COMER Vs Bank Of Canada (Jan 2015) [Video]

COMER (Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform EST. 1986) and constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati won yet another round of appeals. Galati the most prominent constitutional lawyer in the country says he does not believe Canada is a democracy any longer and that the media is controlled by the government.


Rocco Galati the most prominent constitutional lawyer in the country says he does not believe Canada is a democracy any longer and that the media is controlled by the government.

SF Source Lawrence McCurry

(Thanks, Nick)

Racial Racket Ball [Video]

Al Sharpton has declared an emergency meeting of his Diversity Panel since all of this year’s Best Actor / Actress and Best Supporting Actor / Actress nominees are white.


In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows the history of this Racial Racket Ball, leading back to its inventor, Jesse Jackson. It’s a long, long way from these racial grievance hustlers to the subject of SELMA.

SF Source  TruthRevoltOriginals  Jan 30 2015

(Thanks, Minty)

These Common Over-The-Counter Drugs Linked To Alzheimer’s And Other Forms Of Dementia

As a young psychiatrist, Ramsey admits that he couldn’t help but question whether or not he was actually helping his patients heal by prescribing antidepressants. This was a large turning point for Ramsey, after which he began focusing on diet as a means to heal our brains.

A new study clearly shows common over-the-counter medications widely used for asthma, allergies, and insomnia increase the risk for dementia. The study also found that the risk may not be reversible, even after several years off of these medications.

The drugs studied are anticholinergic drugs, which block a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in the central and the peripheral nervous system. These drugs are available over-the-counter and through prescriptions. Many are used on a regular, long-term basis to treat a variety of medical complaints including: Continue reading

Bill Gates Calls For ‘Global Government’

Billionaire claims world government “badly needed” to save the earth

BillGates_VaccinesBillionaire Bill Gates called for “a kind of global government” this week, arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.”

Speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper Tuesday, Gates decried the fact that a proper United Nations system has failed to materialize as planned.

“You can make fun of it, but in truth it was sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individual who behave like the UN system failed,” Gates said according to an English translation in the Huffington Post.

Gates went on to stress his position further, stating that a global government was “badly needed” in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.

“Take the UN, it has been created especially for the security in the world. We are ready for war, because we have taken every precaution. We have NATO, we have divisions, jeeps, trained people,” Gates said. “But what is with epidemics? How many doctors do we have as much planes, tents, what scientists? If there were such a thing as a world government, we would be better prepared.”

The billionaire made headlines last week after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries, a program that would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems. Continue reading