Mind Control: The Attempt To Program Life

“The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

MindControl2Here’s a research project that tells you something about where mind control is going. From MIT News, 8/27/14:

“The findings, described in the Aug. 27 issue of Nature, demonstrated that a neuronal circuit connecting the hippocampus and the amygdala plays a critical role in associating emotion with memory. This circuit could offer a target for new drugs to help treat conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, the researchers say.

“’In the future, one may be able to develop methods that help people to remember positive memories more strongly than negative ones,’ says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and senior author of the paper.”

Translation: blot out emotions connected with memories.

Tinker with memory, re-program neurons, change brain chemistry…these are the hallmarks of modern efforts to condition human life.

The science is spotty, to say the least, but the effort is enormous, and the direction is clear. Continue reading

The Bizarre Future Of Genetic Engineering For The Masses

DNAOver the past five years we’ve seen technologies like 3D printing go from making plastic cubes, to making plastic firearms. It’s a huge game changer that allows the individual to make tools that once required a factory full of workers to build. It has essentially lowered the barrier to entry for the manufacturing industry, and as this technology progresses, it could fundamentally change the world we live in.

But does 3D printing stand alone in this regard? Are there other emerging technologies that might democratize fields beyond manufacturing, such as medicine or energy production? Surely, we could benefit from devices that allow the everyman to diagnose their own ailments, or cheaply produce all their energy needs. But what about genetic engineering? What if everyone could access the tools required to modify DNA, and do so in the comfort of their own home?

Before any of us have had the chance to question the ethical implications of such a device, it has already to been invented. The Singularity University, which was founded by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis, and is funded by mega corporations like Google, has unveiled a device that can create millions of strands of DNA from scratch, and they think it will allow DNA to become a “consumer product”. Buckle-up, you’re about to see ego and hubris at its finest (skip to the 2 minute mark if you don’t want to listen to Kurzweil blather on about The Singularity).

[youtube=http://youtu.be/HCKpl_T5r_I] Continue reading

The Awakening Springs Unstoppable

“All the hocus-pocus of media entrainment has one goal – disempowerment. They cannot kill our bodies as hard as they try. They cannot suppress love and truth, and they cannot stop the tide of the awakening, despite the naysayers and critics. We are it.” – Z Gardner


People don’t realize the effects of their actions, words and decisions as they seem to take so long to take effect in the long run. That’s a manifestation of the semi-conscious mind at work. We expect quick results when so much is way deeper than surface appearances and understandings.

I’m addressing the awakening and those working to effect it. If these controllers can work their nefarious program this slowly over centuries, so must we be willing to see our desired arousal of humanity in many ways. Admittedly we need something fast and furious in light of what they’re foisting upon humanity, but it’s an organic process, much like spring reaching the roots and branches of budding nature which blossoms in the crescendo of life.

Seemingly slowly, yet all encompassing and of a synchronized and massively magnificent magnitude – a wondrous demonstration of irrepressible life!

Don’t Be Fooled

On their imposed time frame and mindset we may appear to be weak and powerless. That’s a total illusion, a lie of the baser sort designed to engender weakness and a lack of fight. We are everything. Our united stand in conscious awareness and brotherhood is exactly what they fear and are trying to dispel at every cost. Continue reading

Who Benefits When Bubbles Burst?

“Blowing speculative bubbles cannot possibly lead to organic growth because speculative bubbles fatally undermine the real economy.” – C H Smith

CharlesHughSmithAn astute reader recently posed an insightful question: we all know who benefits from asset bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estate–owners of assets, banks, the government (all those luscious capital gains and rising property taxes), pension funds, brokers and so on. But who benefits from the inevitable collapse of these asset bubbles?

If asset bubbles end badly for virtually every participant, then why does the system go to extremes to inflate them? This is an excellent question, as it goes right to the heart of our dysfunctional Status Quo.

Broadly speaking, there are three possible answers:

1. The system has no choice left but to blow serial bubbles.

2. Bubbles are domestic opportunities for Shock Doctrine-type crises that enable further consolidation of power.

3. Those in charge of the Status Quo believe the fantasy that the next bubble will usher in the long-awaited return to organic growth, i.e. expansion that isn’t dependent on central bank stimulus, enormous fiscal deficit spending, ginned-up statistics, etc.

Let’s consider each possible answer more closely. Continue reading

Heart Consciousness Is Love

heart_cloudWithin the awareness of the heart, we realize our unity consciousness with all.  Humanity is non-local, non-dual, and of no time.  Our journey of remembering, restoring, and transforming consciousness is to be our Divine multidimensional awareness within the body.

When our awareness is in heart consciousness, we are Divine awareness experiencing the infinite in the holographic frequency bandwidth on Earth.  In the heart, we open to who we are as love.  Within our interior from the heart, our energy flows to the exterior—inner and outer unite as one movement of being.

From within the current 3D frequency range of consciousness, Wilhelm Reich described the two inclinations of moving toward the world or moving away from the world.  When we love, electric potential flows outward to the world as shown by the body’s increased electrical charge on the extremities (i.e., measurements of pleasure sensations on the skin).  Thus, when our awareness is in the heart, we have full connectivity with the cosmos.  The soul and body is then in perfect harmonic resonance as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of information, consciousness, and energy.  When in the personality of the linear thinking mind, the electric potential decreases in a retreat that is anxiety.

In the heart, we are creation, cosmos, and the dimensionless spiritual realms.  Living in the interior of the heart creates the dynamic peaceful power of moving outward to all.  We awaken to our true Divine soul of an infinite expansion of our soul-body consciousness.  It is the experience and expression of reality.

Instantaneous Communication Through Soul-Body Unity

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