The Revolution Of Consciousness

forms Frank M. Wanderer –  If we take a look at the events of our world, we will easily realize that we live in revolutionary times. The revolution of our days is, however, entirely different from any other revolutions in human history. This revolution is not launched in order to rearrange the domain of forms and shapes, so as to replace old and outdated forms and shapes with new, dynamic and vivid ones. This revolution is able to take humanity beyond forms and shapes. The revolution of our time is the revolution of the Consciousness.

Consciousness, which has been sound asleep under the spell of identification with the forms and shapes for thousands of years, is slowly waking up in our days. There is an increasingly powerful alarming impulse, and the number of people sensitive to the wake up call is getting bigger and bigger.

The effects of this impulse, waking us up from our dream of identification with the forms and shapes is felt by everybody, sometimes even several times a day. But many of us are unaware of what we actually experience; all we feel is that successes achievable in the world are less and less attractive for us. We recognize that behind earthly successes and failures there has to be something deeper, something more profound in our life.

We see it day by day that an increasing number of young people question the appropriateness of the goals offered by social and religious education. They shake off the hands trying to lead them along the right track, and as a consequence, they are exposed to the experience of emptiness and despair.

Society offers a ”solution” for the problem, in the form of the products of the entertainment and pharmaceutical industries and the manufacturers and service providers of excise goods and services. Today, these are prospering and extremely lucrative industries. They offer ”help” to young people in suppressing fear and in treating other superficial symptoms. Continue reading

Prescriptions Drugs Now The Leading Cause Of Death By Overdose

Robert Harrington – The shocking truth conveyed by this article’s headline is that “nearly 52 percent of the deaths were related to prescription drugs.” The unfortunate circumstance around so many prescription drug overdoses is that most victims never even knew they OD’d.

drugThere is now a pervasive pharmaceutical drug culture across America. If you were to look inside the medicine cabinet of many homes you would find a panoply of prescription bottles of every size. Some full, some half full; others empty and awaiting a refill. This predicament is becoming all too common for those who place so much faith on their daily drug ritual.

Regrettably for many of these folks, they rarely ever stop to take notice of the many side effects that each drug is capable of causing. The list of adverse side effects, which is provided by law, can often be worse than the original ailment. This is what many med addicts fail to understand.

Across the country, 44,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2013, more than double the number in 1999, the study by the non-profit group, Trust for America’s Health found. Nearly 52 percent of the deaths were related to prescription drugs. The number of overdose deaths increased in 26 states in the four years to 2013, the study found, and decreased in only six states. [1]

For those who have not done the math, 52% equals 22,880 who actually died from prescription drug overdoses. That only counts the number of people who were sufficiently autopsied so that the actual cause of death was scientifically determined. This tally of 22,880 does not include the thousands of other takers of pharmaceutical medications who also died from overdoses but were not categorized as such. Surely there are untold accidental deaths from what essentially amounts to drug poisoning.

The Elderly Are the Most Vulnerable

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Oracle Report – Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Great Falls Park, Virginia – Photo by Tara

First Quarter Moon in Libra: step out, take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Restores Stability)

God of Will: Ian (God of the East)

Skill: seeing and holding the true values of life

True Alignments: breaks in the chain, alchemy (magical changes from one state to another) highest ideals beginning to take shape or see the light, advancement, generating energy, balance, appreciation, embarking, clear vision, lighthearted, innocence and sincerity

Catalysts for Change: suppressed creativity, power plays, manipulating words and speech to persuade or cover up, wasting, clouding or redirecting focus from the issue, imbalance, lack of appreciation, perfectionism, insecurities

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A layer in the heaviness of the energy lifts today with the start of the First Quarter Moon phase. The double-Crescent or “doubly challenging” energetic signatures have ended. The remainder of the lunar month still carriers the underlying current of Crescent (challenging) energy, but not to the level it was over the past four days. Continue reading

What is Colloidal Silver?

colloidal silverDaniel Downing – Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and healing agent. Silver has been used for thousands of years in alternative healing practices and in Eastern medicine. It also has anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti- viral properties. Colloidal silver is also believed to possess cell renewing properties, which may contribute to its effectiveness against different cases of skin problems.

