Cleanse Your Liver With The Help Of This Amazing Juice

liverThe liver is crucial to the healthy functioning of the human body. It serves as the body’s laboratory, performing many vital functions and neutralizing harmful agents. If the liver becomes stressed or overly compromised it can seriously harm our overall health and well-being.

So here is the recipe for a healthy drink that cleanses your liver naturally and restores its full strength and vitality.

Liver Cleansing Juice- Recipe


  • 4 mint leaves
  • 3 tablespoons linseed oil
  • 3 grapefruits
  • 6 fresh lemons
  • ginger root
  • 4 garlic bulbs
  • little cumin powder
  • 500 ml (16 oz.) water, (boiled and cooled)

Method of preparation

Squeeze the grapefruits and lemons

Shred the ginger and garlic

Place all together in a blender. Add some water. Blend

Strain the mixture after processing to remove fruit lumps.

Add 500 ml (16 oz ) of water, as well as the ginger and garlic juice to this mixture in the blender, and keep adding the mint, the cumin powder and the linseed oil.

Finally, stir a bit more and your powerful juice is ready.

How to use

You can drink this amazing juice to cleanse the liver and bolster health in either of two beneficial ways.

1 – Consume only this juice for five days and drinking liquids for the entire duration of the cleanse (no solids)

2 – Eat fresh, raw fruits and vegetables on the first and on the fifth day for five days. Consume only the liver cleansing juice on the second through fourth day.

Original Source: healthcareaboveall

SF Source Rise Earth  Oct 2015

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3 thoughts on “Cleanse Your Liver With The Help Of This Amazing Juice

  1. Why not use the standard olive oil?
    And this blog does not say what is recommended # of ounces to drink per day, how often, and what are total amounts of ingredients to enact the full 5 days of cleansing? What about adding in coffee enemas?

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