The Awesome Power Of The Mystery Meme

memeOwen K Waters – In The Future of the Human Race Revealed, we listed the memes of social progression which have been identified so far in the book, Spiral Dynamics. The characteristics of the first tier of six memes (patterns of thought) are:

1. Basic, personal survival.
2. Clan survival.
3. Courage, survival of the fittest.
4. Finding order and purpose in life.
5. Achievement, striving to succeed.
6. Community and caring.

Then, a momentous leap into the second, spiritual tier of six memes began with leading-edge thinkers in the 1950s, then mushroomed into popularity in the mid-1960s. Since then, enough people have made the shift into the second tier to enable two of its memes to be identified and analyzed:

7. Responsible freedom.
8. Holistic, global village view.

As of the 1990s, the authors of Spiral Dynamics have also identified the existence of the next meme in the progression. This ninth meme has not yet been observed in large quantities of people, so they have been unable to summarize its characteristics at this point.

Using basic metaphysical principles, however, you can predict exactly what it will become. Also, second tier memes are reminiscent of their first tier cousins. Meme number nine, being the third meme within the second tier of six, will become an enlightened version of the original meme number three, which is courage. Continue reading

Fukushima & Depopulation In The Age Of Fission [Audio]

TEPCOSGT Report -My new friend and nuclear activist Lonnie Clark joins me to discuss the March 11, 2011 event that changed the world forever: the Japanese earthquake which led to the Fukushima disaster and ensuing nightmare.

Lonnie Clark is a radio host at UCY.TV, her show is ‘The Age of Fission’. Lonnie also helped create The Post Ignorance Project with Kevin Blanch, an effort to wake up the world to the Pacific Genocide.


On this call Lonnie and I discuss the fact that Fukushima radiation cannot be stopped, so the Japanese and United States governments simply ignore it or argue that “a little radiation is good for you”. Lonnie and I conclude that ultimately it’s all part of the ongoing depopulation agenda, demonic in its brilliance and scope.

Lonnie’s Show airs M, W, F from 8-9 am PST, show info & archives can be found HERE.…

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Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

Safety concerns

1967: Layout of the emergency-cooling system

Fukushima reactor control room.On 27 February 2012, NISA ordered TEPCO to report by 12 March 2012 regarding its reasoning in changing the piping layout for the emergency cooling system. These changes were made after the plans were registered in 1966 and the beginning of construction.

The original plans separated the piping systems for two reactors in the isolation condenser from each other. However, the application for approval of the construction plan showed the two piping systems connected outside the reactor. The changes were not noted, in violation of regulations.[77] Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, August 24, 2015

chironFirst Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The East)

Skill: aim high; be observant for signs and synchronicities; have faith

True Alignments: paying attention to fine print or details, going outside the box tactfully, composure, messages and information delivered, hiding, breaking through illusions, release, having caution

Catalysts for Change: missing opportunities or details, excluding others, not taking personal responsibility, rushing, bullying, scapegoating, isolation and reclusion, safety and security feeling threatened

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres”

The very active Sun has moved into Virgo and today is discharging the energy associated with the Sabian symbol of “a large white cross dominating the landscape stands alone on top of a high hill.” Today we are following a path and on the lookout for signs, information, messages from “on high” that relate especially to:

  • SUFFERING and how it is an indication of something that is out of balance.
  • SACRIFICE and the ways it is contrary to the fullest expression of who we are.
  • GIVING AWAY POWER to others and how this causes emotional distress and suppression of the spirit.

    Continue reading

NWO In Its Element: Problem, Reaction, Solution. Beware.

Michael Noonan – Last week, we lamented how difficult it was to get a fix on so many things going on in the world, and going wrong.  It occurs to us that we are all in the midst of the New World Order going about business as usual, creating Problems, and the bigger the better, then watching reactions of the masses, even governments.  The worse possible the problems, the more horrifying the Reactions  the better.  For waiting in the wings is their planned Solution, all leading toward global takeover under a one world rule, like the UN.

One of the more fractious plans has been the destabilization of the Middle East.  Think of all the “problems” [real as they are, but planned], festering throughout that region.  The Arab/Muslim world is reacting, ISIS, US proxy plans for destabilizing Syria, Turkey now in turmoil, Libya gone [along with all its gold, the plan all along], ongoing problems in Egypt, Saudi Arabia attacking Yemen [Sunni v Shiite, keep them divisive, the plan].  Globalists want the entire region warring with each other and in a weakened state, [Problem].

As the  Middle East, and the rest of the world, reacts, [Reaction], the Globalists will step in with a solution to stop all the fighting, being peace, to a certain degree, and have the factions somehow come under a Globalist’s “unified” umbrella where they are now in control, [Solution, their solution].

This Problem, Reaction, Solution blueprint happened in Cyprus, now Greece, setting the stage for bail-ins throughout the Western world, in order to save the banks that created all the financial mayhem from the beginning.  Guess what plan is waiting in the wings for the masses now? Continue reading

POTUS 2016. Count Me Out

americanKatherine Frisk – The first time I followed an American Presidential election was in 2012. And I was not born yesterday. The only reason that I did follow it was because I bumped into a number of Americans on the Internet who taught me about the reality of the Federal Reserve and a number of other things. This all came as a complete and utter shock to my Reuters brainwashed mind. I mean… Reuters lies? Nooooooooo. Between then and now I have acquired a completely different view on the world and how it functions. So don’t panic. I cannot remember the last time I read anything disseminated from Reuters.

So what did I learn about American Presidential elections? The whole thing is a sham. A song and dance routine with Hollywood script writers. Once you get over the fact that it is all a dog and pony show, many things take on a comical hue.

If you are going to pollute your mind in 2016 watch out for this one. The fainting worshiper having a religious experience at an over crowded rally in a football stadium. And the prospective candidate does the whole, “can somebody get that lady a glass of water,”routine, revealing their “compassionate and caring side.” It is repetitive and happens at almost every single rally. All scripted of course.

Then there are the ad-nauseum reports on the news relaying the percentage polls for the different candidates. Watch out for anyone who is not in either the Fox or the CNN stable, no matter what the statics are, he or she will be completely ignored by the talking head. The candidate can even be in the lead and their name will not be mentioned. As far as Murdoch controlled media is concerned, they do not exist. And if you are not American and you read Reuters you would never know that they even existed in the first place. I thought that there were only two people in any given presidential election. One Democrat and one Republican. And please explain to me, when did the USA have elephants roaming the prairie? Continue reading