Oracle report – Friday, November 20, 2015

“Heart Of The Home Fire” – photo by L Walker

First Quarter Moon in Pisces: step out, take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala, The Lotus Goddess

God of Will/Desire: Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: join with others; join with yourself

True Alignments: being interested, relaxation, fun, standing up for others or self, lenient, recognizing patterns, channels of information, grace, insight, sharing, completing, efficient, ventures, patience

Catalysts for Change: taking individual credit for group work, restless, being demanding (that needs be met), not resting when needed, tricks, fake, contempt, always joking and never serious, madness, messing around, highly judgmental, competitive egos, not able to deliver what is touted

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Greetings, wise owls, and welcome back!

The Sabian Symbol for this lunar month, “the woman drawing aside two dark curtains…” is designed to open things up – all kinds of things.  We are “parting the way” within ourselves — parting darkness or parts of us that seek light and expression.  These are sacred pathways that are led by the heart; it guides the way.  When hearts open en masse, as they are this month, dramatic shifts in consciousness occur.  The human collective transforms. Continue reading

Why Anyone Who Questions the Safety of GMOs is Labeled Anti-Science

monsantoChristina Sarich – How do you continue to push GM crops on a population that has overwhelmingly voted against them in poll after poll? You start a campaign similar to the one the tobacco industry began in the 1920’s with the help of Edward Bernays to discredit any naysayers and even put doctors in commercials smoking cigarettes. You also do whatever it takes to buy out ‘real’ scientists and call those into question who inquire about the true safety of GM foods. You label them anti-science and discredit their credentials.

As states:

“First, there has been a tendency to label anyone who dislikes GMOs as anti-science — and put them in the anti-antibiotics, anti-vaccine, even Luddite category. There is, of course, nothing scientific about the comparison. Nor is the scholastic invocation of a “consensus” a valid scientific argument.

Interestingly, there are similarities between arguments that are pro-GMO and snake oil, the latter having relied on a cosmetic definition of science. The charge of “therapeutic nihilism” was leveled at people who contested snake oil medicine at the turn of the 20th century. (At that time, anything with the appearance of sophistication was considered “progress”.)” Continue reading

The Orchestrated Financial Fall of America and the World

Paul Philips – Imagine a bus full of passengers allowing themselves to be taken on some mystery tour chosen by the driver and his navigators. As the journey continues, it becomes more than apparent that the bus is going to be driven off a cliff! The passengers are too much in a state of apathy or too deaf dumb and blind to realize what’s going on … The driver, under the influence of the navigators, instead of slamming on the brakes, insanely decides to put his foot further down on the accelerator!

This is an analogy for what is happening in the USA today: The driver and the navigators represent the political administration in charge at the White House with their increasingly reckless spending of borrowed money that is destroying the American economy, while the passengers are the people they’re supposed to be serving with best interest at heart.

More specifically, America is facing the biggest crisis ever in its history.

By the time Obama ends his term in office as President, with the aid of Congress, the US national debt is expected to be 20 trillion dollars.

This roughly doubles the US national debt since he came into office.

What does this astronomical debt looks like?

Here is almost 20 trillion dollars stacked as $100 dollar bills next to the Statue of Liberty, an articulated lorry and standard American and European football fields. Continue reading

Hillary Clinton’s War Record – 100% For Genocide

Brandon Turbeville – While Bernie Sanders may be tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton’s “damn emails,” the recent scandals that have resulted from her Capitol Hill hearings, combined with the virtually non-existent investigation into the State Department funding of terrorist organizations have gone only a short distance in demonstrating the lengths to which Hillary Clinton has acted as the supporter and executioner of warfare since the first day she assumed any national position in government.

clintonIn addition to her history regarding the Syrian and Libyan crises, it should never be forgotten that Hillary Clinton has supported virtually every military conflict launched during and since her husband’s own disastrous tenure as President.

Remember, in 2002-2003, Hillary Clinton not only supported the push for war in Iraq, she voted for the invasion. In fact, she was fervent in her support for the war, delivering impassioned speeches on the Senate floor in order to convince members of Congress who might have been on the fence, as well as the general American population and a handful of Democrats and liberals who valued her opinion on the topic, that war was the right choice. Indeed, Hillary’s speech promoting war in Iraq rivaled only George W. Bush who was campaigning night and day on American television.

Hillary stated on the floor of the Senate:

I believe the facts that have brought us to this fateful vote are not in doubt. Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who has tortured and killed his own people, even his own family members, to maintain his iron grip on power. He used chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds and on Iranians, killing over 20,000 people.[1] –  Source Continue reading

A Half-Century of Gold, War, and Costs

goldGary Christenson – In round numbers, these wars (in today’s dollars) were tremendously expensive:

Vietnam War:  Estimated cost is $740 Billion

War on Drugs:  Estimated cost is $1,000 Billion

War on Terror, including Afghanistan and Iraq:  Estimated cost is $1,700 Billion and counting

War on Poverty:  Estimated cost is $22,000 Billion

Total estimated war costs – about $25 Trillion.  Really?  Value received?

The following are my opinions and they are certainly not shared by everyone, so read with that caveat in mind.

In a sensible world a government would declare war, ask citizens to accept higher taxes or use accumulated national savings to pay for the war.  In that sensible world, the war would produce a benefit to the country, hopefully in assets, but certainly in less tangible items such as protection of borders and internal security.

So how is the US government doing?

  • Vietnam War: Benefits to the United States were difficult to see.  The “Red Menace” story and the “Domino Theory” failed to satisfy most people.  The war was expensive in dollars and lives.  Many people fail to see any good reason for the war other than an excuse for military contractors and bankers to increase profits.

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