control their perception, you control the world. It’s time for us to take back control, and create a new experience for the human race.” – A Walia

manBeliefStatesIntentionIt’s become clear to more and more people that consciousness is directly correlated with our physical material world. Numerous scientific studies have proven that our consciousness is directly correlated to it, and through our consciousness, we can directly influence our physical world in more ways than one. One example of this is how the mind has a capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators(1) Another example are the multitude of declassified papers that deal with ‘paraphsychological’ phenomenon. For example, government experiments revealed human beings are capable of bending physical material objects with their minds.(2)(3) Another great example is what’s known as the “double slit experiment.” This study found that factors associated with consciousness such as meditation, experience, and electrocortical markers of focused attention have an influence on material reality. (4) I also think it’s important to throw in the remote viewing experiments conducted by the NSA, CIA and Stanford University. (5) 

Another great example is the Placebo Effect, the documented fact that we can transform our biology with belief.

We constantly receive comments saying that there is no scientific evidence for the correlation between consciousness and physical material reality. However, there are a number of published studies done by experts, for experts, scientists, and academic institutions all over the world. Work is available in a number of respected peer reviewed journals that clearly demonstrate it. For a selected list of more examples click here. Continue reading

Sun Sensuality

“Though we are seeing the potential for harmful events, I am getting the clear message, this energy will not harm us, but wake us up by rewiring our light bodies. The energy is very feminine in nature and so it’s energy is gentle, loving, and direct. This energy has an important purpose and has been planned for in a cosmic sense.” – C Johnston

SunSenualityStarting at the end of October, the sun became more active. We saw the largest sun spot we have experienced in over 25 years sending us some powerful energy, but we did not witness any coronal mass ejections during the many “X and C” class flares. Those who watch these events and are responsible for the electrical grids and our satellites were on high alert because a large enough x-class flare hitting us, can wipe out electrical grids for months and destroy satellites that we depend on.

The sun is conscious and is our “organizing” principle here in the solar system. The sun dictates ,energetically speaking, what takes place in our world. Our sun is currently aligning and having a “rendevous” with the galactic center of our Galaxy. The Ancients such as the Egyptians and Mayans referred to that Galactic Center as our Central Sun, or our Solar Logos. The rare alignment activates our sun, and the sun changes energy and how it interacts with our solar system. The Mayan’s knew this alignment took place and hence why they were able to point to this time in history as a new time. Our sun will change, our solar system will change and so will Earth, and what happens to Earth happens within us.

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