Revisionist Truths

ShiftFrequencyNewsletter  March 30 – April 5 2014


In 2011 a team of Australian archaeologists discovered a fish hook in East Timor that proved deep-sea fishing occurred around 42,000 years ago. While this discovery flies in the face of established Darwinian dogma it is modest compared with Professor Michael Morwood’s discovery that “some 800,000 years ago Homo erectus… had reached the island of Flores.”  Dr. Morwood’s dating is supported by volcanic tuff deposits that sandwich “indisputable stone artifacts.” In addition “associated extinct fauna were securely dated by the well-tried and tested fission-track method” to around 800 thousand years ago.

Dr. Morwood’s findings were quietly shelved and rapidly forgotten as they conclusively disproved too many pet archaeological theories. Steven Strong notes “Despite the climate of academic selectivity, the issue still remains;every academic and official text denies that Homo erectus was able to invent such a boat, nor was bold and intelligent enough to embark on such a leap of faith into the unknown, yet this hard evidence exists.

Junk DNA Not Just Junk After All

In April 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick wrote a scientific paper in which they presented the structure of the DNA-helix, the molecule that carries genetic information from one generation to the other. Their discovery allowed mapping of code proteins and enzymes which accounted for 2 – 5 percent of the DNA data observed. This meant 95-98% of DNA “text” was not being used to code proteins and enzymes, the building blocks of physical form.

This vast plurality was immediately designated “junk” when scientists determined it wasn’t contributing in any measurable way to the construction of physical form. From their perspective and for the next few decades such seemingly purposeless genetic code made insufficient sense to warrant investigation.

Fortunately a degree of intellectual curiosity prevailed and, in 2003 (50 years later), a consortium of 400 scientists joined together to figure out the junk. As a result we now know that a large portion of “junk” DNA is made up of “mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) or “jumping DNA,” which can rewrite and activate—or deactivate—certain genetic codes. Jumping DNA reportedly makes up as much as half of the total DNA nucleotides.”

From 2003 to September 2012 these scientists analyzed all three billionpairs of genetic code that comprise human DNA. They confirmed that “far more of it is biologically active than had been widely believed. In fact, eighty percent of our DNA is performing a specific function, confirming that most non-protein-coding “junk” DNA is not junk at all.

Perhaps more importantly, in the context of the foregoing discussion, these scientists also identified four million “switch genes,” which are sections of DNA that control when genes are switched on or off in cells. These can even be a long way from the actual gene they control (in an uncoiled DNA strand).”

Satellite DNA

“Another major portion of the non-protein-coding regions of the genome is composed of variable-number, randomly repeating sequences known as “satellite DNA.” Microbiologist William Brown believes that through specific conformational arrangements, satellite DNA interfaces with the so-called “morphic field.” Various conformations have specific resonances with the morphic field and can tune into different information programs. Since satellite DNA is very specific to each person, each of us tunes into a distinct and unique morphogenetic pattern.

It seems likely that both jumping DNA and satellite DNA interface with the morphic field, thus responding to alterations in one’s state of consciousness”

DNA Responds to Solfeggio Frequencies & Vowel Chanting

“By simply utilizing the correct vowel chanting technique—the most important ingredient—and a 528-Hertz Solfeggio tuning fork . . . apparently some of your mobile genetic elements can be activated to harness greater amounts of torsion energy from time-space/aether.

“With the Regenetics Method, DNA activation occurs incrementally as one goes through the different stages of Potentiation, Articulation, Elucidation and Transcension. Potentiation—the first phase—specifically employs the “mi” note of 528 Hertz, which has been used by molecular biologists to correct genetic defects and is also known simply as “Love Hertz.”

Science Meets Metaphysics

“According to the Regenetics model, after 5 months of tuning the formerly “junk” DNA a 9th (out-of-place/displaced) vortex residing above the 8th vortex/chakra (also above the head) descends and seals the “energy drain in the second centre referred to esoterically as the “fragmentary body”. The result is a balanced octave of eight vortices/chakras. The result of the total process of the Regenetics Method—which unfolds over 27 months—is a gentle and progressive kundalini awakening and healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies/layers of the psyche.”

Healing Potential Activated

“Many switches are linked to changes in risk levels for various diseases and disorders. We have the field of epigenetics to thank for proving that local environmental triggers (including stress) are ultimately more important in determining the activation or silencing of certain genes—and therefore our biological health—than inherent genetic defects (which account only for about five percent of all diseases).

“Based on many testimonials, often allergies disappear, old injuries repair, serious diseases vanish, the body detoxifies, emotional baggage is purged, and a sense of peace and well-being develop. Some people can even begin to sense their fundamental interconnectedness with creation, a development that reaches its fullest fruition with the completion of the final stage, after the prefrontal lobes in the brain have been awakened through Elucidation.”

Humanity’s Evolutionary Potential Is Vast

With the extinction of bottom-up Darwinian “DNA primacy,” we can and must relinquish the moribund notion that our genetic inheritance is a done deal which we can no more change than the Earth’s orbital pathway around the Sun.

The various lines of research discussed herein reveal that in using vowels and targeted light and sound frequencies to deliberately change our genetic expression in a controlled fashion, we can also change our consciousness—and vice versa.

We can change our consciousness and, in turn, alter genetic expression (more or less permanently). No longer can a human be conceived of as a powerless Darwinian “meat computer” at the mercy of the random forces of “natural selection.”

Murphy’s article is well worth reading in its entirely. It explains (without trying) why so much effort is being expended today by the Controller Class in its doomed attempt to prevent the inevitable leap in consciousness that has already begun – and is accelerating – within the human species.

Until next week,


© 2014 Gillian Grannum  All Rights Reserved


Brendan D. Murphy ~ Junk DNA: Doorway To Transformation

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L.J. Devon ~ South Africa Has Ordered Monsanto To Stop Making False Advertising Claims About GMOs

Steven Strong ~ 42,000 Year Old Fishing Hook Defies ‘Accepted’ Aboriginal History

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Dana Mrkich ~ Freedom, Truth And Raging Against The Machine

Jon Rappoport ~ Why The Law Of Attraction Fails

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