Angel Messages For August 3 – 9 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

It’s a powerful week, because you’ll get in touch with your power and really believe in yourself. The week begins with you realizing that you ARE stronger than you’ve realized . . . and that you have the power to make things happen.


The week will be intense, but instead of the intensity pushing you down, you’ll ride the crest of the energy wave like a pro surfer. You’ll release old negative self-image beliefs, and feel much better about yourself by the end of the week.

Notes: In this video, Doreen is working with the Archangels Oracle Cards, available at bookstores everywhere and on App stores online, and at: Continue reading

Drop The Rope

Zen Gardner – It’s interesting how we get entangled in compromising situations and interactions, often unwittingly. We all face this challenge continually. So often the very ropeencounter itself is predestined to failure without our even knowing it and results in a sense of energy sapping futility.

If you find yourself in such a tug of war, it’s time to rethink your entire stance. In fact, it might be time to drop the connection all together. Winning ain’t what it’s cracked up to be, nor to your benefit in most cases in these circumstances.

This happens because we get snared into lower level thinking on a preset playing field designed to do just that. Ensnare and entrap. This societal mechanism is designed to set the parameters and disguise the real solution which is way outside this constructed paradigm. When we join into the “contest” we subject ourselves to the win-lose dialectic, the pitting of one versus another paradigm that has beset humanity for eons.

That’s not to say there isn’t a time to attempt to illuminate ignorance or expose manipulative mechanisms, we just can’t expect to “win” in an arena built for pointless conflict that distracts from seeing the essential and empowering reality that blows their entire construct to bits.

If we’re too busy fighting amongst ourselves, physically or intellectually, we’ll never see that bigger picture where the true problem truly lies.

The conscious conclusion to draw on such encounters is clear. If you don’t want to play their insidious, pointless, draining and distracting games of tug of war, simply drop the rope and walk away.

The Conflict Dialectic

Society has been manipulated to such a degree that the easiest way to control us is through simple distraction. Bread and circus competitive sports and similar mind-stinting entertainment, right-left paradigm political charades and society dividing issues such as race, immigration and social, economic and class status are furiously alive trigger points of distraction running rampant in this seriously dysfunctional world mind. Continue reading

The Top 24 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Mae Chan – Researchers at the University of South Carolina, including James Hebert, ScD, and Philip Cavicchia, PhD, scored foods and food components thought to positively or negatively affect levels of inflammation, based on a review of peer-reviewed studies relating to diet and inflammation inflammation that were published between 1950 and 2007. Since then, new research is bringing the index closer to “prime time”– ready to be used in epidemiological and clinical studies.

While each plant has its own twist, all are based on the general concept that constant or out-of-control inflammation in the body leads to ill health, and that eating to avoid constant inflammation promotes better health and can ward off disease, says Russell Greenfield, MD, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“It’s very clear that inflammation plays a role much more than we thought with respect to certain maladies,” Greenfield stated.

“We always thought anything with an “itis” at the end involved inflammation,” he says, such as arthritis or appendicitis. But even the illnesses without an “itis” at the end, such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, even Alzheimer’s disease, may be triggered in part by inflammation, he says.

It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation may be at the root cause of many serious illnesses.

Carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol are among the food components most likely to encourage inflammation, while magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-6, C, D and E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, turmeric and tea were the strongest anti-inflammatories.

24 Highest Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

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The Arcturians With Mother Gaia

“Please remember that your intention sets the frequency of your endeavor. When you hold the intention of service to your self, your consciousness resonates to the third dimension. Conversely, when you hold the intention of serving Planet Gaia and ALL my inhabitants, your consciousness resonates to fifth-dimensional Unity Consciousness.” ~ Mother Gaia

consciousnessAs you leave the fourth-dimensional Causal Mystery School you look up to see what resembles light sparkling off the surface of the water. You are drawn to follow that ever-present flow of liquid light as it pulls you towards the glistening surface.

