Greece Demands €278bn WWII Reparations From Germany

Germany owes Greece no less than €278.7 billion in World War II reparations, Athens said, referring to the destruction wrought upon the nation during the Nazi occupation. The sum exceeds Greece’s total debt of €240 billion to the EU.

Dimitris Mardas

“According to our calculations, the debt linked to German reparations is €278.7 billion euros, including €10.3 billion for the so-called forced loan. All the other amounts are related to allowances for individuals or infrastructure,” said the country’s deputy finance minister, Dimitris Mardas.

The figure was calculated by a parliamentary committee and the Greek supreme court. The numbers have previously varied between €269 billion and €332 billion.

Mardas added that at the 1946 Paris Conference the amount of reparations was set at $341.2 billion.

The statement comes ahead of left-wing Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’s visit to Moscow and meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday. The newly elected PM is planning to boost cooperation and strengthen ties with Greece’s eastern neighbor. Continue reading

6 Good Reasons To Laugh More Every Day

Sarah Gibson – Laughter really is the best medicine. I mean, we can see it all around us. We see children in the play area, running around laughing and smiling and living in the moment, while their parents sit on the side, full of the stresses of day-to-day life and only the occasional smile breaking their otherwise serious faces. People on their death beds often say they wish they had laughed more. Don’t be that person! We could all do with a bit more laughter… And you’re about to find out why! Here’s the 4-1-1.

laughterWhy Do We Laugh, Biologically?

Research suggests that laughter and humor help the human brain process conflict around us. The dopamine that is released in our brains when we find something funny makes us feel good. It releases tension, increases motivation, memory and attention and helps us process pain management.

So How, Exactly, Is Laughing Good For You?

Okay, so we all know that it feels good to laugh. When it comes down to the physical changes that occur in our brains, dopamine is released and can dissolve stress, relax and recharge us, and help relieve pain – a golden triangle of good feelings! Continue reading

Afghanistan Mission Accomplished: More Heroin For The World

Jon Rappoport – The Guardian reports statistics on opium agriculture in Afghanistan:

Afghanistan“…the US counternarcotics mission in Afghanistan stands out: opiate production has climbed steadily over recent years to reach record-high levels last year.”

“Far from eradicating the deep-rooted opiate trade, US counternarcotics efforts have proven useless, according to a series of recent official inquiries. Other aspects of the billions that the US has poured into Afghanistan over the last 13 years of war have even contributed to the opium boom.”

In December, the United Nations reported a 60% growth in Afghan land used for opium poppy cultivation since 2011, up to 209,000 hectares…”

“…the [UN] inspector general also noted that US reconstruction projects, particularly those devoted to ‘improved irrigation, roads, and agricultural assistance’ were probably leading to the explosion in opium cultivation.

“’[A]ffordable deep-well technology turned 200,000 hectares of desert in southwestern Afghanistan into arable land over the past decade,’ the inspector general found, concluding that ‘much of this newly arable land is dedicated to opium cultivation’.”

Who’s kidding who?

In Colombia, the US government proved it could eradicate coca and opium-poppy growing fields. One of the solutions was an herbicide called Roundup. You may have heard of it.

But in Afghanistan, the US just didn’t remember that. It skipped their mind. Oops.

Suddenly, the Afghanistan mission became one of good will. Mustn’t upset the farmers. In Colombia, upsetting the farmers was perfectly all right. Continue reading

Israel: A Force Of Pure Evil

Stephen Lendman – Israel from inception threatened regional peace and stability. Under Netanyahu and likeminded fascist thugs, it threatens humanity.

nuclearNetanyahu rails irresponsibly about Iran’s well-known peaceful nuclear program. He ignores Israel’s open secret.

The whole world knows it’s nuclear armed and dangerous. Its menacing arsenal includes illegal chemical and biological weapons – freely used in all its wars along with radiological ones.

Iran threatens no one. It values cooperative relations with all nations.

It deplores war. It’s the region’s leading peace and stability proponent. It wants a world free from menacing nuclear weapons.

Israel and America reserve the right to use them preemptively against any nation for any reason – including nuclear weapons-free ones.

They threaten world peace and security. Humanity may not survive their recklessness.

Netanyahu rails like a madman. He’s apoplectic over preliminary framework Iranian nuclear program terms agreed on last week in Lausanne.

He insists any final deal consummated includes terms he demands. Continue reading

How America Became An Oligarchy

“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. . . . You have owners.— George Carlin, The American Dream

Ellen Brown – According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the moneypolitical scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites.

“Making the world safe for democracy” was President Woodrow Wilson’s rationale for World War I, and it has been used to justify American military intervention ever since. Can we justify sending troops into other countries to spread a political system we cannot maintain at home?

The Magna Carta, considered the first Bill of Rights in the Western world, established the rights of nobles as against the king. But the doctrine that “all men are created equal” – that all people have “certain inalienable rights,” including “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – is an American original. And those rights, supposedly insured by the Bill of Rights, have the right to vote at their core. We have the right to vote but the voters’ collective will no longer prevails.

In Greece, the left-wing populist Syriza Party came out of nowhere to take the presidential election by storm; and in Spain, the populist Podemos Party appears poised to do the same. But for over a century, no third-party candidate has had any chance of winning a US presidential election. We have a two-party winner-take-all system, in which our choice is between two candidates, both of whom necessarily cater to big money. It takes big money just to put on the mass media campaigns required to win an election involving 240 million people of voting age. Continue reading