Security, And BREXIT

Michael Noonan – We wrote the following article last Tuesday as a consequence of expanding on the key word “security” and what is its impact for most of us.  Then BREXIT happened on Friday.  Actually, BREXIT is all about security, concern about personal security for those who voted to get out of the elite spider trap called the EU.  A  few thoughts on that will be added following what was already prepared.

What is one of the most important feelings one can have for him of her self, for one’s family?  In a word, security.  Security that one is safe in their daily existence, from the time they leave home in the morning until the time they return at the end of the day, and all the time in between.  Security that their loved ones are always safe.  Security that their efforts for making a life for themselves, for the betterment of their family will not be taken away. Security that what one accumulates in the process of life will always be there.

Is that asking too much?

If you ask your family, your neighbors, your friends, all will say no.  If you ask the government, you will be viewed as a suspicious domestic terrorist for considering anything that is not government promoted and sanctioned.

Since when did the government become the Uberlord over all?  Who gave that permission? No one!  The government took it, and in the taking, the government has snatched away everyone’s security.

GoldInScalesWhere did it start?  Follow the money.

When were the most prosperous and secure times for everyone [we will focus on America to keep it simple, not to be narcissistic]?  When the United States was first on a silver standard until 1834, and then on a gold standard until 1914, they were considered the most prosperous of times, and there were no taxes, no IRS, no overbearing government.

The United States was effectively on a silver standard until 1834, thereafter, it was on the gold standard until 1914, with the exception of the Greenback era (1862- 1879). No other countries have been on a gold standard for so long and, not coincidentally, no others have been so relatively prosperous as these two were during their gold standard eras.  The same can be said of Britain when it was on a gold standard for almost 200 years, starting in the early 1700s.

Gold and silver were supreme money during those times.  Everyone who had them also had financial security.  Those who had little or none were still beneficiaries of security because that is what the prevailing sense was at the time.  Some have always been better off than others, but the have-nots had their own relative sphere of security.

Not today.  The Rothschilds have essentially been the progenitors of what has become the globalist’s agenda of creating a New World Order to rule over everyone and everything.

How did it come about?  How has the fabric of security that used to be the cocoon each family spun for themselves develop only to have it ripped apart, and also of societies, even nations?

They took away the gold.  They took away the one thing that represented financial security as the building block for financial and personal independence.  No one needed government when they had their own ability to be free of outside control, which essentially means free of government control.  The plan of the Rothschilds-cum-globalists has always been to take away all the gold and replace it with infinite debt in the form of paper fiat.

The reality of security had gradually been replaced with the illusion of paper wealth.  The globalists counted on the public’s ignorance of what money is during their bait-and-switch from intrinsic value of gold and silver to the emptiness of the perception that paper was as good as gold.  It worked.

During the silver and gold standards, the value of the then-lawful dollar hardly changed over the span of 100 years.  Since the globalist’s foreign-owned Federal Reserve usurped the US Constitution and took control of the US money supply [as Rothschild doubled over with laughter from his grave], the value of a 1913 Federal Reserve Note today is worth about a few cents, give or take a penny.

Where once prosperity and security reigned for centuries, over the span of the last century, people now scurry about like lab rats, trying to eke out an existence while government interferes with every single aspect of daily life, where Orwell’s 1984 has become present tense, actually starting well before 1984, by many decades.

“Four legs good, two legs bad.”  The elites have used language to control and [mis]lead the masses.

Gold and silver have been replaced by paper [debt], plastic [debt], and now digitized accounting of debt [in the guise of supposed wealth].  The frogs [public] are boiling themselves alive, and sadly, those being boiled still look to the government that controls the heat as ironic “saviors.”  Black has become white.  Lies have become truths.  Life is a constant form of anxiety.  People are not happy.

How is it that the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize wants government control of guns in America as his own government arms the rest of the world with the deadliest weapons known to man?

How is it that people have allowed themselves to become so deficiently conditioned not to see the hypocrisy behind every form of government?

Even among those who own and hold gold and silver, their minds have still successfully been conditioned.  But to their credit, their innate sense that not all is as it seems in the faux “real world” that exists at the behest of the globalists and carried out by those who are in control of governments, including those who were never elected but still control the EU, buying and owning gold and silver is the most sane act one can do.

“Stop The World, I Want To Get Off” is a title from a 1966 musical where the protagonist realizes who he is and why, after 35 years of making his decisions.  Those who opt to own and personally hold gold and silver are making the best possible decision and stand the best chance in life.  There may never be a return to the general security that gold and silver once freely represented, but owning either or both is the closest one will ever come to enjoying whatever degree once can in being secure in a very insecure world.

“Four legs good, gold and silver better.”

As to BREXIT, the closer it came to voting, the more optimistic the REMAIN camp became, especially after the senseless killing of Jo Cox, a British MP who favored the EU. We commented on that tragedy, last week [Insanity Is World “Norm,” see pars 19-21]. The night before the vote, it became close to being taken for granted that REMAIN would prevail.  Our interest in the vote had a different twist to it.  Continue reading . . .

Michael Noonan is a Contributing Writer for Shift Frequency

SF Source Edge Trader Plus  June 2016

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