As you move upwards to the expanding flow of spiritual light, you hear a call from a presence that you recognize as your SELF. Instinctively, you know that your “I AM Presence” is calling you from inside the Spiritual Mystery School.

Are you ready to join that expression of your self? Do you love yourself enough to accept the honor of returning to your own spiritual essence? Have you completed your journey through the land of form?

These types of questions continually bombard your awareness. But, slowly you move beyond questions. You move beyond doubt and into the essence of the Spiritual Sub-plane of the fourth dimension.

But this sub-plane does not feel as though it is a stop along your journey. Instead, it appears to be a final portal through which you will travel to return to who you have always been. You are somewhat shocked that you can give yourself such a compliment without your ego reminding you not to be conceited.

However, as you look around inside your Self, you find that somewhere along your journey you have lost your ego. You did not abandon your ego or judge your ego. You just stopped thinking about who you should be and who they want you to be.

In fact, the terms “should” and “they” no longer have meaning. You ARE THEM, and THEY ARE you. Therefore, terms like “you should” are replaced with statements such as “I AM.”

“I AM” is no longer the preface of what you are doing, such as “I am going to the store.” I AM has become the identification of the new SELF that you are becoming.

It has been a long journey from the physical plane and through the sub-planes of the fourth dimension. As you entered each sub-plane, you opened a portal through the frequency of the fourth dimension through which the glistening light of your own I AM Presence can flow.

As you open the next portal, you will blend your I AM Presence with your fifth-dimensional Light Body to complete your opened portal between Gaia’s third dimensional planet and the multidimensional light of the fifth dimension.

Your I AM Presence is the YOU that stands at this threshold awaiting the NOW in which you can merge again with your true Multidimensional SELF. We say “again” as you have temporarily merged with your Multidimensional SELF myriad times in many incarnations. Continue reading

Ronna Star – AA Michael August 2015 Message

lightBeloved masters, on the earthly plane, humans rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel a personal loss of that person from their midst. However, death is also a miracle and, from a spiritual point of view, it is a time of rejoicing, for it is a time of returning to a truer STATE OF BEING.
We have often spoken of diminished consciousness, and most of you are now aware that the ascension process entails expanding your awareness to integrate all the Facets of conscious expression. As you have often heard, you are not just a human being with a Soul; you are a wondrous Being who has experienced a tremendous variety of physical expressions of consciousness.

In ancient times, when you experienced the material realms in semi-solid or in solid form to varying degrees (while in the Higher-Fourth and Lower-Fifth Dimensions, either on Earth or other planets in your solar system or galaxy), you kept the same form for a much longer time than you do now. In fact, you kept the same physical vessel for thousands of years by your timekeeping. The transition process and the relinquishing of a physical vessel at the end of a lifetime were as natural as discarding a suit of old clothes. Death as you now know it did not exist until humanity sank into the density of the Lower Fourth and Third Dimensions, and you forgot that your sojourn on Earth was only a very small interlude amongst a vast array of experiences while on your wondrous journey throughout the cosmos.

After a special farewell ceremony, the departing Soul stepped into a special Fountain of Transition where the Violet Flame of Transformation blazed brightly (the Violet Flame is not hot as you may imagine, but cool and soothing). Then he/she was immediately transported to the appropriate Higher Dimensional environment.

Those who were left behind in the physical realm could communicate telepathically with their departed loved ones, and they knew that they would meet again sometime in the future. They also knew that they could interact while in their Etheric Body with their loved ones during their nightly sojourns, for their nightly travels were as real and memorable as their daytime experiences.

Some time in the future, humanity will cease to fear death and will understand that it is a natural part of the amazing, ever-evolving creative process. There is a natural flow of birth, death/transition, rest and assimilation, and rebirth in order to experience the wondrous variety of shapes, sizes, forms and realities available to you as a cocreator. In the meantime, you must release many of your old fixed ideas and taboos about death and the hereafter, and know that the life you are now experiencing is only a moment in universal time. Continue reading