Transmuting Fear Into Love

SteveRotherGreetings from Home, dear ones.

The energy of this day is magical beyond your understanding. You have found a vision of your future that very few humans have ever seen. You are accustomed to looking at your history only after the fact. F possibly the first time in the evolution of humanity, you have the ability of looking forward on the timeline. Now there are challenges, and adjustments have to take place. Much is in motion, dear ones. As you have seen from your financial perspective, and even your astrological perspective, you are now going to hear of spirit’s view. Basically you went through a change, a major shift. We had predicted this and talked about at the end of your 12-12-12. That portal was actually much bigger than most people understood and as you went through the energy, you started a wave. That wave has its precession and its recession—it goes forward and comes back again. Many times when it goes forward you consider that to be the advancement of humanity. As it washes back, which is its natural reaction; it has a tendency to bring out some of the worst of humanity. Well, that is what you have been experiencing continually on your planet ever since going through that portal.

A Wave Moving Back and Forth

So, now you have a new energy starting to land on planet Earth. It is bringing those things that you have been dreaming of, the possibilities of being conscious creators on your planet. Although we tell you of the greatness of moving into this energy and the tremendous abilities that you will uncover as you do, we also tell you there is a lot of adjustment that needs to take place for this to happen. That adjustment will be seen as a wave coming in and a wave moving back. Continue reading

Alex Tsakiris Talks About Science [Audio]

 James speaks with Alex Tsakiris, host of Skeptiko and author of “Why Science is Wrong… About Almost Everything,”

They discuss the nature of consciousness and the failure of the “biological robot” paradigm, science as a methodology vs. science as a cultural, societal and political authority, and talk about the nature and likelihood of a true revolution in consciousness.

SHOW NOTES: James’ Appearance on Skeptiko

Skepticality Hosts Skeptiko, Blake Smith, Ben Radford, Karen Stollznow

SF Source TheCorbettReport  Feb 19 2015

How Monsanto Is Destroying The Brains And Health Of Everyone [Audio]

Dr. Matthew Buckley, PSc.D. entered the health care field largely to understand and resolve his personal struggles with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia which began late in his teens. His ongoing study of functional medicine, nutrition, nutrigenomics, applied kinesiology, and energetic medicine has provided him with keen insight and understanding into the holistic dynamics of the body and how we lose and maintain our health.


He has maintained a busy practice in Austin, Texas for the past 13 years and works with people of all ages interested in maximizing their health, and overcoming the modern scourge of all forms of chronic illness. Continue reading

The Case Against Imminent Economic Collapse

“They Can Keep Bailing Things Out for Several More Years Without Fear of Collapse” – J Skousen

This week, I’m going to diverge from my normal preparedness tips and switch to my geopolitical expertise as the editor of the World Affairs Brief ( .  I feel the need to address the root controversy about what we are preparing for. I field more questions from subscribers and preppers each week on the subject of economic collapse than any other topic, and despite the failure of all these collapse predictions since 2010, they are back again in 2015.

And, it’s no wonder. There is an unending flow of predictions of complete and imminent collapse coming from both the uninformed and some very bright financial newsletter writers on the conservative/libertarian side such as Jim Rickards, Peter Schiff, Michael Snyder, R.G. Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, John Williams (, Mike Maloney, and Mike Dillard (who’s been pushing the collapse of the EURO for years now and still won’t stop despite the failure of his predictions).

I’m not going to tell you that things are fine.  They are not. The financial collapse writers are well informed about the problems of excessive debt, fiat money, and deficit spending that politically cannot be stopped nor solved now that the benefit corrupted voters can out-vote those of us who want government to stop these suicidal redistribution schemes.

But they have not thought out clearly the specifics of how and why it’s so difficult for an actual collapse to occur.  Historically, no nation has ever collapsed financially outside of the destruction of war—none (even the so-called “collapse of the Soviet Union” was a carefully crafted deception, as outlined in this piece).  Only when people are thrust into the most abject circumstances of survival, such as in WWII in Europe with the combination of allied bombing and the Russian invasion does an economy cease to function and turn into a mob of pillaging people.

Let me cover the various collapse scenarios that are being hyped constantly and why they aren’t necessarily imminent:

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Do Atoms Understand Language?

“The idea that somewhere in all the stacked-up universes, there might be a little corner that isn’t made out of matter or energy, but is truly independent of, and different from, sub-atomic particles…this idea confounds people, as if it might mean the end of all existence. It might mean a return to the old myths and fairy tales of the horrific priest-classes. It might mean everything science knows will vanish in a puff of smoke. But what if it doesn’t mean any of these things? What if it means that brutal power and domination could die out? What if it means there is an adventure waiting for all of us, beyond any and all pictures of conventional reality?” (The Underground. Jon Rappoport)

Do atoms understand language?

Why ask such a question?

Because it goes to the heart of the slow-motion car crash that conventional physics has been experiencing for the past hundred years.

The question also puts philosophic materialism into a massive dither, from which it can’t hope to recover.

Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles.

The universe includes the human brain.

Here is a sentence: “The Roman Empire collapsed, ushering in a Dark Age, a time of unprecedented chaos.”

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