Drought, Agenda 21 & Genocide: A Dome Of Deceit [Video]


Harley Schlanger, historian and national spokesman for LaRouchePAC joins SGTReport to decipher all the latest fascist tyranny in the “Land of the free”.

On the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: “Obama drew a line in the sand and said to our allies, “You must not join the AIIB.” And one by one our allies have turned their back on him.”

On the California Drought: “This IS a form of population reduction. Jerry Brown stated last week the nature of California can sustain only 300,000 – 500,000 people. Now you’ve got 39 million people in that state, what’s going to happen to the other 38.5 million? This is a genocide waiting to happen. ”

On Jeb VS. Hillary 2016: These two candidate represent everything that is terrible about the last two decades in the United States. And yet they’re being portrayed as “inevitable.”

On American populace: “Americans are CLUELESS on these broader issues.”

Harley’s site: http:/Larouchepac.com/

SchlangerHarley Schlanger has a B.A. in Political Science from University of Wisconsin, a M.A. in European History from Rutgers University and an honoree of the National Defense Education Act Fellowship.  Schlanger has been an associate and spokesperson for the Lyndon LaRouche Pac since 1972. He is also a journalist with the Executive Intelligence Review magazine and a board member of the Schiller Institute. He has written on many subjects, especially on economics, from the banking deregulation bills of 1980-2, and the S&L crisis where deregulation spawned, to the Greenspan bubbles, and to the crash of 2008.

He wrote numerous articles on the “Enron model” of derivation speculation, and the housing bubble. Since 2009, he has spent time in Europe, where he has participated in numerous seminars in France, Germany, Austria and Italy, speaking on the failure of the Euro and the speculative economy. In 1990, he ran for the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. Senate in Texas, receiving nearly 250,000 votes (25%) in the primary election. He has also served as a campaign adviser to Kesha Rogers, who twice won the Democratic nomination for U.S. Congress in the 22nd District of Texas, and is running in 2014 for the U.S. Senate seat in Texas. He lives in Houston, Texas, with his wife and daughter.

SF Source SGTreport.com  April 2015

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