Wag More and Bark Less

barkMary O’Malley  – On my morning walk a few days ago, I saw a delightful bumper sticker that read, ‘Wag more. Bark less.’ I chuckled to myself and then I realized that we often use that idea to override ourselves – to expect ourselves to be different than what or who we are. While it is a good intention to have, if we don’t learn how to wag more and bark less with ourselves, we miss the point.

We are so used to barking at ourselves. We are conditioned to deny, change or just fall into our experiences. When we are angry, sad or scared, we usually get lost in the feeling or try to get away from it as fast as we can. In other words, we leave ourselves when we most need ourselves. We also have been deeply conditioned to judge ourselves. We ‘bark’ mean things to ourselves when we are the most vulnerable. If we talked to our friends the way we talk to ourselves, we wouldn’t have any friends!

One of the most healing things you can do is to learn how to love yourself exactly as you are. If you can touch yourself with kindness and compassion, even when you think you aren’t doing it ‘right,’ it will make a huge difference in your life. We are all a mixture of dark and light, and one of the most courageous things you can do (and one of the most healing for the world) is to embrace the entirety of yourself in your own heart.

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U.S. Senate Members Awaken to the Dumbness Posed by Smart Meter Technologies

Catherine J. Frompovich – Throughout the land and in lockstep with the United Nations and Agenda 21 [1, 2], AMI smart meters are being retrofitted on to utility customers’ services for electricity, natural gas, and water.

Not only are AMI smart meters dangerously emitting dirty electricity, high pulse harmonics on to every building’s interior wiring, electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation frequencies (RFs/EMFs) are being radiated into living spaces, work areas, and every venue retrofitted with an AMI smart meter.  Analogize it as leaving an operating microwave oven door open throughout the entire house 24/7/365 generating what’s called non-thermal adversehealth effects [3, 4] that can’t be turned off!

However, those serious public health hazards—a Class 2B carcinogen per the World Health Organization’s IARC [5]—don’t seem to be of concern to anyone whatsoever, but something involving the microwave technology that runs AMI smart meters has gotten the attention of U.S. Senators—“identify security vulnerabilities of certain entities in the energy sector!”

That refers to the absolutely porous, easily hackable network of cell phone and mast towers microwaves that are the ‘brains’ of the surveillance society tool the federal government—with utility companies’ assistance—will use to monitor and control usage and us; send interrupt-power signals to services even when bills are paid in full; plus function as the “eyes and ears” of the surveillance state recording and transmitting your personal activities from RF chips in every ‘smart’ appliance in a home, business, or wherever.  Welcome to the dumb smart world of total surveillance technology!  What do you think of that smart phone or TV now?

Do you think I’m out to lunch on all the above?  Well, read on.

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Oracle Report – Monday, June 20, 2016

Full Moon Phase: full light; clarity, realizations

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: all

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: all

Skill: open to higher forces; inner self standing up or coming forth; activating

True Alignments: expansion, life-changing truth-seeing, inner call to action, letting it be, ideals, divine intervention, evolution of consciousness

Catalysts for Change: rigidly holding on to a thought/belief/feeling that is no longer in the highest and best interest, outbursts and freak outs (it’s ok- something is trying to change), accusations, turning “empowerment” into nothing but another control issue

Today’s report is abbreviated. In addition to the following information, listening or re-listening to the Sunday report may be helpful in hindsight. Much of what I discussed involves the Full Moon phase.

It’s the Full Moon and Solstice AND the Full Moon is conjunct the Galactic Center- a Galactic Full Moon Solstice!

The Aeons (Gnostic for divine beings) of the pleroma (Gnostic for the Galactic Center) flood the Earth with codes of light and information – love.

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The Mark of the Beast and Technology [Audio]

Kev Baker – Do you know what the Mark of the Beast looks like? Find out what the Satanists say about its origins. Is your TV demon possessed?  http://freemantv.com/


Katy Perry tells your children to bring ET spirits into their souls. What messages and movies have we sent to extraterrestrials? What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel these entities into our dimension. What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN. What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order? Why did the Pope quit and what is the Vatican saying about aliens?

SF Source Freeman Fly  June 2016

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Insanity Is World “Norm.” Keep Stacking!

Michael Noonan – We know of no discernible line where stupid begins; for sure, it does not end.  There are two primary reasons for the never-ending goal of buying and holding physical gold and silver:

1. Both are the only valid form of money.  Yeah, yeah, anyone can argue sea shells, livestock, whale’s teeth, barter, any form of paper, etc, etc, etc, but none of them will fly now or even in the last century.  When all is said and done, throughout the history of mankind, gold and silver rule.

2. In a world where the elites have been ruling for the past few centuries, and where it has reached its tarnished zenith in present day, where greed and stupidity readily prevail over the uninspired masses, if you do not own gold and/or silver, you got nothing!

Almost everyone who is a gold/silver advocate/purchaser follows the never-ending list of experts on the topic where one can learn all about supply and demand, how much gold or silver is being mined, where, who is buying, read all about purportedly empty vaults in the West that are not supposed to be empty, how many paper contracts there are chasing every available ounce known to exist.  A lot of this information comes in colorful graphic charts, backed by endless statistics.

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