Mind Control Through Emotional Domination

We’re all being manipulated by “The Crisis Of The NOW”

crisisMike Adams – What you’re about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve near-absolute control over the population. I’m calling the concept “the crisis of the NOW,” and understanding this is a lot like taking the RED pill.

“The crisis of the NOW” involves an incessant, strategic bombardment of the population with a never-ending stream of contrived crises that demand immediate attention in the present. This psychological bombardment is waged primarily via the mainstream media which assaults the viewer by the hour with images of violence, war, emotions and conflict. Because the human nervous system is hard wired to focus on immediate threats accompanied by depictions of violence, mainstream media viewers have their attention and mental resources funneled into the never-ending “crisis of the NOW” from which they can never have the mental breathing room to apply logic, reason or historical context.

To protect the propaganda from scrutiny, no person is ever allowed the luxury of reflection. Logic and reason are condemned. Critical thinking is derided. Historical context is obliterated by the repeated intrusion of the now, and whatever happened just a few short years or months ago is actively rejected (or memory holed) if it does not reinforce whatever present-day delusion is being pushed as “fact.”

Similarly, the future is entirely off limits and never allowed to be explored in the mainstream media because doing so would require reason and forward thinking… two things which are never tolerated because they would reveal the inevitable failures of today’s insane policies, such as running the country on debt and hoping it will somehow not matter down the road.

Mentally corralled like cattle

With the past erased from the minds of the masses, and the future off limits, the crisis of the now become the only psychological reality in which the public is allowed to operate. To remember the past gets you labeled a “relic,” and to project current events into the future makes you a “conspiracy theorist.” Only the crisis of the now is allowed to be entertained: riots in the streets, the aftermath of a staged school shooting, a contrived social shaming of a pizza joint in Indiana, or even an overhyped measles crisis that just happened to take place at America’s epicenter of illusions and theater: Disneyland. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, May 11, 2015

Third Quarter Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (10:53 pm ET): revise, realign

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)

Look closely for the owl inside the tree – Photo by D

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: scout ahead

True Alignments: displays of strength and beauty, standing up for self and others, having a mission or task to accomplish, guiding others, momentum, satisfied, learning and earning, precision, hitting a mark

Catalysts for Change: hyper-aggression, physical confrontations, obsession with a plan, not examining consequences, worry, trying to limit others, going against what is in alignment with life/liberty/love, wrecking things, isolation, lost, trouble-making, exploiting situations for one’s own benefit

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres”

Today we are like scouts — advancing into new territory, spreading our wings.

This takes us out of the “familiar zone” of previous boundaries. Previous boundaries have been quite limiting – much more than we realize, perhaps. The New Moon in Aries back on April 18 was the beginning of a month-long blow-out of the mind courtesy of the expertise of the Mahavidya (Wisdom Goddess) Chinnamasta. Before the Sun rises again, Chinnamasta will have delivered each of us into new mental space. Continue reading

The Man Who Discovered Cancer Said This…. You Will Never Hear This From Your Doctor

Oxygen deficiency is what actually initially causes cancer, its root cause, claims Noble Prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg, the one responsible for discovering the real cause of cancer.

Dr. Otto H Warburg

This deficiency brings about an acidic state of the human body. Dr. Warburg also reveals that cancer cells do not breathe oxygen (they are anaerobic), so, they cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as in alkaline state.

Without exception, although all normal cells absolutely require oxygen, cancer cells can live without. When a cell is deprived of 35% of its oxygen, it may become cancerous in 48 hours.

What plays an essential role in maintaining PH levels in the body is the diet. PH balance is the balance of alkaline and acid in all cells and fluids in the body. In order to survive, the body must maintain the PH levels of blood at a slightly alkaline level.

It is a fact that bad bacteria, parasites, viruses and candida overgrow in acidic environments. On the other hand, an alkaline environment neutralizes bacteria and other pathogens.

Unfortunately, modern way of living consist of diets full of toxic and acid- forming foods, like refined grains, genetically modified organisms, processed sugars etc.

That leads to unhealthy acidic PH, and an imbalanced PH may interrupt cellular functions and activities. If excessively acidic, PH may cause serious health problems, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, heartburn and cancer. If the body is in an acidic state for a longer period, its aging process is accelerated. Continue reading

Australian PM Top Advisor: Climate Change “About A New World Order Under The Control Of The UN”

Melissa Dykes – This is the kind of quote that would have made big headlines half a decade back or so…

globalNow, the people at the top are openly admitting in everyone’s face that the global warming data has been falsified for years to bring about authoritarian, global control and it barely catches people’s attention.

This is what they are doing to everyone through everything from propaganda to mandates, and it is working.

Via The Business Insider:

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s top business advisor on Friday claimed climate change was a ruse encouraged by the United Nations to create a new authoritarian world order under its control.

Maurice Newman, chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, said the real agenda was “concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook”. Continue reading

Pope Francis And The CERN Earth Grid Ley Line 09-24 Ritual Conspiracy [Video]

Mr Cati – This video report will use Pope Francis’ coming future visit to America to expand on the recent Earth Grid Ley discussion, showing where Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and New York city are all located on Earth grid ley lines that are all contained within a very special 5-sided area surrounded by ley lines. It is this special area that warrants this video report and expanded ritual discussion.


What makes the new findings a bigger discovery than originally thought is the observation that by using the grid ley lines a ritual coded pattern has been revealed. This pattern coincides with Pope Francis and his USA visit set for September 2015.

The coded findings contained within this Pope visit is an observation too far reaching to minimize in any way shape or form. I am certain that once considered for its possible deeper involvement and implications in the ongoing NWO manipulation of time that many will agree with me. It seems evident this is all part of the scheme that seeks to create a one world govt and new world order,

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