Angel Messages For May 18 – 24 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

Your week will go well if you’ll hold the intention to keep it simple, detach from drama, remain flexible about situations that come up, and have a sense of humor.


As Monday and Mercury Retrograde begin, it’s a good idea to stay home or retreat into nature if possible. If you can’t stay home, then do your best to connect with nature and avoid stressful situations. Rest and take it easy, and be extra careful when communicating with others to avoid misunderstandings. Continue reading

Medusa New Moon

M Kelley Hunter – In biology, a medusa is a form of sea creature in which the body is shaped like an umbrella. The term medusa was coined by Linnaeus in 1752, alluding to the tentacled head of Medusa in Greek mythology. This term refers exclusively to the life-stage which is typified by a large pulsating gelatinous bell with long trailing tentacles.

Medusa “Moon Jelly,” photo from NOAA.
Medusa “Moon Jelly,” photo from NOAA.

Do you remember that monstrous lady with snakes for hair, who turns you into stone if you look her in the eye? We are about to look into that Eye of Medusa, a process fraught with major implications.

This May New Moon aligns with the star Algol (at 26+ Taurus), known as The Demon, in the constellation Perseus. You might recall him as the Greek hero who cut off the head of Medusa. In star maps, Perseus is often pictured holding the Medusa’s severed head. Algol marks her Eye. As we look into this Eye, we confront deep issues in our collective history concerning our relationship to the environment, to women and original peoples. Personally, we confront the dark recesses of our own psyches.

In modern star interpretation, Algol is said to hold female rage and grief from millennia of dishonor and oppression. This star is often associated with tragedy and destruction. The Chinese name for this star translates as “piled-up corpses.” Yet, Algol offers the potential to transform fear to empowerment. Let’s gather the courage to look in that Eye and claim our soul power and redeem ancient wrongs. I read somewhere that everyone who has ever been on Earth is here again for the rare portal of conscious awakening now open. And that complex layers of history are playing out to resolve chronic issues from our distant past.

Some good stuff is also discovered that alters our view of history/herstory. After all, who said Medusa was an evil monster? The misogynistic Greeks! Perhaps she was originally an African high priestess who wore her hair in dreadlocks. In Descent to the Goddess, Jungian analyst Sylvia Pereira describes this powerful, penetrating and paralyzing Eye of Medusa, which sees right through us and perceives “with an objectivity like that of nature itself and our dreams, boring into the soul to find the naked truth, to reality beneath all its myriad forms and the illusions and defenses it displays.” We know many women and men who give such a penetrating look. Are you one of them? Be ready to be seen through and stripped down to your soul. Let it shine! Continue reading

White Buffalo Calf Woman Part 2

I am the face in the Mirror

blendI am she who breathes with you as you breathe in the hope of a new day.  I am she who gently closes your eyes at the end of a stress-filled day. I am the face in the Mirror and I am the face in the reflection of the hummingbird’s wings.  Look for my face in all life for it is there that I dwell. I am White Buffalo Calf Woman. I come to you as you sit in strength, in power, seeking serenity.

For so long you have kept true being captive.  You have kept her silent, and you have kept her in a state of weeping.  For so long, you have kept your true being in a dungeon in the very bottom  of your heart– afraid to let it out. I ask you to stand fully in your divinity.  You are all such beautiful beings – all different shapes and sizes, colors and personalities.  Throw yourself into the pool of creation and blend with the Mother.  Blend with all the faces of God that shine so brightly.  Blend with the cycles of the moon, of the earth and of your body. Blend with every part of you that you are ashamed of, all your secrets. Enjoy the fullness of your body– for God loves every ounce of flesh that you are.  Do not be ashamed if you are too little, too large or just right. God lives in every ounce of you.  Continue reading

Are You Taking the Path of Least Resistance? 4 Questions

Andrea Schulman – When we move on the path of least resistance, we open ourselves up to greater abundance and easier manifestation. This is why we all know people who just “have all the luck” and seem to magically get what they want out of life without having to try too hard. People who float along the path of least resistance simply allow their dreams to be brought to them. When they have a goal they usually stay relaxed about how they are going to achieve it.

least resistance
The mighty Amazon River, South America

Getting on the path to least resistance can be a little tricky for some of us, and this is because many of us believe that we have to figure out the way to our goals. We think it is our job to identify every step and obstacle up front so we can be “prepared.” We want to anticipate the traffic, the expenses or how other people are going to react.

However, this is a flawed strategy because we simply are not equipped to see the easiest and fastest route to where we want to go. The truth is, there could be an infinite number of problems and opportunities on the way to our goals that are simply unimaginable from where we stand. So when we try to figure out the exact path we waste a lot of time and energy because we focus on a lot of things that might end up being completely irrelevant.

For example, perhaps we really want to make a salary raise request. So, instead of just putting our wish out there and going with the flow we decided to show up to work earlier, work harder, and cozy up to the boss. We do these things because we believe they’ve worked for others before, and we assume this is the best path to promotion.
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Conscious Connection – A Practical Guide To Grounding Your Energy

bodyCameron Day – It used to be common knowledge in consciousness circles that a person needed to be grounded both energetically and physically. People would talk about what foods helped them feel the most grounded, how spending time in nature helped them ground their meditative experiences and so on. However, I have noticed a trend in the last few years where people are getting very ungrounded, and are even encouraging others to engage “spiritual” practices that I consider to be very ungrounding. (Spell check says “ungrounding” is not a word, but I say that it is.)

Two of the adverse consequences of being ungrounded are that it can cause a person to be too easily swayed by the opinions of others, as well as be fooled by any of the many deceptions in our world. These are reason enough to put a consistent, daily focus on being fully present in your body and powerfully grounded to Earth’s core. I could go on and on about the pitfalls and dangers of being ‘spacey’, ungrounded, partially out of body, etc. but I will leave that aside for now, in the interests of keeping this article short…

First, Get Into Your Body!

Many people are chronically or partially out of their body due to a variety of conditions, some of which include: unhealed past physical or emotional traumas, living out of contact with the earth (cities, apartments, etc), doing “out of body” meditations, excessive daydreaming, unwillingness to confront the darker aspects of the subconscious mind, excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, over-consumption of television and other forms of digital entertainment, too much “cleansing” / calorie-restrictive dieting, and more. Continue reading