GM Food Causes Deadly Bacteria To Grow In Your Gut

“As research on the toxicity of glyphosate (and Roundup) accumulates, the consumer has only one option available to avoid inevitable harm: namely, avoid at all costs foods that are produced within this chemical-dependent agricultural model,” – S Ji

GlyphosateA new study titled, “The Influence of Glyphosate on the Microbiota and Production of Botulinum  Neurotoxin During Ruminal Fermentation,” confirms a growing suspicion that GM foods tainted with the ubiquitous agrochemical Roundup is causing widespread changes in the microbiome of those who consume them, resulting in bodily changes that are believed to lead to a wide range of lethal diseases.

As we reported in 2012, in an article titled “Roundup Herbicide Linked To Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria,” a growing body of research points to the world’s most popular herbicide as causing dysbios (pathogenic alteration of gut bacteria), a condition which profoundly affects and alters the so-called holobiont, or total set of organisms that make up our bodily constitution, and as a consequence, health. Because we depend on the proper selection and quantity of bacterial strains with which we co-evolved over countless eons, any significant disruption of the commensal ties to this microbial universe will result in a state of suboptimal functioning, ultimately leading to disease. Continue reading

Total Eugenics System Overview [Video]

An Interview on the Techno Death Cult with Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis.


Truthstream’s Aaron Dykes and Jay Dyer discuss the overarching themes of the control system, including details of the Eugenics paradigm, the Scientific Dictatorship, Fabian Socialism, Orwell v. Brave New World and key films containing dystopic themes.

Via Jay: In this interview, Aaron and I discuss Bertrand Russell, the Fabian Society, the Cold War dialectic, breakaway civilization, and a selection of science fiction films Aaron found to be

Check out these recommended dystopic films, full of new world order/eugenic themes:

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Eating These 3 ‘Fatty’ Foods Can Make You Thinner

Do you shun fatty foods because you fear eating fat will make you fat? If so, it’s time to re-evaluate your view on food with fat, as many of them are great for your health and can actually help you lose weight! In addition, many fatty foods offer a powerful boost to the brain, which is about 60% fat and needs constant replenishment to work well. Not surprisingly, each of these foods is naturally occurring and has been either very minimally processed or not processed at all.

Have a look at these 3 fatty foods that can actually help you lose weight.

1. Coconut Oil

CoconutOilThis oil is nature’s richest source of medium-chain fatty acids that lead to weight loss. Most plant-based fats are made up of long chain  fatty acids, which are typically stored in the body as fat. On the other hand, medium chain triglycerides are transported directly to the liver to promote thermogenesis (the production of heat), which increases body metabolism and spurs weight loss.

Coconut oil is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Scientists at the University of Nebraska have found that mice fed a diet rich in coconut oil were more trim and fit than mice fed a diet high in soybean oil due to coconut oil’s level of CLA.

What’s more, the fatty acids in coconut oil are turned into ketones, which can supply energy for the brain. Researchers are now studying ketones as an alternative energy source for malfunctioning cells that lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s. Continue reading

Turn It OFF! The Massively Manipulative Marketing Meme

TVSet_mindControlThe massively manipulative marketing meme may seem to be common knowledge to most, but to what degree? Do people really see the depths and breadths these conniving controllers are willing to stoop to in order to control the mass mind according to their greedy, parasitic intentions?

Here are a few examples that will resonate and help plant your feet squarely in the camp of the observing enlightened. These exposures portray clearly what we’re witnessing daily in the constructed matricized world around us, and why we should steer clear of it.

First, an overview of the subtle yet obvious trickery of modern advertising.

Pay close attention!

It’s not as simple as it may appear and you’ll soon see these memes and themes all around you in a fresh and empowered fashion.

Turn it off at the source – you. With cutting off the TV will come and other channels of transmission which in turn will help identify other levels of this matrix program.

The Generic Brand

How advertising works – “This is a generic brand video…”

[youtube=] Continue reading

Accounting Tricks And Tips

Accounting is a popular career choice, due to being in such high demand and entailing excellent financial prospects. It offers tremendous job stability, employing over 1,275,000 people nationwide. With a median income of $63,550 per year, and a projected growth rate of 13 percent over the next decade, it’s obvious why so many people turn to accounting as a lifelong profession. Accounting offers not only a stable job, but also the opportunity to grow and advance within the industry. By implementing a few basic tools into your daily job performance, you can increase your likelihood of getting a raise or promotion.

Pursue Higher Education

Education is pivotal in today’s workforce. If you seek to move up in your current job, you must first ensure you have the necessary credentials to warrant greater responsibility. If you’ve only earned your bachelor’s, consider pursuing a master’s. Possessing a master’s in accounting is essential if you hope to substantiate your qualifications and rise in the field.

Go Above and Beyond


Image via Flickr by kenteegardin

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