DNA – Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

DNA1The Golden One (22nd Teaching) ~ Your DNA is made up of four elements of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen which consist of 64 amino acid codes. The DNA is an amplifier, which when vibrates, attracts the Quantum Particles of atoms and molecules which brings matter into manifestation. The more vibratory your DNA is the louder the amplification, the more frequency is produce which attracts the matter necessary to bring your manifestations into a reality. Only a small fraction of the amino acid codes in your DNA are “Turn-On”, approximately 20 of the 64 amino acid codes are active or “Turn-On.” What is causing such a low number of the amino acid codes within your DNA from not being “Turn-On” is most of souls are vibrating at a slower rate. There are two emotions which determines the vibratory rate of your DNA, LOVE and FEAR.

LOVE has a very high and rapid vibratory rate while FEAR has a very long and low vibratory rate. By allowing FEAR to occupy your consciousness, you vibrate at a long and low rate, which skips over the amino acid codes. If you consciously replace the FEAR with LOVE in your consciousness, you would vibrate higher and more rapid, consciously activating more amino acid codes in your DNA, creating a frequency to attract more Quantum Particles of matter, which would quickly bring your manifestations and dreams into a reality. Continue reading

Lighten Up!

“We must starve the fear loop of our attention, and energy – look away, raise your vibration above it like a balloon flying above the storm.” – Chautauqua

BalloonsSkyLightSo, you’ve been on the spiritual path a good while now, and feeling pretty OK with your progress. You’ve read the books, attended the whole life expos, and generally processed & integrated your assets off. In your quest of becoming you have opened your heart, learned gratitude and forgiveness; all while wrestling with your ego for control of your life. Because you know what it’s about, you just say you’re a work in progress.

It certainly hasn’t been easy getting to this point, and all indications are it’s about to get a good deal more difficult in the days ahead. These are halcyon days we’re living through, lots going on that demands our attention; maintaining ourselves is more important than ever now…and maybe you even sense that too. Have you noticed recently that some hard lessons & bad memories have returned from whatever void you banished them to?

In recent months have you suddenly been overwhelmed by these negative memories & emotions from the past; when you weren’t even thinking on the subject to begin with? Most likely you haven’t done anything to trigger such a release, so you sure as hell don’t expect them when they hit. Have the ugly brothers regret, remorse & resentment been trying to move back into your subconscious? Continue reading

The Controversial Afterlife Of King Tut

“A frenzy of conflicting scientific analyses have made the famous pharaoh more mysterious than ever” – M Shaer

A new computer reconstruction depicts Tut with a club foot and a “feminizing” hormone disorder. (VVC / Smithsonian Channel)
A new computer reconstruction depicts Tut with a club foot and a “feminizing” hormone disorder. (VVC / Smithsonian Channel)

The Valley of the Kings lies on a bend in the Nile River, a short ferry ride from Luxor. The valley proper is rocky and wildly steep, but a little farther north, the landscape gives way to gently rolling hills, and even the occasional copse of markh trees. It was here, in a humble mud-brick house, that the British Egyptologist Howard Carter was living in 1922, the year he unearthed the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, forever enshrining both the boy king and himself in the annals of history.   \

These days, the house serves as a museum, restored to its nearly original state and piled high with Carter’s belongings—a typewriter, a camera, a record player, a few maps, a handful of sun hats. Toward the back of the museum is a darkroom, and out front, facing the road, is a shaded veranda.

On the September day I visited, the place was empty, except for a pair of caretakers, Eman Hagag and Mahmoud Mahmoud, and an orange kitten that was chasing its own shadow across the tiled floor.

Most of the lights had been turned off to conserve electricity, and the holographic presentation about Carter’s discovery was broken. I asked Hagag how many visitors she saw in a day. She shrugged, and studied her hands. “Sometimes four,” she said. “Sometimes two. Sometimes none.” Continue reading

Evolving Beyond The Dark

“One must individually be transmuted, transformed from top to bottom, from the energy bodies down to the physical body by these higher frequency Light Energies to literally have their DNA, dualized brain halves, consciousness, energy bodies and physical body integrated, unified, evolved and “ascended” up to the next frequency range and level(s). ” – D Le Fay

ManMeditatesOnTopOfWorldThis article is specifically for the people from around the world who’ve emailed me over the years with the same horrible, difficult problem; they’ve been activated by the Ascension Process which causes them to “wake up” more spiritually, energetically and consciously and due to this they’re suddenly experiencing attacks from negative, low-frequency nonphysical, nonhuman beings, entities and living humans or Team Dark as I often refer to all of them.

As humanity continues evolving beyond the old lower frequency blueprints of the last Great Evolutionary Cycle—that fully expired on December 21, 2012—all that was doesn’t want to lose its control, power, food and fuel sources which has been living and dead humanity on Earth for thousands of years. I’m not going into detail over the old lower energies, players, duality, consciousness and such in this because I and others have already written much about it all. What I want to focus on in this article is why so many people experience negative Astral, psychic, and often physical attacks from different Team Dark beings and humans both while awake and in-body and while asleep and out-of-body.

Very simply put, Team Dark doesn’t want any human to escape the dense and tiny frequency range they have existed within for so long. If you and I escape that lower frequency range, which is exactly what we’re doing thanks to the natural Divine evolutionary push from the NEW Evolutionary Cycle and its NEW energy blueprints etc., then who are Team Dark going to sustain themselves off from? And so they attack most humans when they sense that person is “waking up”, is naturally evolving due to the Ascension Process and therefore will soon literally rise in frequency and rate or “ascend” out of that lower frequency range and consciousness etc. into a much higher one that they cannot enter, touch or influence in any way whatsoever.

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