Angel Messages For September 5 – 11, 2016, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a powerful week of change, especially in your career. Letting go of your old job or career is a strong possibility, leading to self-employment in your chosen field to gain more freedom, meaning, and stability.

World change also comes up, and always God and the angels remind us of the blessings, spiritual growth, and life lessons which can accompany any experience if we choose to look for it.

We pray that everyone going through changes receive the support, protection, and guidance that they need this week and always. If you ever feel nervous about changes, be sure to pray extra hard.

Doreen is working with the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes, available at bookstores worldwide, including at

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Sept 2016

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One thought on “Angel Messages For September 5 – 11, 2016, 2016 [Video]

  1. Paul, your highly inappropriate comment has been deleted.

    Please be advised I’m fine with thoughtful critiques of CONTENT, as that is the focus of this site. However, I am NOT fine with critiques of individuals who have no ILL INTENT toward humanity and – in their own way – are contributing to the creation of a more peaceful and loving world.

    It’s a pity you haven’t chosen do likewise but have rather chosen to display a scornful, derisive, rather ugly aspect of your personality. – Gillian Grannum

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