Chautauqua ~ Fukushima Silence

Before Fukushima

Fukushima silenceSo you walked the path prescribed for you, making certain that you acquired all the requirements for success.  You maintained good grades in school and never caused trouble, for you knew the importance of a good reputation.  You played well with others.

Maybe you even deferred freedom and adventure until after establishing yourself a solid financial foundation.  You played the The Game of Life by the rules; knowing you’d get your chance in the fullness of time.

You navigated the unforeseen obstacles which more often than not turned out to be mid-course corrections for your life, maybe you even found true love and began a family of your own.  Your sacrifices earlier in life paid good rewards and propelled you toward the success you always had your sights on.  Despite the uncertainty of a world in transition; your personal world was on the fast track, and your head full of all the things you wanted to accomplish.  You were fully invested in The Grand Masquerade.

That was four years ago, just before the world changed forever.  Before Fukushima!

Suddenly you feel as if the universe pulled the future out from under you just as your vested interest in it manifested.  This isn’t supposed to be happening, yet it is, and it has forever altered the way things go on planet earth from now on.  Perhaps for the first time in the common era an event has occurred which will affect every living organism on the planet, except for the cockroaches.

Chance makes a plaything of a mans life”  Seneca 

First we all heard of the massive 9.0 offshore earthquake and tsunami.  Later we learned that tsunami had taken out the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant in northern Japan.  The rest, as they say is history; except that history is generally covered in the press and media of the day.  The first casualty of this on-going planetary disaster, was the truth.  Tepco and the Japanese government clamped the cover-up lid down hard & fast to conceal their ineptitude and incompetence.


The first official American involvement came when the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was sent into the area for assessment and assistance.  The first act of American censorship came when the ship and crew were exposed to lethal levels of radioactive fallout from the initial explosion.  That cover-up continues to this day, naturally.  When it wants to the American government can move with lightning speed, which was about how fast west coast radiation sensors were turned off.  Interestingly enough, soon thereafter our illustrious leaders quietly increased the personal radiation exposure levels; while saying publicly there was no reason for alarm.  Every year they quietly increase the “safe” levels a bit more…same way you cook a lobster! Continue reading. . .

SF Source AugureyeExpress  Mar 1 2015

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