Align your emotional responses with actions

emotionsVeronica – In your physical experience, it is important to take the time to develop your emotions.  The thoughts you use to create your reality are shaded by the emotional participation of your consciousness.

A tempering of the emotional expression is needed to participate in reality fully.  Feeling the moment while creating it, often brings about a more vivid experience.

Always attempt to align your emotional responses with actions, rather than reaction.  This way the participation is fully created from your core rather than another’s.

Recognize the power emotions emanate whether they be positive or negative.  Letting them run rampant is not a good use of the energy.  Learning to balance them within will lead to a better created reality.

There are many who will not know where to begin, and those who do not acknowledge emotion as a viable energy.  We say that both ends of the spectrum must decide to engage, whether they “feel it” or not.  Such power should be acknowledged and studied to achieve the better experience.

Emotions exist in all of you.  It is for you to decide how much to let it.  Know, however, that it does exist in everyone of you.

Engage it.

Act within it.

Become a more colorful creator.

A full spectrum is available, however, you should decide to use it.

It can be volatile, but in that energy, quite remarkable.”

SF Source April Crawford May 2017

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