Oracle Report – Thursday, November 26, 2015

wisdomFull Moon in Gemini: illumination, realization

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – The Goddess of Transformation, Goddess of the Lotus

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: watch and learn

True Alignments: forming a different and expanded perception, motivation, gatherings of like minded people, vision for the future, dispelling darkness, stories, consultation, listening to messages

Catalysts for Change: avoidance, being vulnerable with people who are not “safe” to be vulnerable with, denial, arguments, propaganda, arrogant, control issues, feeling one’s way is the only correct way

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: ” a woman drawing aside two curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, all the world is a stage and there are three starring roles: Change, Drama, and Wisdom.

Change: Change and action are highlighted rather dramatically with the Sabian symbols “a radical magazine, asking for action, displays a sensational front page” and “a tumultuous labor demonstration.” These are very assertive energies that intend to incite or initiate something. Of course, we view these energies on an individual and global level. What is coming forth within you? What is coming forth in the world? Continue reading

Living as the Integrated Self (Part 1 of 2)

“The excitement in our realm is mounting as so many awakening Lightworkers on Earth are beginning to remember who they truly are, and with this remembrance the overall consciousness of your world is accelerating into new heights. Your God Presence is your fully integrated Master Self and it is presently assisting you in opening the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA. For millions of years these luminous fibers have been sustaining your expanded, pre-separation capacities to live, love and create AS your Presence. In the Ascended realms you have always been recognized and supported as your immortal Presence.” ~ Sanat Kumara, an ancient master who came to Earth millions of years ago to expand the love vibration within the hearts of humanity

consciousnessAll sentient beings are first and foremost great spiritual beings and in their hearts they know that the God Spark within them is changeless and that life is eternal and perfect in every way. Living day in and day out in divine, unconditional love is the key to living on Earth as your fully integrated Master Self. Mother/Father God created your Presence and you are not only eternally one with Them, you are also their embodied co-creators and now is your time to create a world that is founded in divine, unconditional love.

The world and all of life is profoundly benefited when you make a deep heart-felt agreement to ONLY think, feel and create what will support the original spark of God’s Love and Light that is encoded within every heart. This agreement will greatly assist in expanding humanity’s potential to ascend into Unity or Christ Consciousness, which is the foundational consciousness of your new Golden Age.

Keep expanding your God Consciousness by integrating the qualities of your Presence ~ such as peace, harmony, patience, gratitude and joy ~ so no matter what is taking place in your life, in your family, in any of your relationships or in the world around you, you are able to maintain your Oneness with the Creator. Continue reading

Lies, Damned Lies, and Global Warming Statistics [Video]

James Corbett – Don’t you hate when Fox News and the other MSM spin-meisters use simple tricks to skew and misrepresent data and statistics? How about when the World Meteorological Organization does it? Or NASA? Or the Journal of Climate? Or GISS? Join James for today’s thought for the day as he shows you some of the grade school level parlour tricks the global warming alarmists use to misrepresent their data and bamboozle the public.

Show Notes

Lying with Charts – Global Warming Graph

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Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War

Dylan Charles – As we inch further into the future and evermore closer to the next, and certainly last, world war, it seems proper to give pause and consider the significance of the fact that much of the information provided on world events is dreadfully compromised by corporate and political propagandists.


Mainstream media, with its exceptional reach, is able to mold the public’s first impression of any global event thereby establishing the ‘official story,’ the one that is repeated again and again during the first moments of a crisis. They capitalize on the immediate shock value of an act of extraordinary violence or unrest to mold public perception into conformity with a narrative that will become the abiding fiction by which any further substantive investigation of the event must be measured against.

9/11 is perhaps the best example of this, as nearly 15 years afterwards, an incredible amount of information and research has become available to the public, at least enough to unseat the official version of events and inspire a deeper investigation, yet contrary reporting is still not taken seriously at all by mainline media outlets.

The news is all about artificially manipulating the context of stories. The thinner the context, the thinner the mind must become to accept it. If you want to visualize this, imagine a rectangular solid. The news covers the top surface. Therefore, the mind is trained to work in only two dimensions. Then it can’t fathom depth, and it certainly can’t appreciate the fact that the whole rectangular solid moves through time, the fourth dimension. – Jon Rappoport

Sometimes the media gets caught fabricating events and twisting reality. Here’s a disturbing look at some of the more recent examples of mainstream media news deceptions, staged events and psy-ops that have been exposed by the international independent press.

With BBC reporter Ian Pannell standing amidst a host of crisis victims while on the scene at a small rural hospital in Syria, a supposed incendiary bomb or napalm attack happened, and, as they were filming, a stream of wounded patients began pouring in. A doctor was interviewed on the scene, remarking that a napalm attack had occurred. Continue reading