The Shift, Death, And Other Minor Inconveniences

Pablo Stemann – When we think of death – most of us will project ourselves forward, to that inevitable juncture in time when our journey in this realm supposedly ends – Well, that’s what our five senses tell us anyway, and we trust our five senses – Well, we shouldn’t.

realWhen our loved ones “die”, we farewell them goodbye, we experience a loss, we never see them again, we lose contact, and for all we know, they’re gone forever, and the same fate awaits us, at any turn of the road – but again here, our conditioned mind and our five senses are failing us miserably. We’re seeing but a tiny speck of the bigger picture.

One way of getting around this “death as a termination event”, is trying the other option, which is just as obvious, and just as inevitable: where, or what were we before manifesting in this realm? Where did we come from?

Buddhists will tell you that for each individual human soul entering the wheel of Samsara, there is a grand Cycle of 3,000 turns around it, each turn comprised of 108 lifetimes – as a human being. That is 324,000 lifetimes – just like the one you’re having now.

And where were we before entering the wheel of Samsara? And before that..? And before that?

It’s the grand paradox of TIME, the great trickster. It is, and it isn’t – it’s bendable, it’s flexible – it’s totally unreliable – but hey – it’s real. Continue reading

Leuren Moret: US Studies Cuba Vaccines; Richmond Bans Mind Control; Putin Schools Obama & Kerry [Video]

Alfred Lambremont Webre – VANCOUVER, BC In this with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD discusses the Breakdown dynamics of the U.S. studying Cuba’s lung cancer vaccine for US mandatory adult vaccination and depopulation program; radiation depopulation program being waged by the US in the Ukraine, and the neurolinguistic mind control war being waged by the US DHS against its own American people on university campuses and in Jade Helm.


Leuren Moret discussed the Breakthrough dynamics of the City of Richmond, CA banning mind control weapon use against residents, and Vladimir Putin bringing Obama & Kerry into compliance with international law



City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents

SF Source News Inside Out Continue reading

8 Reasons To Keep An Open Mind And Think For Yourself

“When all think alike, no one thinks very much.” – Walter Lippmann, 2 times Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist

groupthinkChris Bell – Free-thinkers will all struggle at times to comprehend why mainstream viewpoints can remain unquestioned by those around them. Why people will aggressively push the dominant viewpoint even when it’s outdated, unhelpful, or even blatantly contradicted by evidence. Why these viewpoints leave no room for others to hold differing ones, and complete conformity is often the end goal, even though free-thinkers advocate individual freedom and choice.

How can free-thinkers comprehend the static viewpoints many hold about the important issues that affect our lives? Issues that free-thinkers see as demanding continuous, rigorous debate and evaluation, and an openness to adaptation and change. Issues regarding lifestyles, food, the environment, animal welfare, nutrition, health, war, peace, human diversity, all manner of social systems, parenting, governments, politics, education, science, religion and spirituality.


I have found one of the most powerful influences in life is social system regulation and stability. When one person disagrees with us we can shrug it off, but when several people disagree with us the effect is very powerful, our ability to reality-test is being compromised. For asking as little as an open question or sharing an alternative viewpoint, others may automatically experience our actions as offensive, and we can be ostracised to the out-group of our society.

In 1972 social psychologist Irving Janis coined “groupthink,” a term that describes this phenomenon. The Psychologists for Social Responsibility summarise groupthink thusly:

…[Groupthink] occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of ‘mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment.’ (Janis, 1972, p.9) Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups.

When pressures for unanimity seem overwhelming, members are less motivated to realistically appraise the alternative courses of action available to them. These group pressures lead to carelessness and irrational thinking since groups experiencing groupthink fail to consider all alternatives and seek to maintain unanimity. Decisions shaped by groupthink have low probability of achieving successful outcomes.”

8 Symptoms of Groupthink

(Janis, 1982, adapted from The Psychologists for Social Responsibility) Continue reading

Amazing Discovery: Plant Blood Enables Your Cells To Capture Sunlight Energy

Sayer Ji – What if conventional wisdom regarding our most fundamental energy requirements has been wrong all along and we can directly harness the energy of the Sun when we consume ‘plant blood’?

chlorophyllPlants are amazing, aren’t they? They have no need to roam about hunting other creatures for food, because they figured out a way to capture the energy of the Sun directly through these little light-harvesting molecules known as chlorophyll; a molecule, incidentally, which bears uncanny resemblance to human blood because it is structurally identical to hemoglobin, other than it has a magnesium atom at its core and not iron as in red blooded animals.

The energy autonomy of plants makes them, of course, relatively peaceful and low maintenance when compared to animal life, the latter of which is always busying itself with acquiring its next meal, sometimes through violent and sometimes through more passive means. In fact, so different are these two classes of creatures that the first, plants, are known as autotrophs, i.e. they produce their own food, and the animals are heterotrophs, i.e. they depend on other creatures for food.

While generally these two zoological classifications are considered non-overlapping, important exceptions have been acknowledged. For instance, photoheterotrophs — a sort of hybrid between the autotroph and heterotroph — can use light for energy, but cannot use carbon dioxide like plants do as their sole carbon source, i.e. they have to ‘eat’ other things. Some classical examples of photoheterotrophs include green and purple non-sulfur bacteria, heliobacteria, and here’s where it gets interesting, a special kind of aphid that borrowed genes from fungi[1] to produce it’s own plant-like carotenoids which it uses to harness light energy to supplement its energy needs! Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Saturday, May 23 – Sunday, May 24, 2015

Crescent Moon in Leo: challenge, perseverance

Goddess of Wisdom: All

magic carpet
Sunset over the Pacific Ocean at Cardiff by the Sea, California – Photo by Kevin

God of Will: All

Skill: feet on the ground, eyes on a magic carpet ride

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

One of the most challenging skills to master is to simultaneously maintain focus in the present moment (and the joy that it brings) while also seeing ahead when opportunities to be able to do so are presented.

Panoramic views of the future are visible to us this weekend. Uranus spends the last two days at the degree of the Sabian symbol “a magic carpet ride of Oriental imagery.” The magic carpet is a vehicle to gain a higher view, a wider perspective. Situations and conditions that happen this weekend foreshadow the future. They will come back around in the future. Continue reading