The Universe And The Law Of Attraction

Vicky Anderson ~ Around the turn of the 20th century, a spiritual movement called the New Thought philosophy developed as the result of Orthodox Christianity, Unitarian Sensation-alism and Trans­cendentalism. This philo-sophy promotes the Law of Mind in emphasis of the fact that Divinity dwells within each of us. One of the early ‘thinkers’ of this philosophy was William W. Atkinson who, in 1906, wrote a book titled Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. The premise behind his teachings is that what we focus on develops into our reality.[i]

The spiritual key to the Bible is the knowledge that the entire outer world… is amenable to the energy of our Thoughts. Emmet Fox

frequenciesDr. Joshua David Stone, Ph.D, was a late-twentieth century Jewish Psychologist and the author of numerous works on Spiritual Psychology and Integrated Ascension, a term he coined to stress the importance of mastering and integrating the mind and emotions with the spiritual path. In his book, titled The Universal Laws of God, he wrote about how we are all electro-magnetic beings. So our sub-conscious mind is always attracting and magnetizing vibrational frequencies. Like everything else in the Universe, thought waves have their own unique frequency. And, once a thought is accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the sub-conscious like a computer, which then attracts and magnetizes it. Our thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. And it is our aura that acts as an antenna to attract them. So we are unconsciously broadcasting frequencies that are picking up similar frequencies from everyone and everything around us. We are literally attracting vibrational frequencies back to ourselves like a magnet. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction.[ii] Continue reading

How Music Benefits The Brain

Deane Alban ~ Music has played an important part of every human culture, both past and present. (1) People around the world experience universal responses to music. (2) We’re all familiar with how certain pieces of music can change your mood, get you motivated, or help you concentrate. And now, advances in neuroscience enable researchers to quantitatively measure how music affects the brain.

musicTheir discoveries are exciting — and good news for music lovers.

Music is a fantastic brain exercise that activates every known part of the brain. (3) It can make you smarter, happier and more productive at all stages of life. Let’s take a closer look at some of the latest findings on the many ways both playing and listening to music can enhance your brain.

Musicians Have Better Brains

If you want evidence of how music affects the brain, it makes sense to look at the brains of people who play a lot of music — professional musicians. Brain scans show that their brains are different than the those of the rest of us. Their brains are noticeably more symmetrical. (4) Areas of the brain responsible for motor control, auditory processing, and spatial coordination are larger. They also have a larger corpus callosum, which is the band of nerve fibers that enables the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate with each other. Continue reading

The Cosmic Role Of The Spiritual Catalyst

Some souls have incarnated here to hold an energetic harmony which provides empathic support for evolving people. Others however, have come with the specific ‘mission’ to break down illusions and inspire change by the very energy they hold. Such people may be called “Spiritual Catalysts”. They’ll frequently find they have a confrontational affect on their environment and especially the people in it: you begin to undermine the very illusions society has been built upon.

In the beginning, life for the Spiritual Catalyst can be very challenging, until we learn how to integrate the full complement of energies we have; and how to utilise that energy with gentle sophistication, but definitely without dilution…

Accelerating Change

catalystOf course an essential part of walking the path is ‘standing in our truth’ – having the courage to express who we really are. This in itself begins to light a beacon for others to find their own truth, inside themselves. But this is only really one small part of the role of a Spiritual Catalyst. Such beings hold very strong energies within their soul ray harmonic, which first harmonises with their environment and then begins to emit a frequency that activates change.

It is important to say that a true Spiritual Catalyst does not change the eventual outcome of a person’s journey into truth, they only accelerate it. So a true Spiritual Catalyst will not impart their own truth onto others, rather they’ll present an alternative possibility or challenge a key building block of someone’s own reality causing illusions to fragment and fracture, thereby opening space for a more evolved version of their own truth to emerge and flourish.

In speaking personally, I notice that I have the capacity to empathise quite quickly with people within a group environment. I seem to be able to connect with people’s consciousness easily. I know that this can be very ‘disarming’ for people, they tend to soften quickly. This is the first part of being a Spiritual Catalyst. But then I can also quickly read the illusions and distortions people may be harbouring at an ego level. I can ‘hear’ the mismatch between soul and personality. It’s at exactly that point, frequencies begin to attune and shift inside of me. Continue reading

The Solar Singularity Is Nigh

Tam Hunt ~ “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,” quipped Yogi Berra. I keep his wise admonition in mind as I make predictions about our energy future, but we have many reasons for optimism when it comes to the future growth of solar power.

solarHere’s the summary: solar is taking over. We can now see many years into the future when it comes to energy, and that future is primarily solar-powered. Why my optimism? Well, let me explain.

The “solar singularity” will, by my definition, occur when solar prices become so cheap that solar becomes the default power source based on cost alone and without subsidies. We aren’t there yet but we’re probably just a few years away from that point, particularly since we’re seeing energy storage costs declining significantly already. (I’m not going to address storage in this article further but, of course, a grid can’t run on variable solar power alone so we’ll need storage and other backup technologies to ensure reliable grids as solar power penetration grows).

Swanson’s Law, named after the founder of SunPower, a large American manufacturer of solar panels, states that the price of solar panels generally drops by 20 percent with every doubling of shipped panels. This has been the general trend since solar became a viable technology — hence its designation as a “law,” even though there are times when some deviations from the trend take place. For example, from the mid-1990s until 2008 solar costs declined by relatively small amounts, primarily due to stubbornly high silicon prices in a backdrop of increasing commodity prices across many markets, until the crash of 2008. Since 2008, however, panel cost declines have accelerated and the general trend is now back and then some.

When we compare recent cost declines for solar to other energy prices we get a pretty picture indeed and this is why solar is now getting very serious attention by investors and pundits alike. Continue reading

How To Expand Your Consciousness (7 Steps)

chooseDanielle Fagan ~ Living truly in the present moment is a skill few people possess. Children, plants, and animals all do it without even trying, but for some reason, the older we get, the more difficult it becomes. Adults tend to discuss, argue, and fret over “consciousness” and how to achieve it. I’ve even witnessed people fight over who is “more conscious” than the other.

In an attempt to shed light on a concept shrouded by mystery and differing opinion, I’ve listed 7 steps below on how to expand your consciousness as an individual:

1. Experience The Journey, Don’t Escape It

Enlightenment does not mean forgetting about bills, work, and responsibilities, or meditating every day. I know a lot of people who choose to escape social situations, finances, and deep relationships with others because of their empathetic or “spiritual” nature. There’s a Zen saying that goes, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” You’re in this three-dimensional experience for a reason. Immerse yourself if it completely. Experience the thrill of life, the fear, the novelty, the dullness, the anger, the sadness, the change. Feel it completely.

2. Take Advantage of the “Now”

“Consciousness” is understanding that there is only now – everything else is distraction. If you want to change, change now. If you want to move, move now. If you want to love, love now. Life takes many unexpected twists and turns. We do not know where we are going. We only know that we have this moment. Don’t put off what you really want to do.

3. Just Observe

When we focus on the present, we become aware of our breath, our body, our triggers, our emotional reactions, our relationships, the reactions of others, and our quality of life. What do you notice? Are you enjoying your day? What do you not enjoy? Did you feel good after your last meal? What’s your mood like? What relationships uplift you? Which relationships bring you down? Take notice. Continue reading