It’s Time To Focus Thoughts Of Love From Heart And Mind Combined

focusHilarion – The Divine, the Universe, has a way of reordering things, restructuring the process of time itself in order to ensure that everything continues to flow as it is meant to. As a result of this, nothing is ever truly out of sync, the Divine recycles opportunity, brings things into manifestation that will ensure that everything serves a purpose, a function, has a higher perspective, a higher power, a higher use and this is the case here.

So although in part, your world is behind, the Divine has used that to the advantage of all. What occurs now throughout the planet is part of the process, it is part of the plan, it is how things are meant to be. Shifts and changes cannot occur without risk and danger; cannot occur without systems and structures being broken and pulled apart, rearranged and transformed, without some pain, some difficulty and some conflicts. This is always how it has been but not always how it will be. In the future, further evolution will be more natural, more flowing and more graceful, in time.

So, your world needs constant care and attention, that is what it requires, that is what it will be given. The Masters and the Angels bend their attention to the world, focus their thoughts upon it; work through the Lightworkers of the world, monitoring and maintaining peace, focus and function, helping to restore, re-align and reconnect; helping to give comfort and reassurance, understanding and truth.

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Angel Messages For December 5 – 11, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s an emotional week, and your heart may feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, you have lots of help and support – especially from Heaven.

Your guardian angels are empowering you to take positive and healthy action to deal with emotions, such as talking with God, journaling about your feelings, and charity or volunteer work to help the issues you’re concerned about in the world.

This week’s video includes prayers, meditations, and treatments to bring you strength and peace. Continue reading

The Fiery Forces Of Creation Are Sweeping The Earth

membranesAA Michael – Beloved masters, remember this term: Membranes Of Light, for it is important that this concept is clearly defined within your mind. There were membranes of Light placed across your memory when you began your journey into the illusionary realities of the 3rd/4th dimensions. There were membranes of Light placed at the entryway to your sacred mind and to your sacred heart. There was / is a membrane of light surrounding your 3rd Eye / your inner sight.

When your Higher Self determines it is time for your 3rd eye to open, it will be as if you received a surge of sacred energy upon your brow. These specialized frequencies open the seed crystals of light within the pineal gland, which initiates the ability for extrasensory perception/clairvoyance.

Most of you have heard of the ring-pass-not, a thin membrane of light radiation, which encircled the planet. It was a restrictive quarantine of sorts, which was gradually dissolved from the earth’s atmosphere, thereby allowing the cosmic information flood gates to be flung open so that the next level of cosmic wisdom could pour forth to a select group of world servers / cosmic messengers.

For many lifetimes, every one of these brave souls has been in an intense preparatory stage in the higher realms. This intense training period was necessary in order to bring forth the advanced teachings in an accurate, orderly and timely method. It is cosmic law that you must integrate and experience each level of new truth in order to move to the next, more advanced level. It is a unique and specialized path of initiation.

The ascended masters of the cosmic council of light do not openly teach in public. They work entirely through their disciples and initiates, mostly by conveying the inspired thought forms of higher wisdom teachings. Initiates work on the mental levels, also mostly behind the scenes. However, a select group is actively teaching out in the world, for inspiring others to become world servers is their most important task.

There is a light epidemic whereby every person on earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize the higher frequency God Light in order to benefit from it and make use of it.

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Grounding Techniques To Avoid Apathy And Depression

lifeisbetterwhenyourelaughingGostica – Empaths, let’s all agree on one thing – I really think that it is a challenge for Empaths to stay grounded as they’re constantly being bombarded with a real mix of negative, external emotions. Even if they stay home and don’t venture out of their personal sanctuaries, their empathic antennas are picking up so much of the pain from the outside world.

Because of this, Empaths can easily become consumed with depression, listlessness and apathy and lose sight of what our roles here are to do. All of the following techniques have been tried and tested by yours truly and I can attest to the benefits of them, although I have to say on the darker days, especially when there is a lot of solar activity, even these techniques don’t always clear the emotional debris.

Grounding Techniques For Empaths to Avoid Apathy and Depression:

1. Change your thoughts

Yes, you should change your thoughts. Many of us help create our life situations with the thoughts we keep, especially dark, repetitive ones. From the second a negative thought pops into our head we only have a matter of moments before its settles in and changes our mindset from positive to negative, once this happens, one bad thought after another keeps rolling in.

The best way to avoid it is not to indulge in them in the first place. When a dark thought pounces, change it, immediately, to a good one. Sounds simple, it’s not. It’s difficult, but we do have a choice about what we think (and feel). We can allow our thoughts to rule us or we can rule our thoughts… Change your thoughts change your life!

2. Exercise and play

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Release yourself to adventure

The Angels – Release yourselves to the adventure of life! We have spoken a great deal lately about releasing yourself from expectations. Can you imagine the freedom adventureif you release life from expectations and instead just enjoy each day for the gifts it offers? Can you imagine having your plans and desires but also being open, as a child is, to the adventures of life? Can you trust, as a child does, that the Divine loves you and wants the best for you?

As you approach your holiday season, so many of you have so many plans! This is wonderful! You anticipate creating loving gifts, love celebrations, loving gatherings with one another. We love the love with which you plan and dream of your celebrations! However, so many of you have a tendency also to slip into stress. When you forget the love behind your plans and presents, then life ceases to be an adventure and becomes a burden.

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