How To Let Go Of The Struggle In Manifestation

Andrea Schulman – Do you know how to let go of the struggle when trying to manifest something new? Letting go is perhaps the most important part of the manifestation process. This is especially true when it comes to the big dreams.

letting goBecause letting go is often a counterintuitive subject, I wanted to take a moment to explain the importance of it, and how to do it.

Lots of people believe that if they “let go” of their dreams, the dreams will not come to them.  They believe that in order to make the Law of Attraction work for these dreams, they must focus, focus, focus on what they want.

Now, focus CAN work, but it’s very important to understand that focus only works when it is accompanied with positive expectation.

When you pair focus with negative expectation, all you are focusing on is the fact that you don’t believe you are going to get what you want! Focusing on something you don’t believe you can have will result in you not receiving it.

So, what’s a conscious creator to do when he or she can’t focus on a subject in positive anticipation?

LET GO.  Honestly, you’ve got to let go.

Why let go of the struggle?

Holding on to a dream that is making you feel insecure, worried, anxious, angry or sad will not work for you.  You’ve got to let it go. Continue reading

The Hidden Psychedelic History of Ancient Civilizations

Chris Everard – This new documentary shows ancient civilizations used hallucigens throughout the centuries for a wide range of purposes, psychedelic drugs continue to hold an air of mystique even today. The history of psychedelics reaches back as far as prehistoric times by some accounts, while psychedelic drugs have only just recently become an area of interest within the field of science. The history of psychedelics may offer clues as to how these powerful hallucinogens can be used for medicinal purposes and mind expansion.

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Banks Not Going Broke, They Are Broke [Video w/ Transcript]

RuleGreg Hunter – Rick Rule is an expert on investing in all sorts of natural resources, and that includes gold and silver. He thinks it won’t take a “catastrophic event” to move prices higher in precious metals.  Rule explains, “You remember the decade of the 1970’s?  The shocks to the financial system were severe but survivable.  The gold price went from $35 per ounce to $850 per ounce.. . . As you can see, I am not a young guy.

I was a finance major, and the way I learned accounting, it’s not like the banks are going to go broke, the banks are broke. . . . It isn’t a question of ongoing bank solvency.  It’s a question of real bank solvency and how long people will believe in the system. . . . If the major players had to face a liquidity squeeze, even the level of magnitude they faced in 2008, I suspect the fiscal tools available are constrained enough now that they would be unsuccessful in containing a broad liquidity base contagion.”

So, we would see bankruptcies and failures, and the Fed would have to let things go. Rule contends, “I don’t think they would have any other choice but to let them go.  My suspicion is we are going to skate through this without a catastrophic situation.

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Obama’s Legacy and What It Means for a Trump Presidency

“This light of history is pitiless; it has a strange and divine quality that, luminous as it is, and precisely because it is luminous, often casts a shadow just where we saw a radiance; out of the same man it makes two different phantoms, and the one attacks and punishes the other, the darkness of the despot struggles with the splendor of the captain. Hence a truer measure in the final judgment of the nations. Babylon violated diminishes Alexander; Rome enslaved diminishes Caesar; massacred Jerusalem diminishes Titus. Tyranny follows the tyrant. Woe to the man who leaves behind a shadow that bears his form.” Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

obamaJohn W. Whitehead – Let’s talk about President Obama’s legacy, shall we?

This was a candidate who was ushered into office promising hope and change, pledging to put an end to the endless wars that were bankrupting the country (he was actually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in anticipation of his efforts to bring about world peace), and vowing to put an end of the corporate revolving door that had turned our republic into an oligarchy.

After eight years in office, Barack Obama leaves our nation with a weakened Constitution that has been dealt one crippling blow after another by court rulings and government overreach, with more militarized police empowered to shoot first and ask questions later, with more SWAT team raids, with more government corruption, with more debt than ever before ($19 trillion and rising), with more racial tensions bubbling over into confrontations, with even greater surveillance intruding into the privacy of the citizenry, with less tolerance for free speech and thought, with taxpayers groaning under the weight of even more taxes disguised as fines and fees, with a more “imperial” president empowered to act unilaterally through the use of signing statements and executive orders, with a greater risk of blowback from military occupations, drone strikes and endless wars abroad, and with a citizenry more broken and oppressed than ever.

In other words, Obama leaves our nation worse off than when he took office.

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Assange blasts ’embarrassing’ ODNI report, says ‘no evidence’ given

RT – During a press conference Monday, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange criticized the recent ODNI report describing it as “quite embarrassing to the reputations of the US intelligence services.”


Assange answered questions submitted via #AskWL on Twitter for over an hour, which was streamed live via Periscope from the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

He described the ODNI’s report as containing “zero evidentiary weight” and being “deliberately political.”

Asked about the source of the leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta Assange denied it was a state

“If our sources were a state we would have a lot less concern in attempting to protect them,” he said, adding that he would not provide additional information as this could lead to their identification.

“Take the data now, keep it under your bed or with your mother. You can give it to WikiLeaks,” Assange said, encouraging members of the Obama administration to prevent information being destroyed before he leaves office.

He denied that WikiLeaks posessed information from the Republican National Committee which they refused to publish, calling the claim “false.” Continue reading