Angel Messages For Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2015 ~ Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of big personal and spiritual growth, as you tune-in to your own needs . . . and take care of them.

You will feel extra-intuitive this week. You’ll receive life-changing insights about yourself which will help you to forgive yourself and have compassion about yourself.

You’ll be kinder and gentler toward yourself, and let go of old habits of perfectionism and being so hard on yourself. You are entering a new time of honoring yourself, and recognizing that you are God’s beloved child.

It’s a week of noticing, trusting, and understanding how you feel. You truly will make friends with yourself this week, and feel more confidence and greater peace as a result.

This video features Pumpkin the orange rescue kitty and Cuddles the Sheltie puppy, who played together after the filming. Continue reading

Woman Combines Coconut Oil And Cannabis Oil And Cures Lung Cancer


Healthy Tips World – This lady was diagnosed with advanced terminal lung cancer and even though doctors said it is incurable, her daughter took efforts to obtain cannabis oil for healing after her mother received the oncologist’s death sentence of six months left to live with her cancer. She preserved with amazing results and after curing her stage 4 lung cancer within 3 months she courageously posted an upbeat, outspoken YouTube testimonial.

She is from Australia and her family appears to be very comfortably middle class. However, cannabis is illegal there. It happened at the beginning of 2014 when she was diagnosed with a small cell of lung carcinoma after couple of attempts to get a biopsy done to determine the extent of masses discovered by scans earlier. Her oncologist did not approve radiation stating that it was not possible and undergoing chemo will only prolong her life for couple of months with a considerably less than an optimum quality of life. After that, she and her husband searched the internet and found cannabis groups, mostly in the USA, getting what information she could as well as how to make and use the oil. Continue reading

Ronna Star – AA Michael December 2015 Message

Accessing Your Higher Power Potential

soulAA Michael – Beloved Masters, the Ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your Spiritual Triad, a Sacred Facet of your Divine Self, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. This is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution.

Remember, All Creation—the Omniverse at all levels—is Cosmic Energy, which was sent forth from the Heart-Core of the Supreme Creator. This Energy is composed of vibrational frequencies of infinite variations, which interpenetrate with each other, and yet are separated from each other by the variance in Light frequency patterns. The light/energy of the Creator contains all the components of Creation, and these innumerable Seeded Patterns of Light make up the complexity of the many levels of material manifestation. The terms used to describe the multiple levels of Creation, such as “Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions,” are used to bring clarity and understanding of the very complex nature of the reality in which all Creation exists.

​We have defined the stages or levels of the Ascension process that humanity is currently experiencing as “Stages Of Evolution.” After you return to balance and harmonize your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies within the vibratory fields of the Third Dimension, you are ready to focus on the Fourth Dimension and the Emotional-Astral Planes.

Most of the advanced Souls who have incarnated within the last fifty or so years came in with their third-dimensional Soul Fragments already harmonized and integrated, and many came in with a good portion of their Fourth-Dimensional Fragments integrated as well. These precious Souls are the ones who agreed to sink into the density of the third-/fourth-dimensional illusional density so they could become the vanguard /wayshowers who would lead the way onto the upward spiraling path into the entry realms of the Fifth Kingdom. As these brave Light Bearers are lifted up, so are the Earth and all humanity. Continue reading

Transcending Self

deathSince your life has become
A loud self-proclamation-drum,
How will you ever feel the joy
Of a transcendence-satisfaction-life? – Sri Chinmoy

Shock and awe

Elva Thompson – What a full frontal shock it is when the horror and brutality of this sacrificial reality becomes self- evident, and we are called upon by life itself to change our thinking and perspective. What a shock it is to realise that we are alive amongst the half-dead: the third dimensional fractals of Impostor Consciousness, the materialistic selfish mind and its false sense of entitlement to take and defile anything it wants.

Two kinds of awakening

There are two polarities of awakening, and even though they may share an ideal, their energy is fundamentally very different; one is ego based, exclusive and self important, while the other is heart based, self-less and inclusive.

Birth pangs

“When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.” Dean Jackson

Awakening for the heart based person is a very painful process, and we can be lonely in our new found understanding. Often we are faced with disbelief and hostility by those close to us who cannot understand our sudden change of view. Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

helpThe Angels – “Expect the unexpected,” is a common phrase upon your earth. We would say, “Embrace the now, Anticipate the Best!” for in truth dear ones, if you anticipate the best you tend to draw yourselves towards it! If you understand that all things are truly possible with God, then rather than bracing for disappointment, you will joyfully look forward to the surprises and assistance on the path ahead.

God loves you! We love you! We celebrate your presence upon the earth. We celebrate your eternal being. We celebrate when you ask us for assistance because you are using your free will to love yourselves and ask for help. We want to give you the present of Presence over the holidays… the presence of love, the presence of joy, the presence of grace. Allow us please to help you!

We know you are busy during the holidays but everything would go so much more smoothly if you would start and end your day with the Divine. Take a few minutes each morning. “Dear God, Dear Angels, this is what I would like to accomplish this day. Please help me. If you have other plans, dear God, help me trust that you really do know what you’re doing with my life and the universe, and that you love me. Help me trust that my desires will be fulfilled in the most perfect way at the most perfect time. Thank you.” And then dear friends you go about your day, trusting that you will receive all the help you need and that when something does not look as you think it “should” there is always a greater reason.

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