Acting as a catalyst, it disables the enzyme that one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi need for their oxygen metabolism. They suffocate without corresponding harm occurring to human enzymes or parts of the human body chemistry. The result is the destruction of disease-causing organisms in the body and in the food. The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.

Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Thus colloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter.

Colloidal silver is produced by electrolysis and is a solution in which microscopic particles of silver are in suspension in water. The silver particles are so small that when it is suspended in water, the particles neither sink to the bottom nor float to the top. The particles are also “charged”, which means that all the particles have the same molecular charge, so they repel each other. In the case of colloidal silver, the particles are as small as 1/7,000th the size of a red blood cell, which makes them very easy to assimilate.

The word “colloidal” refers to a condition where a solid particle is suspended in a liquid (silver in water). The solid particles are too large to be considered dissolved, but are too small to be filtered out. This colloidal condition is most easily detected by what is called the “Tyndall effect”, where a narrow beam of light is shined through the liquid to produce a cone shaped dispersion of the light. The particles so illuminated also exhibit a random, crisscross movement called “Brownian motion” when observed under a microscope.

The word “ionic” refers to an atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons. In the case of colloidal silver made by electrolysis, this electric charge is ALWAYS positive. Silver will not form a negatively charged ion. So, the truth is that quality colloidal silver made by electrolysis is BOTH colloidal and ionic. It is considered colloidal because it contains nano particles of silver and it is considered ionic because it also contains silver ions.

In “Use of Colloids in Health and Disease”, author Dr. Henry Crooks says that colloidal silver is highly germicidal. In laboratory test he found that “all fungus, virus, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes. In fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by colloidal silver in six minutes or less in a dilution as little as 5 parts per million. Dr. Crooks found colloidal silver particularly effective in intestinal problems, and tells us there are no serious effects whatsoever from high concentrations.

How to use colloidal silver

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Synchronicity, Myth, and the New World Order

Charles Eisenstein – Looking out upon the horrid ruin we seem to have made of the planet, in spite of the kind hearts and good intentions of the vast majority of human beings, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that some nefarious force has hijacked civilization, driving it towards ends that serve almost no one.

conspiracyIf we are headed for a future that no one would consciously choose, it stands to reason, some say, that we are not choosing; that something else, unfriendly to human welfare, is choosing for us.

Deeper study of certain pivotal events in history strengthens this conclusion. The official explanations of the Kennedy assassination or 9/11 are riddled with contradictions that are difficult to explain. Ominous coincidences pile up and make patterns, pointing toward a conscious agency orchestrating these events toward sinister goals. Diving deeper, one discovers patterns of patterns that ultimately coalesce into an alternate history of the world.

The alternate history explains world events as resulting from the machinations of a powerful, dark cabal of secret organizations comprising the global elite: the banks, wealthy families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, non-official organizations like the Bilderburg Council, organized crime, shadowy agencies within the government, secret societies like Skull and Bones and the Freemasons, and so on. Behind them all is a group even more secret, comprising the true rulers of earth, who count even prime ministers and presidents among their puppets. Some theorist say that these Illuminati who hold the reins of power are human beings; others say that they have extraterrestrial allies, or that this group is controlled by, or consists of, ETs. Their goal, it is said, is to impose a New World Order (NWO) in which their dominion is complete.

In addition, the dark cabal that rules the earth is purported to have powerful secret technologies at its disposal. Weather control, mind control, energy weapons, artificially created diseases like Lyme and Swine Flu, and other near-magical technologies enable them to destroy any opposition and control us in ways we barely suspect. Always they are seeking to impose new forms of tyranny, to extend their dominion over mind and matter. Continue reading