Nikola Tesla Discoveries That Changed The World [Full Video]

Nikola Tesla’s futuristic thinking was quite unique in its time and his innovation of alternating current transformed our world. However, few people really understand the extent of Tesla’s discoveries.

We also look at experiments with zero point energy technology…and its relevance to our spiritual evolution. Also wireless energy systems are demonstrated, the type of power used by Tesla in his dramatic energy displays, only on a smaller scale.

The Magnevex name is derived from the words “magnetic vortex.” This electromagnetic generator was developed using ideas inspired by the work of Tesla and Ernest L. Norman, founder of the Unarius Society.

Tesla knew the secrets of this UFO technology, so we study Telsa’s work looking for clues. One of his books is the “Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900”, which details Tesla’s experiments with wireless power transmission.

Attempts to unlock the secrets of the high frequency electromagnetic field have led us to study the Fibonacci spiral array and the golden mean ratio. These can be seen everywhere in the natural world, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. This video will explain the importance of these geometric relationships to energy theory during the course of this talk.

SF Source Zohar StarGate TV May 2017

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