Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

assistThe angels – The entire universe is designed to operate in a harmonious dance of divine synchronization. If you listen to your heart’s guidance, you will find yourself easily drawn to those you can assist or uplift and as well those dear souls who can assist and uplift you.

You are never alone and there is never a time when your needs are ignored. Look at all of creation! Ecosystems operate in a delicate and beautiful balance. Planets revolve precisely around stars which revolve in a graceful dance in the galaxies. Everything and every being in the natural universe is guided, cared for, and cherished in the heavens.

The human mind, however, loves to think of itself as separate. It is like a computer – a beautiful, amazing computer that you were gifted with upon your incarnation into this earthly life. It is a tool to be used, but not ever intended to be an authority over your heart.

So when you have a need or desire, before you even try to “figure out” how to handle or create it, stop and sit quietly. Breathe and focus on what it is you wish to create – perhaps a problem being solved, a challenge overcome, or an dream you would love to see manifest in your life. Place your attention there first. Then say a little prayer…

“Dear God, Dear Angels, I love this reality I wish to create. I would like your help. Please guide me. Let me know the next step.”

Then sit and breathe and see if anything comes to mind. It might be a quick thought, words in your head, a feeling, or just a knowing. If nothing comes to your awareness, relax, there is nothing to do at this time. Enjoy your day! Give us your worries! The Divine will let you know when it is time to act. We will guide you and help you understand any energies you need to shift within your heart and soul to allow for this good to flow into your lives.

Dear ones you are an integral part of creation. Your needs matter. Your desires are born from the heart of God. And this same creator wants very much to help and assist you with the live you are being guided to live. In very human terminology… Stop stressing, start asking for more help from the heavens, and trust that you are loved and guided beyond anything you could possibly imagine.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

SF Source Visions Of Heaven  May 2015

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