The Eddies of Illusion

Freefall – What is most important to you?   What means the most to me is freedom, as no slave can be allowed to grow beyond the level of their master.

Life is a grand ride and we were meant to experience it in full. From these experiences comes the opportunity to learn. This type of learning is intrinsic and often has little or nothing to do with what others tell us to believe.

For those of us truly receptive to learning from our own life experiences, it appears that we are now being given multiple opportunities to transcend our current state.

As an example, there are certain areas in my life in which recurrent experiences are slamming me pretty hard right now. This is occurring because I have yet to learn the lesson that these experiences wish to convey. I know that I am not alone in this. Time to let go of the backwash behaviors holding us back from the flow.

We have a distinct advantage over our enemy. Because we are individuals rather than those blindly following someone else’s script, we can collaborate by presenting our own unique perspectives which in turn creates an unending wave of synchronicity leading to a higher level of consciousness for us all.

But it must be stated that this synchronicity between us can be “dammed up” by those of us who have yet to give up their petty jealousies or other nefarious motivations regarding each other. For those still caught up in these eddies of illusion, I’m not sure that you realize how much damage to the stream of consciousness that you are causing yourselves as well as the rest of us.

No matter how this all turns out, the soul of the individual will end up where it belongs. I have no doubt of that. But it is the collective consciousness that will save the world.

It’s time for those of us seeking the Light to put aside our differences and follow the flow together, allowing our inspirations to guide us rather than remaining fixated upon the desires implanted within our minds by the manipulators that were meant to keep us down. With the vanishing of these artificial boundaries, the cosmic current will reach the hearts and minds of others who in turn will also begin to follow this more natural flow for their lives.

SF Source Zen Gardner  Apr 2016

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