Oracle Report – Thursday, February 4, 2016

“Salt Creek” – photo by Jackie

Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn 7:45 pm ET/12:45 am UT): release, dream

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Higher Octaves of the Day’s Energies: giving thanks, group and team efforts, observant, rewards, leadership, clearing, inner home fire, adjusting to changes, solutions and resolutions, plentiful, colorful

Lower Octaves of the Day’s Energies: bossy, poor timing, controlling, taking advantage through authority that has been entrusted, indecisive, immobilized, feeling of defeat, triggers of trauma, blocking

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of consciousness)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon begins today. This is the time of the lunar cycle that is creative, dreamy, and mystical. The phase is not exactly part of the ending lunar month. It is a transition time. It is the time when the “veils between the worlds are thinnest.”

Perhaps the “hidden choir” will be seen.

The energetics of Balsamic phases certainly provide the closest “contact” or “connection” with Spirit, so we may very well see manifestation of some sort of blessing as we approach the New Moon in Aquarius (Monday, February 8, 2016). Continue reading

Chaos and Power

ballDana Mrkich – We are seeing a lot of chaotic energy around at the moment. Weather has gone haywire. Schools all around the world have been receiving bomb threats on a daily basis for almost a week. Misinformation and fear campaigns are out in full force. Distraction efforts are at an all time high.

The energy of 2016 has the most power of any year I’ve felt before, and feels to represent a completely new phase to the years preceding it. As mentioned in the year ahead forecast, it is numerologically a year 9 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6). So we are seeing the end of a period that started in 2008, and we are being given a taste of the 2017-2025 chapter ahead.

2016 feels to be a year when millions of people are deciding or choosing or feeling compelled to step it up a level. Individually and collectively, more of us are stepping into our truth, and stepping into our power. We are taking inspired, conscious action be that walking away from old jobs, to changing the food we eat, the products we buy, the media we watch and the activities we engage in. Continue reading

This World Leader Stole His Citizens’ Gold

CharlesSimon Black – Even before his coronation in 1626, King Charles I of England was almost bankrupt.

His predecessors King James and Queen Elizabeth had run the royal treasury down to almost nothing.

Costly war and military folly had taken its toll. The crown had simply wasted far too much money, and brought in too little.

To make matters worse, King Charles was constantly at odds with parliament.

The English government was completely dysfunctional, with constant bickering, personal attacks, and very little sound decision-making.

Parliament refused to pass the taxes that Charles needed to make ends meet. But at the same time, the King was legally unable to levy his own taxes without parliamentary approval.

So, faced with financial desperation, he began to look for alternative ways to raise revenue.

One way was relying on practically ancient, obscure laws to penalize his subjects.

The Distraint of Knighthood, for example, was based on an act from 1278, roughly three and a half centuries before Charles’ coronation.

The Act gave him the legal authority to fine all men with a minimum level of income who did not present themselves in person at his coronation.

Charles also commandeered vast amounts of land, restoring the boundaries of the royal forests to where they had been during the time of King Edward I in the 13th century. Continue reading

Zika virus outbreak linked to release of genetically engineered mosquitoes…

mosquitoes Mike Adams – GMO skeptics like myself have been warning for years of the unintended consequences of genetic pollution. Even when genetically engineered organisms are released into the world with the best of intentions, such actions can wreak havoc on the ecosystem and human civilization in ways that simply can’t be foreseen by the world’s most well-meaning scientists.

I specifically warned about this in 2012, listing the top 12 threats to humanity posed by out of control science. In that infographic, I designated “Level 4” hazards as “Self-replicating pollution,” naming genetically engineered organisms as the vector for such threats against humanity. (In the years since, many top science figures like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have repeated the warnings from my list, including threats from AI.)

Now we may be seeing the first wave of the horrific destruction that can be unleashed by self-replicating genetically modified organisms. The Zika virus, now spreading with unbridled ferocity, appears to have been caused by the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes that scientists hoped would sharply reduce malaria infections.

“The Zika virus outbreak currently gripping the Americas could have been sparked by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012,” reports The Mirror. “The insects were engineered by biotechnology experts to combat the spread of dengue fever and other diseases and released into the general population of Brazil in 2012… The Aedes aegypti mosquito sub-species that carries both the Zika virus and dengue was the type targeted with genetically modified mosquitoes.”

But something went horribly wrong. Continue reading

Democracy in America: The World’s Greatest Hoax

duopoly Stephen Lendman – Democracy in America is pure fantasy. None exists. Money-controlled duopoly power runs things. Voters have no say whatever.

America is a one-party state with two wings, in lockstep on major issues mattering most.

Elections mock legitimacy, farcical by any standard. Candidates are bought like toothpaste, cardboard cookie cut-outs of each, distinguishable by their rhetoric alone, promising one thing, delivering another.

Each electoral cycle has the same outcome. Dirty business as usual wins every time. Police state tyranny substitutes for constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Fascist governance runs things, wrapped in the American flag. Voting Republican or Democrat is like choosing between death by hanging or firing squad.

Americans are the most out-of-touch, uninformed people anywhere, easy marks to be manipulated, deceived and betrayed.

All exclusively support wealth, power and privilege, the public interest be damned. The evidence speaks for itself. Continue reading