Become An Allow-a-holic

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 14 2011

FeelingWhenever you can allow for everything to be exactly the way it is, you stop creating conflict within yourself and with everyone around you. A great peace comes in that gives you sooo much new energy, creativity and joy that it starts to take over the time you would have spent dwelling in frustration and despair.   Most people get blocked thinking they cannot
allow for the bad thoughts and feeling to be there.

Yet, I find that when I just give them a little space, allow them to have the feeling they need to have, very soon they dissipate into this spaciousness and the feeling of freedom takes over my soul. There is always a time to step in and take action. Yet when it comes to truly transcending all suffering and struggling, try allowing for every thing, thought, feeling and person to be whatever it wants to become.

Miracles show up when we simply let go and allow for it all to unfold as it will.

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