Volcanic New Moon

April 18, 2:57pm EDT, 11:57am PDT, 21:57 GDT – New Moon at 28 Aries 25

Image: NASA photo of volcano on Venus. It’s intensely hot— 900F!—on our closest neighboring planet.

Kelley Hunter – Another New Moon on a cusp between signs—fiery Aries to earthy Taurus— signals another level of transition, almost like an erupting volcano pouring forth a river of lava. In the long run this mineral-rich lava gives rise to new life. (see the power of lava in this wonderful clip, thanks John: https://youtu.be/f6hZUuE5y3o)

Do you believe in magic? This Aries New Moon opens new horizons in spacetime. Intention produces that magic—as long as we believe. Subtle vibrations are in play. We stand on a thrilling threshold. What path will you take? In less than two hours, the Moon enters solid Taurus, followed by the Sun on Monday, an earthy sign that likes to get its hand around life. Practical and results oriented, Taurus demonstrates that what we sow is what we will reap. We ground our chosen ideas and ideals in a real way through the thoughts we think and the actions we take. Dreams we reaffirmed during this past eclipse month begin to take form, slowly but surely, like a bowl on potter’s wheel. A new experience of reality emerges.

VENUS in GEMINI is aligned with the Eye of the Bull, the powerful red supergiant star, Aldebaran, the Watcher of the East. This ancient star sees deep into the Universe, beyond the surface appearance into the underlying reality, beyond life and death. Through that Bull’s Eye, we see a new world emerge, slightly out of our direct vision, more clearly with our third eye. Venus confers with SATURN in SAGITTARIUS. We may be faced with a moral dilemma that challenges our integrity. How will you and I respond? And how will we respond as a collective consciousness? We cannot compromise. Rebirth is an all-or-nothing proposition.

NEPTUNE in PISCES is a big player in this New Moon cycle, interacting with Venus on one side and Saturn on the other, calling for a highly aesthetic response that uplifts our vision. Deep mystical waves are entering our solar system, stimulating our dreams and spiritual practices. Dreams may linger, turning the day into a field of dreams. The edge between reality and non-reality is very hazy, allowing messages to penetrate the veils between the worlds, resulting in some particularly meaningful insights and creative urges. Our mundane reality is infused with cosmic seeds, like glitter or confetti. Romance is in the air, as well as enriching art, movies and fashion. I recently watched Diana Vreeland: The Eye Must Travel, a documentary about the life work of this extraordinary visionary. Her unfettered originality and extravagant exuberance knocked my socks off. That’s the kind of stuff that can happen in this Moon cycle when we are being true to our essence.

Whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the changing season offers a wealth of beauty to feed body and soul. Enjoy the special bounties of Nature through the exquisite aromas of essential oils, psychosomatic flower essences and herbs that enhance our emotional, neurological and aetheric wellbeing—or simply being still with your back against a tree. Feel that deeply-rooted support. Give yourself time to let impressions sink in and to sort through issues that come up. Anxieties are likely to arise through the increased sensitivity of our times. Clarify what is arising in you in relation to what you are feeling from others. Self-compassion and kindness toward others go a long way to ease any tensions.

MARS and MERCURY in Taurus advise us to pay attention to how things work. We can put our heads together to find pragmatic solutions for all sorts of mundane concerns, including financial issues. Just discussing things can to a listening ear can help us gain perspective. Keep an ear out for ideas you have never considered before. Don’t wallow in the mud of thinking that you are stuck and have no options. Watch out for where you or others are dramatizing any persistent bad luck to gain attention. Many of us are just like spoiled children who need to take responsibility for our lives. Don’t keep telling the old story, when it’s time to turn the page and write a new one or, at least, a new ending. There are all kinds of answers out there. Ask around. These two planets put out a lot of productive energy. JUPITER in Leo adds a dramatic flair, enhancing the arts. Dance and sing as you will, but watch a tendency toward extravagance that you may regret later. Not that we shouldn’t be enjoying ourselves to the hilt, but it doesn’t always take money to do so, and we need to watch how much garbage we leave in our wake.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 29 Aries is:


reaffirming the cosmic power of this Moon.

In her book, The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle, Lynda Hill writes:

“It appears that it doesn’t matter if things are going well or not. If you are in tune with your own inner voice, this can be a time of atonement with your path.” In music composition dissonant chords indicate change and are ultimately resolved into harmony as the piece is played through. Lynda quotes John Coltrane and Johannes Kepler:

“All a musician can do is to get closer to the sources of nature, and so feel that he is in communion with the natural laws.”

“The heavenly motions…are nothing but a continuous song for several voices, perceived not by the ear but by the intellect, a figured music which sets landmarks in the immeasurable flow of time.”

SF Source Heliastar  April 2015

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