Judge Dale (ret’d) ~ The Great American Adventure 2D: “The Reconstruction Act Usurped States Rights And Set The Stage For Theft Of America’s Wealth By Private Bankers”

Reconstruction The Reconstruction Act of 1868 is misleading because it actually dealt with reconstructing the order of governmental power and redefining the military’s purpose and authority within The Virginia Company –  a fraud masquerading as The United States of America. Yes, President Andrew Jackson vetoed this act.  However, presidential vetoes can be defeated by a […]

Judge Dale (ret’d) ~ The Great American Adventure 2C: “America! America! God Shed His Grace On Thee”

Judge Dale – President Abraham Lincoln was a liberal. He attempted everything within his power to avoid a Civil War. The published version of American history doesn’t reflect the fact that Lincoln had offered to compromise his stand on slavery. He proposed that “One seventh of the slave population would be freed each year during […]

Judge Dale (ret’d) ~ The Great American Adventure 2B: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” Lord Acton, 1887

Judge Dale (Guest Writer) Shift Frequency | July 28 2012 The Founding Fathers rejected the Rothschilds’ request for another 20-year banking charter. In a fit of unbridled rage Mayer Amschel Rothschild requested King George’s help in fomenting war in the former colonies. King George’s advisers began plotting on Rothschild’s behalf. They believed if they could: Destroy the […]