Simone Butler ~ Aquarius Full Moon: Get The Party Started

“We’re bombing Iraq again, the NYPD is terrorizing residents and elephants and rhinos are on the brink of extinction. It’s hard to keep an upbeat attitude when a morning perusal of the news is so distressing. Especially with heavyweight Saturn squaring the Sun and Mercury. Yet there’s also cause for celebration at tomorrow’s Aquarius Full Moon.” S Butler

GetThePartyStartedLionOkay here it is, the most festive full moon of the summer! (Sunday Aug. 10, 11:09 a.m. PDT). The fun-loving Leo Sun lights up the sociable Aquarius Moon all weekend. So why, you may wonder, are you feeling so crotchety or exhausted, and boogeying down is the last thing on your mind? Probably because Saturn has crashed the party. Its square to the Sun and Moon casts a damper on things—though a trine from Uranus is trying its best to keep our spirits up. Also, Mercury is traveling with the Sun in Leo—adding both mental frustration and the possibility of creative solutions to the mix.

Everywhere I turn, people are at their wit’s end about something. They’ve had it with their jobs and are ready to quit. They’re done with mourning a lost love and have finally put their profile up on a dating site. They’re sick to death of a nasty habit and are finally ready to give it up. That’s Saturn—he who slams a door to the outworn past and opens another to a sparkling future. How do you know which door is closing? Just look at where you’re feeling the most pain. That’s where you need to muster the courage to let go.

Luckily, Leo is all about courage. So rev up your Lion heart and surround yourself with your Aquarian pals at this Full Moon. If you walk through that big, scary door, know that magic awaits on the other side. At least give the Full Moon its due and have a little fun this weekend!

Simone Butler is an intuitive astrologer with more than 25 years of experience in helping people engage with the mystery of their lives. Easy to understand yet life-changing, Simone’s interpretations of the natal chart and planetary cycles are geared toward those who seek radical insight and inspiration. Find out more about her consultations here.

SF Source AstroAlchemy  August 9 2014

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