Angel Messages For May 11 – 17 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

We’re still in the intense roller-coaster energy cycles, but this week looks better than last week.

The week begins with optimism and reasons to smile. You may get overly busy mid-week, and it’s important to rest and prioritize. Then by the weekend, you feel better again — especially since you’ll get appreciation for all of your hard work.


We’re in the pre-shadow of the upcoming May 19 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, so it’s important to be extra-careful with communications to avoid misunderstandings . . . and to clear and resolve miscommunications. Electronics may seem to have a mind of their own. A sense of humor will help with these occurrences. Continue reading

Boundaries: Bust or Must?

“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” ~ Tony Gaskins

Banu Sekendur – There isn’t a relationship in life that doesn’t require healthy boundaries for it to function happily. If you think about it, the whole of life is based on relationships. The flowers have a relationship with the soil. The sun has a relationship with the moon. We have a relationship with our bodies, our money, our significant other, our pets, even with the doorman at the building we live in and so on.

The boundaries and parameters for each relationship are different and are unique to the type of relationship at hand. This is probably why boundaries can get complicated as we navigate and negotiate relationships every day of our lives.

Learning to set healthy boundaries can be messy

boundariesOver the many years I spent on my personal growth and healing, boundaries have been one of the more challenging areas of life. I am, not only a recovering codependent, but a naturally a giving person. As I got to know myself better my need to learn how to negotiate boundaries in a win-win way had increased.

It took a lot of practice and mistakes (some embarrassing) to get to a place to communicate what I need without having an anxiety attack. I barked boundaries at people and squealed like a 2 month-old puppy when people didn’t immediately start doing what I asked them to do. It makes me cringe to think about it now. Yet, I know that without forgiving the mess of the initial practice, I couldn’t have arrived where I am now. I know that I am better at boundaries from decreased emotional stress in my life. During my messy practice period, I have found a handful of tried and true perspectives on setting and living with healthy boundaries that might offer you some insights. Continue reading

New Study Confirms Climate Engineering Is Contributing To Planetary Meltdown

Dane Wigington –  The entire premise of “solar radiation management” (SRM, a form of geoengineering) is to create artificial cloud cover by spraying reflective aerosols into the atmosphere. This incredibly insane tunnel visioned “human intervention” approach to cooling planet Earth is so packed with pitfalls that they are impossible to quantify. But what is the bottom line?

There are countless sources of anthropogenic (human caused) activity contributing to the alteration of Earth’s systems. And although climate engineers can create short term (highly toxic) cooling over large regions, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming. This is the conclusion dictated by all available data.

Covering the planet with artificial aerosol cloud cover contributes to the overall warming of the planet. Why would this be a surprise? The same materials that deflect some of the sun’s incoming thermal energy also traps heat. But this is just the tip of the known negative climate engineering effects…

The ozone layer is being shredded, the hydrological cycle has been completely derailed, and the entire planet has now been heavily contaminated — this is what climate engineering has given us. The planet’s natural energy balance has long since been disrupted. Earth is currently warming at the rate of 4 Hiroshima bombs per second (2.5 x 1014 Joules per second).

Though the analysis* that follows does not directly address climate engineering and the massive global aerosol cloud cover it is producing, the inference is clear enough. This new study further confirms my long standing conclusion — solar radiation management is making an already bad climate and environmental situation far worse, not better.

New Study Finds Clouds Are Amplifying Human Warming

This section written by Robert Fanney.)

The Mysterious Clouds

For decades, science has been unable to nail down how clouds might change with human warming of the climate. Sure, we knew that added water vapor through a heating-increased amplification of the rate of evaporation and precipitation would likely impact cloud formation. But how would those physical alterations impact climate? Would an added darkening of the Earth through increased cloud cover provide a cooling effect and slow down the rate of human-caused warming (also called a negative feedback)? Or would the added water vapor aloft, itself a powerful greenhouse gas, provide an extra boost to the human heating engine (also called an amplifying feedback)? Continue reading

Forget Crest and Colgate – Use Coconut Oil Toothpaste!

toothpasteChristina Sarich – Did you know that if you are brushing your teeth everyday with most name-brand toothpastes that you are exposing your body to several unwanted toxins? It’s time to ditch the sodium fluoride, triclosan, FD&C Blue Dye #1 and 2, sodium lauryl sulfate, and hydrated silica and use coconut oil toothpaste instead – here is why:

Reasons to Choose Coconut Oil Toothpaste

  • Mainstream toothpastes contain sodium fluoride, an added ingredient that is also used as rat poison. Replacing your toothpaste that contains this toxic industrial byproduct that detrimentally affects your brain with a natural bacteria-killing, Alzheimer’s-reversing substance is much more appealing, isn’t it? Coconut oil cleans the mouth and also acts as an antibacterial to help keep plaque build up from forming on your precious pearly whites. This is why some choose coconut oil when performing the healthy practice of oil pulling.
  • Why use a substance to clean your teeth that has been linked to tumor-formation in rats? FD&C Blue Dye #1 and 2 are used in toothpaste and other food products and even given the FDA’s stamp of approval, but they are no good for your health and certainly shouldn’t be used on a daily basis. Coconut oil is a holistic remedy for bleeding gums, a sore jaw, and dryness of the lips, tongue and mouth. Does your toothpaste do that for you?
  • If you use name-brand toothpastes – they likely contain triclosan, a known endocrine disruptor. When the endocrine system isn’t working right, your hormones are basically going to be in a free-fall. Ditch the triclosan and use coconut oil since it can actually help remove sensitivity from teeth and make them stronger.
  • Instead of using toothpastes that contain foaming agents in the form of sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) that have been linked to the formation of cancer sores, try using a coconut oil massage or coconut oil pulling. This practice can significantly reduce decay-causing Streptococcus mutan, a bacteria which causes plaque and you guessed it – strep throat.

How to Make Coconut Oil Toothpaste

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

loveWe are delighted today as so many of you celebrate your Mothers, for no matter whether or not they were the ones you wished they would be, it is because of their openness, that you are in the world today enjoying the gift of life.

A mother, dear friends, is a soul who is willing to open, surrender, and allow God’s love to flow through them in a form that they can only nurture to life, but never control. Being a mother is one of the greatest acts of surrender to love that is possible as a human being.

In this fashion, dear ones, you are all mothers – male, female, adult, and child – because you are all capable of opening your minds, bodies, and souls to be impregnated with God’s love, to allow God’s love to take root within you and grow’ in any fashion that this beautiful love wishes to grow. And so today, on the day so many of you celebrate your biological mothers, make a decision that you too, will honor the energy of the Divine Mother, by being open, receptive, and nurturing to love. Continue reading