Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

c. Ann Albers,
c. 2015 Ann Albers,

In every moment there is truth or illusion. In every moment there is love or illusion. You, with the precious gift of free will, get to choose where you will focus, and therefore what you will be able to experience.

We know it is very challenging at times to see the love and feel the love that is all around you, and yet with a single act of willpower you can seek out something beautiful in all things, even in your own pain and anguish at times. Even within that is a desire for love arising within you. Even within that is a wish for better, for a kinder experience of life. Set your sights upon that. When life offers a challenge, by all means give yourself great compassion, but then allow yourself to acknowledge the love that is attempting to arise within you. You want help. You want comfort. You want to know that God’s love is there for you. In all things, in all moments, in all phases of your life, you want to know that God’s love is there for you. This love is as ever-present as the sun that shines behind the clouds, no matter how dark the storm.

So in any challenge dear ones, pray, “God I know you are there. Reveal yourself to me, even in this moment of challenge. Show me where to look for your love,” and then release your expectations and attempt to find something good inside of your heart or even around you. In that small choice to seek truth and seek love, dear ones, you are ever closer to the memory that you cannot be separate from it.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

SF Source VisionsOfHeaven  Feb 28 2015

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