New Harvard Study Discovers Concerning Information About Antibiotics

AntibioticsAlexander Fleming discovered penicillin in the 1940s, and it has been used as a poster child for ‘safe’ antibiotics ever since. Fleming’s discovery heralded the ‘age of antibiotics,’ but new research from Harvard scientists reveals concerning information about antibiotics, confirming that the antibiotic age is coming to an end.

Penicillin has been called better than the ‘big gun’ antibiotics for treating pneumonia and other childhood diseases, but it that really true in a new age of antibiotic resistance created by their overuse? Even the corrupt FDA admits that antibiotic misuse and overuse is a problem.

According to the Harvard summary:

“One of the oldest and most widely used antibiotics, penicillin, attacks enzymes that build the bacterial cell wall. Researchers have now shown that penicillin and its variants also set in motion a toxic malfunctioning of the cell’s wall-building machinery, dooming the cell to a futile cycle of building and then immediately destroying that wall.”

This would be a simple microbial process that we could take for granted if it weren’t for the resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics that has emerged in the last few decades. The fact is that scientists still don’t really know how the original ‘age of antibiotics’ worked.

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Joseph P Farrell ~ The GMO Scrapbook: Russia Launches Intergenerational Study Of GMO Food

“. . . now, no matter where I go, the sight of bees is abut as rare an event as the sighting of a golden eagle – is but one indicator that something is seriously wrong with I.G. Monfarbensanto’s Bought And Paid for “Science.” ” – J P Farrell

GMO_Tomato1This one was shared by Mr. V.T., and it’s another little indicator that GMOs, as an international and environmental issue, simply are not going to go away:

Largest international study into safety of GM food launched by Russian NGO

What’s interesting here is that this study will be conducted by what the U.K.’s The Guardian is calling an “NGO,” a “non-government organization,” you know, like the kind of non-government organizations the USA has been using in its so-called “color revolutions” to overthrow governments it doesn’t like and install ones accept to it and its corporate masters.

One should note the following paragraphs:

“According to the Nags, the experiment will try to establish whether the GM maize and its associated herbicide cause cancers, reduce fertility or cause birth defects. The scientists also want to know whether the mixture of chemicals present in Roundup (Monsanto’s tradename for its glyphosate herbicide) are more or less toxic than its active ingredient glyphosate.

“Farmers, governments, scientists and consumers around the world have been involved in an intense debate since GM foods were introduced in 1994. But while there have been many thousands of studies conducted, mostly by GM companies, which show that there is no health risk, government regulators have not required evidence of long-term safety and deep mistrust has built between different “sides”.

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The Failed Politics And Faulty Science Of Climate Change

 “The narrow, pseudo-scientific global warming debate is over – as is the need for any further debate on our destructive environmental practices. What is needed is systemic change. Now. It is the only way humanity has any hope of surviving — no matter what the temperature.” – E I Smith & A Whiteley


The climate change/carbon emissions debate is over. It’s a redundant distraction to the broader actuality of humanity’s blatantly destructive environmental practicesThe question at the core of the ‘climate’ discussion is not if the planet is warming, or whether carbon levels are to blame, the question is whether our current way of life on planet earth is sustainable. Yet this supposedly “scientific” debate has deteriorated to narrow, ill-informed political rhetoric that keeps us debating the details, not the central issue.

Is human activity negatively affecting our planet’s health, and risking humanity’s future? – Yes.  Are our current practices sustainable? – No.  Are carbon emissions altering our environment such that it is causing global temperatures to increase? – Inconsequential to the broader matter at hand.

Whatever the temperature may be, or how wild the storms, it is only a symptom of our collective disconnection from Mother Nature. Living a lifestyle that is incompatible with nature, we have allowed our atmosphere, water, soil and food supplies all to be ruined by ever-increasing environmental, industrial and agricultural poisons. And now, with unprecedented rates of disease affecting ‘developed’ nations, our increasingly toxic reality — changing climate or not — is reason enough to end this narrow ‘carbon’ rhetoric and initiate the many systemic reforms we know are now essential to our survival. Continue reading

We’ve Habituated To A Rigged, Fraudulent Market

“Fraud generates risk, and risk eventually breaks out in the “safest” parts of the financial plumbing, the ones nobody gives a second thought to because they’re “low risk.”” – C H Smith

CharlesHughSmithLet’s go all the way back to the last time a central banker actually spoke the truth in public: December 5, 1996, 18 long years ago. It was on that day that Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan gave a typically dry speech that hinted stocks could actually become overvalued (gasp!) due to irrational exuberance and subsequently plummet when rational valuations returned:


Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets. We can see that in the inverse relationship exhibited by price/earnings ratios and the rate of inflation in the past. But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?

Global stock markets promptly sold off hard at the shocking revelation that stocks might actually become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions. This sharp reaction to a fundamental truth about markets–that they are prone to the irrational exuberance of participants, and the computer trading programs keyed to this momentum magnify the irrationality–caused central bankers to avoid any upsetting truth from then on. Continue reading

Democracies Always ‘Led By People That Push For More War’ [Video]

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh says there is a fatal flaw in democracies that leaves them pushing for war, and says the US and its allies have for years funded the extremist groups which became ISIS, and fed us a narrative that is very hard to change.


Sculptor Davide Dormino talks about his project to create bronze sculptures in tribute to Assange, Manning, and Snowden, men that ‘break the system’ and change everything. We take a look at some of the more questionable views of David Cameron’s poverty tsar, co-author of a paper soon to be released on hunger and food poverty. And we look at the headlines in breaking views, with flags, bombs, torture and whiskey hitting the headlines.

Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the war against ISIS.

SF Source RT  Dec 8 2014