Fluoride: The Hard To Swallow Truth

Activist Post July 14 2013

Alzheimer's diseaseFluoride awareness is growing as more people are discovering the dangers associated with the use and consumption of fluoride. Whether it be the link between fluoride and the increased prominence of Alzheimer’s, or the link to cancer, people are realizing the archaic and uneducated use of fluoride is not the best choice given what we know today. There are alternatives!

A couple of years ago I made a short documentary to help spread the word as I was learning more about Fluoride. It is called Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth. This film got a request to be in a film festival recently and I am writing this post to help spread the word and share this film globally while it’s in the festival. I have to admit that there are a couple of areas in the film that I wish I could adjust slightly. For example when I talk about the use of Fluoride in Nazi concentration camps, I want to be clear that this is alleged and still awaiting full proof. I also want to be clear that used topically (not in water fluoridation), Fluoride, in some cases, can help to harden enamel. But let’s also be clear that the absolute right amount needs to be used for efficacy, and even at that you are taking in a cumulative poison.

Below is a link to the film in the festival. I would love it if you could help out the film by viewing it and sharing it with the world! Already this film has been doing very well and getting a lot of attention in the festival. This has been great for the message!

View this movie at cultureunplugged.com

Link to film – http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/12044/Fluoride–The-Hard-to-Swallow-Truth

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