Power Is Not Through Intellectualization

InspireMeToday  October 4 2013

The most basic and fundamental truth of our existence is a miracle…

Our very reality is founded upon goodness, love, peace, and joy…

This is what we are to our core.

The very source of our existence has come from this goodness, and this is truly all that exists.

This also means that the negativity we experience in life, whether it be fear, anxiety, sorrow, or anger, is only an illusion.

Though this may seem far removed from the experience that most people are having in their life right now, it is possible for anyone and everyone to have an experience of this truth. There are many paths and techniques for having this experience and once you have it, you can never truly forget it. You will never quite be the same, and will never be quite as able to fully believe in pain, fear, or negativity.

So how do we come to know that the words I have just said are true? If you sincerely desire to know this truth, the way will be shown to you. My personal path was through meditation and study, with a strong dose of devotion and prayer. But there are other paths as well, and you may very well intuit that whatever path you feel most inclined to take will be the one most likely to lead you to this happy realization.

Indeed, everything in your entire life, this whole universe that you experience, is calling you to remember who you are, to remember that all is love, and that all is One, together in this love. No matter how far away you may feel from knowing this for yourself, you may take comfort in the fact that this truth can never leave you. It is always there, waiting for you to become aware of it.

This is why our lives are truly a miracle, because we are already saved, safe, and at home. No matter how far we may seem to stray, the ultimate peace and love that exists in the universe is never more than a few feet away, waiting to comfort us and return us to a state of joy and happiness.

There is so much talk these days about self-improvement, about fixing weaknesses, and developing strengths, about changing oneself, resolving karma, sowing seeds of luck to sprout into the future. These may be great ways to spend one’s time on earth, but it is so good to know that, no matter what, regardless of what happens, what life path you choose, what mistakes you make, or what knowledge you gain or don’t gain, you cannot avoid the inevitability that you will return home one day.

This is your birthright. This is the inevitable fate of one that was created in wholeness and Love, through a source that has never left you, and never will.

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