Oracle Report – Wednesday, November 25, 2015

moonFull Moon in Taurus/Gemini (12:15 pm ET/5:15 pm UT)(5:44 pm ET/10:44 pm UT): clarity, illumination

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – The Lotus Goddess

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: see what is forming; return to basics

True Alignments: finding meaning, accepting true self, faith, new depth of experience, creation, patience, perseverance, wisdom, reverence, progress, helping others, things becoming balanced, joy, following signs (especially signs from nature – be on the lookout!)

Catalysts for Change: neglecting others, hatred, untrusting, impulsive or premature action, not giving or receiving, not asking for help when needed, too much emphasis on appearance, glorifying the past, tricks, not ready

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

We enter the Full Moon phase of the month later today, and with it comes some very intense astrological aspects. The Full Moon phase continues through Saturday, November 28, and the energy follows a progression. Interestingly, the Sun is located at “a little child learning to walk” and Mercury is located at “a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs.” So today is the day to follow the trail or “sacred pathway” on which the Wisdom Goddess Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth, is leading us.

11:30 am ET/4:30 pm UT: Venus moves to 20 Libra and the Sabian symbol that ruled the entire last lunar month, “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.” Recall that last month was the month (lunar month, October 12 – November 10) that would show the level of power that the cabal/Illuminati still held. The “only” thing they could get going was downing a Russian passenger airliner under energetics where world domination could have been taken by the most powerful. They are not as powerful as they were. Continue reading

The Best Place To Begin


Veronica – It is critical in the current time frame to remain receptive to the divine whispers of the eternal. Those who have defined their cause as one of negativity simply cannot find fertile ground in your thoughts and energy. To remain steadfast in your stance of positiveness can be tedious.

Know that the nature of who you are is a strong one. Nothing can block the natural ebb and flow that emanates from within your heart. There are those who would seek to eradicate the beauty of the soul. Some wish to seed the earth plane with all types of evil. This behaviour has participated for centuries.

Many have attempted destruction, but without cooperation, those who would try will fail. Be steadfast in the belief of who you are. The glow of spirit within cannot be stilled. Allow your deepest thoughts of peace and serenity to come forth. Continue reading

When The Unacceptable Becomes Acceptable. Satan’s Production Line

unacceptableKatherine Frisk – The thing about a pathological liar is that no matter how affable they might be, no matter how good-looking, no matter how successful or wealthy they become, no matter how powerful, there is no compromise with these people. They will deny everything. Only one thing counts with them. I win.

They simply are incapable of understanding that this behaviour is unacceptable. The worst part is, they actually expect you to go along with the lies and play the game and when you don’t they are shocked and horrified that you would even consider contradicting them. Negotiation is not possible.

They even expect you to go along with their lies when doing so is to your disadvantage and at your own expense. They cannot understand why you would challenge them and not play the game to their benefit. Truth, justice or even a fair deal does not and never did count. Only their desired outcome. The unacceptable in their minds is acceptable and they expect you to become a convert.

In the last week we have seen many exposures in the media about the CIA. This is not news to anyone familiar with Independent media. It has been clear to all of us that two different US interests have been at play in Syria. The official one supported by the Pentagon and the covert CIA one, backed by big money; drug, organ and arms dealers; and oil traders. As Tulsi Gabbard pointed out:

The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria…The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”

And steal oil. Let’s not forget about all that oil. Lies, duplicity and theft. The unacceptable has become acceptable. And the 350,000 Syrians who have died, the 11 million people displaced, are merely collateral damage. Continue reading

Negative interest rates to hit the US

riskSimon Black – It started in 1921.

World War I was over. The Treaty of Versailles had been signed two years before.

And Germany, the biggest loser from the war, had been stuck with both the blame and the bill.

Germany’s war debt– which it owed not only for its own war-related expenses, but also for reparations to the victors– was devastating.

They didn’t have the money, so they started printing it.

Not surprisingly, the German mark began to sink. It started slowly at first, but by 1921 hyperinflation had taken hold until prices soared by thousands of percent.

One of my favorite stories from this period, was of the elderly man who went to the police to report a robbery. Thieves had stolen a wheelbarrow of money.

It was common at the time to use wheelbarrows to transport the huge sums of cash that were required to buy even the most simple things like bread and milk.

When the police asked him how much was in the wheelbarrow, the man corrected them saying that the thieves had only stolen the wheelbarrow, and had left the cash behind.

Undoubtedly the entire society was upturned by this hyperinflation. But as history shows, in any situation, there are always winners and losers.

Pensioners and people who responsibly saved their money were wiped out; whereas people who had borrowed to invest in real assets did extremely well.

Owners of residential real estate suffered under government imposed rent controls, whereas owners of farmland thrived. Continue reading

Cooler Heads Prevail at Texas Climate Summit

lindzenRebecca Terrell – Amid the bustle and rhetoric leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference to begin November 30 in France, one man has described global warming hysteria most succinctly: “It’s just nonsense.” Climate expert Dr. Richard Lindzen (shown, left) made this remark Friday at a summit hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin. An emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT, Lindzen emphasized, “Demonization of CO2 is irrational at best, and even modest warming is mostly beneficial.”

The watchdog website Climate Depot provides Lindzen’s compelling arguments refuting UN claims that mankind is responsible for most of our planet’s warming during the past 50 years.

The most important thing to keep in mind is — when you ask “is it warming, is it cooling,” etc. — is that we are talking about something tiny, and that is the crucial point.

We are speaking of small changes. Twenty-five hundredths (of a degree) Celsius would be about 50 percent of the recent warming, and that strongly suggests a low and inconsequential climate sensitivity — meaning no problem at all.

[Pointing out a graph of temperature records over time:] I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree. When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record, what are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period, and they are arguing over hundredths of a degree when it is uncertain in tenths of a degree. Continue reading