UN Agenda 21 Still Advancing Worldwide

We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order — a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful — and we will be — we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders. – G.H.W. Bush Speaking at start of first Gulf War, 1991

What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21Bruce Tanner – Quoting from the UN website: “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”(sic)

Many have said that Agenda 21 is now outdated policy that’s fallen into neglect. This is far from true. For example, among many other things, the slow-motion train wreck of our ongoing world economic collapse supports UN Agenda 21, and the UN conference on “Post-2015 Sustainability Agenda” coming this September is a clear reiteration. Apologists say that Agenda 21 is only “Soft Law,” a policy that has no teeth. But they’re lying. In 20 years, through stealth implementation, this plan has become embedded in local policies all over the United States. It’s called Sustainable Development. Wherever you see it you’ll find “The 3 E’s:” ecology, economy, equity. In the upcoming UN conference, where the Jesuit Pope Francis will be appearing to promote his recent encyclical, they’re being called “People, Planet and Prosperity.”

Agenda 21 emerged full-blown from the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) aka The Rio Summit, in 1992. 16 to 17 thousand “delegates,” who were somehow given official status as officers of the UN, traveled from all over the world to take part in an 11-day party in Rio De Janeiro, where they were presented with Agenda 21, The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio, a more than 300-page document that they were asked to approve, though it seems unlikely that many of them could have had time to even read it. Unsurprisingly, they voted to accept it, and it was suddenly official United Nations policy for the world. Continue reading

Prophecy, Spirit and the Dreamtime

timeJay Weidner – The mythology of our modern, high-tech culture teaches us that the last frontier for humanity is outer space. Somehow, according to this emerging mythos, the fragile human body is supposed to be able to survive the rigors of travel in outer space over vast distances. The writers of science fiction and Star Trek-style television shows would have us believe that human beings can somehow endure through every kind of radiation and danger to successfully colonize other planets and solar systems.

But this notion is probably never going to happen. As this age ends and the next age begins humanity will lose its interest in conquering space. The last 6000 years have been spent conquering the space around us.

The last frontier of humanity is not the conquering of outer space, of other planets and solar systems. As we approach the end of this era we will realize that the last frontier is time.

Space is defined by the three dimensional reality that surrounds us. It is height, width and depth. We humans possess the most spectacular array of physical and mental abilities ever devised in creation to navigate these three dimensions. These abilities have enabled us to conquer our three-dimensional world.

Now at this critical juncture in history we discover that we have completely conquered the planet’s biosphere. People are living in the coldest environments imaginable and in the hottest tropical jungles. There are few mysteries left concerning the outer physical reality of our planet. Due to oil and cheap energy, we have been able to travel to any place on Earth. As this age of oil ends there will be only one mystery left for us to ponder.

This final mystery is the mystery of time. Continue reading

The Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sunrise Over Sausalito, California – Photo by Lawrence

Crescent Moon in Virgo/Libra (9:23 am ET/1:23 pm UT): challenges, perseverance

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Completes and Closes)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: change or move or expand your interpretations

Catalysts for Change: exploitation, control issues, backing self into a corner, taking away free will and choice, over-idealizing people/places/things, not seeing the reality of a situation, close-minded. reliance on the past, aggression, arguments

True Alignments: composure, expressions of the heart, studying history or the history of how something developed to gain a solution, radical inspiration for creativity, free will and choice, maintaining equilibrium, tapping inner wisdom

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The “turning point” that is occurring this month makes steady progress today. The old, crumbling world (along with the ways and feelings of the past) meets head-on with the force of the new, rebirthing world and the hopes and ideals for the future. History is being made right now, right in front of us. Each of us is part of it. Continue reading

New Moon In Cancer: Cosmic Security

Cancer new moonSalvador RussoA  long awaited cycle of family healing and prosperity begins in a few short hours with our next Cancer New Moon! Unprecedented forms and levels of security will be manifesting over the next six months to transform sensitive and secluded weaknesses into platforms of strength and promise. Nexus points of sustenance will burst into life as the cosmos revitalizes us all at the very roots of our mortal existence. Blessings are soon to rain upon all who have prayed for security!

I predict the following themes and events to manifest from the Cancer New Moon until the Full Moon in Cancer on December 25th:

– The elimination of family disease and unemployment

– Every form and kind of domestic repair and remodeling

– Precious endings to homelessness and hunger

– Proper diagnosis and treatment of lingering physical pain

– Spiritually inspired increases in family productivity

– Transitions of authority between family females Continue reading

5 Ways To Expand Your Consciousness When Feeling Depressed

lifeAletheia Luna – If you have felt depressed for a long period of time you know precisely what it feels like; it is as though life has slowed down, lost its vibrancy and color and sense of expansiveness. If you are depressed you might feel spiritless as if you are numb, hollow and empty inside and each waking moment makes you feel more and more diminished rather than expanded.

Feeling depressed makes us lose touch with the joy of living and throughout our lives we all, to some extent, experience this loss. While some of us get back in touch with the vibrancy of living, others of us continue to struggle – mostly against ourselves.

When I went through my own heavy bout of depression I was completely unaware at the time that the reason why I felt so oppressed was not because of other people victimizing me or life punishing me, but rather the endless barrage of toxic self-talk, festering core beliefs and deep unresolved core wounds inside that were making my life a living hell.

I had created a prison within my mind full of limiting beliefs about myself (“I am bad,” “I deserve to be punished,” “I’m worthless”), endless self-put-downs (“You can’t do anything right,” “You are such a mess,” “You’re a loser”) and perpetual judgments about others (“People can’t be trusted,” “People are out to get me,” “No one else is like me or can understand me”). Continue reading